35 research outputs found

    Prime osservazioni su specie perenni ed annue autoriseminanti in vista della organizzazione di catene di foraggiamento in ambienti mediterranei

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    Nel corso del periodo 1987-89 sono state valutate le potenzialità produttive e la distribuzione della produzione di 32 tra ecotipi e varietà di graminacee e leguminose foraggere annue e perenni provenienti prevalentemente dall'Italia centrale. La prova è stata condotta contemporaneamente in tre ambienti appartenenti a diverse zone bioclimatiche dell'area mediterranea (Perugia, Grosseto e Sassari) utilizzando uno schema sperimentale a blocchi randomizzati con quattro ripetizioni. I rilievi effettuati hanno riguardato il ricopri mento specifico e la produzione di sostanza secca determinata con criteri differenti: mensilmente per le leguminose annue; al 50% della fioritura e quindi mensilmente per le leguminose perenni; all'inizio della spigatura e quindi mensilmente per le graminacee. Per le specie annuali oltre alla sostanza secca è stata determinata la produzione di seme. L'obiettivo è stato quello di caratterizzare materiali che possano essere impiegati scalarmente per dilatare il periodo di utilizzazione diretta al pascolo. Dai risultati è stato possibile individuare, a seconda delle località, alcune popolazione di Medicago polymorpha L., Trifolium subterraneum L. e Lotus sp. pl. che hanno permesso di anticipare il periodo di utilizzazione primaverile e prolungare quello autunnale. Su questa base sono stati ipotizzati esempi di catene di foraggiamento semplificate (a tre anelli). Per quanto concerne le specie annue autoriseminanti, esse sembrano poter svolgere un importante ruolo nella regolazione della distribuzione stagionale della produzione foraggera nelle due località caratterizzate da un clima più tipicamente mediterraneo (Grosseto e Sassari) mentre la produzione di seme è risultata più che soddisfacente per assicurare l'autorisemina in tutte e tre le località. During the period 1987-1989, the yield and the distribution of forage production of 32 ecotypes and varieties of annual and perennial forage Iegumes and grasses were evaluated. The origin of plant materials was CentraI Italy. The trial was carried out in three environments characterized by different Mediterranean subclimates (Perugia, Grosseto and Sassari). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replicates. Specific ground cover was assessed in fall 1987, 1988 and 1989. Dry matter yield was assessed: monthly for annual legumes; at 50% of flowering and then monthly for perennial legumes; at early heading and then monthly for grasses. Seed yield of annual species was also recorded. Aim of the trial was to characterize plant materials that could be utilized subsequently in order to extend the period of direct utilization of herbage by grazing animals. It was possible depending on localities, to identify some populations of Medicago polymorpha L., Trifolium subterraneum L. and Lotus sp. pl.. that allowed to bring forward the spring utilization and to extend the autumn utilization. On the basis of the resu1ts obtained, it was possible to set up some simplified forage chains. Annual self reseeding species seemed to be more important to improve seasonal distribution of herbages in the typical Mediterranean locations (Sassari and Grosseto). Seed production was more than appreciable in order to allow self reseeding at the three locations

    Polymer-based black phosphorus (bP) hybrid materials by in situ radical polymerization: an effective tool to exfoliate bP and stabilize bP nanoflakes

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    Black phosphorus (bP) has been recently investigated for next generation nanoelectronic multifunctional devices. However, the intrinsic instability of exfoliated bP (the bP nanoflakes) towards both moisture and air has so far overshadowed its practical implementation. In order to contribute to fill this gap, we report here the preparation of new hybrid polymer-based materials where bP nanoflakes exhibit a significantly improved stability. The new materials have been prepared by different synthetic paths including: i) the mixing of conventionally liquid-phase exfoliated bP (in DMSO) with PMMA solution; ii) the direct exfoliation of bP in a polymeric solution; iii) the in situ radical polymerization after exfoliating bP in the liquid monomer (methyl methacrylate, MMA). This last methodology concerns the preparation of stable suspensions of bPn-MMA by sonication-assisted liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) of bP in the presence of MMA followed by radical polymerization. The hybrids characteristics have been compared in order to evaluate the bP dispersion and the effectiveness of the bPn interfacial interactions with polymer chains aimed at their long-term environmental stabilization. The passivation of bPn results particularly effective when the hybrid material is prepared by in situ polymerization. By using this synthetic methodology, the nanoflakes, even if with a gradient of dispersion (size of aggregates), preserve their chemical structure from oxidation (as proved by both Raman and 31P-Solid State NMR studies) and are particularly stable to air and UV light exposure

    Produzione di seme di leguminose foraggere annuali in tre ambienti italiani

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    The seed production of 18 natural populations and varieties of annual forage legumes mainly collected in CentraI Italy have been evaluated in three Italian sites with contrasting climate and soil types. AlI species belonged to the genus Medicago and Trifolium. The experiments were carried out in Perugia, Grosseto and Sassari that belong to different bioclimatic zones of the Mediterranean area. The folIowing measurements were taken: seedlings establishment, monthly covering rate, seed yield and its components, percentage of hard seeds. The medics seed yields were not uniform between years particular1y in Perugia where the highest average yield was reached (800 kg ha-1) while the lowest one was recorded in Sassari (300 kg ha-1). A subclover seed yield of about 1600 kg ha-1 was recorded in Perugia in the first year. The persian clover was the highest yielding among the clovers with small seed size (1000-1600 kg ha-1). The seed yield components showed that the seed yield and the number of legumes per square meter were not always correlated. Seed hardiness increased going from humid to semiarid environments. The results show a good potential for annual legume seed yield in the Mediterranean environment. This is important either for the persistency by self reseeding of species to be included permanently in pasturelands and also for the seed production at a commercial level. Moreover, results point out that by exploring Italian genetic resources it is possible to find interesting genotypes to be inc1uded in a wide range of agricultural environments. In tre ambienti italiani con caratteristiche pedo-climatiche differenti sono state valutate le potenzialità produttive di seme di 18 popolazioni e varietà di leguminose foraggere annuali, appartenenti ai generi Medicago e Trifolium, provenienti in prevalenza dal Centro-Italia. La prova è stata condotta-contemporaneamente in tre località corrispondenti ad altrettante zone bioclimatiche dell'area mediterranea (Perugia, Grosseto e Sassari). I rilievi effettuati hanno riguardato l'insediamento, il ricoprimento specifico mensile, la produzione di seme e le sue componenti e la percentuale di semi duri. Le produzioni di seme delle mediche sono risultate oscillanti negli anni, avendo raggiunto al primo e al terzo anno valori più elevati che al secondo, in particolar modo a Perugia dove sono state ottenute le produzioni medie più elevate (800 kg ha-1) mentre le più basse sono state registrate a Sassari (300 kg ha-1). La produzione di seme di trifoglio sotterraneo ha raggiunto valori considerevoli a Perugia al primo anno (circa 1600 kg ha-1). Per quanto riguarda i trifogli a seme minuto, il trifoglio persiano ha manifestato un elevato potenziale produttivo al primo anno nei tre ambienti di prova (1000-1600 kg ha-1). Riguardo le componenti della produzione i risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato che non sempre esiste uno stretto legame fra produzione di seme e numero di infruttescenze per unità di superficie. La durezza dei semi è risultata via via crescente dall'ambiente umido a quello semi-arido e mediamente inferiore nel trifoglio sotterraneo rispetto alle mediche ed ai trifogli a seme minuto. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato in generale buone potenzialità per la produzione di seme di leguminose annuali in ambiente mediterraneo. Questo aspetto riveste un'importanza duplice: per la persistenza per autorisemina di specie da inserire permanentemente nella flora dei pascoli, e per la produzione di seme su scala commerciale. Inoltre, i risultati indicano che dall'esplorazione delle risorse genetiche italiane è possibile individuare genotipi particolarmente interessanti per l'inserimento in un'ampia gamma di realtà agricole e ambientali

    Inflammatory bowel disease nurse specialists for patients on biological therapies: a nationwide Italian survey

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    Background Management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients requires a multidisciplinary approach. Among the working team, the role of IBD nurse is expected to be particularly relevant when managing patients receiving biological therapies. We performed a survey to assess the presence of IBD nurse in centers where patients were receiving biologics. Methods For this Italian nationwide survey a specific questionnaire was prepared. IBD nurse was defined as a nurse directly involved in all phases of biological therapy, from pre-therapy screening, administration and monitoring during therapy, to follow up performed by a dedicated helpline, completed a specific training on biological therapy therapy, and observed international guidelines. Results A total of 53 Italian IBD centers participated in the survey, and 91 valid questionnaires were collected. Overall, 34 (37.4%) nurses could be classified as IBD specialists. IBD nurses had a significantly higher educational level than other nurses, they were more frequently operating in Central or Southern than in Northern Italy, they were working in an Academic center rather than in a General hospital, and in IBD centers with >25 patients on biological therapy. On the contrary, mean age, gender distribution, years of nursing, and years working in the IBD unit did not significantly differ between IBD and other nurses. Conclusions Our nationwide survey showed that the presence of an IBD nurse is still lacking in the majority of Italian IBD centers where patients receive biological therapies, suggesting a prompt implementation

    The importance of interspecific competition in the actual and future distributions of plant species assessed by a 2-D grid agent modelling

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    Currently, potential distribution of plant species is represented by different uses of presence/absence indicators or by density-dominance-based ones such as the Importance Value (I.V.), and their geographical representation is based on statistical models (Random forest model, General Regression Models etc.) relating these indicators with climate and physical features of a given territory. Here, we have built an integrated model which is able to link climate, physical features of territory and inter-specific competition at aiming to simulate potential distribution of eight plant species (Quercus cerris, Quercus pubescens, Fraxinus ornus, Fraxinus excelsior, Acer campestre, Acer obtusatum, Ostrya carpinifolia and Carpinus betulus) either at actual climate conditions or future ones (B1 and A2 climatic scenarios; IPCC, 2013). The integrated model is based on innovative methodological approach, which combined statistical tools (Principal Component Analyses and Discretization) and two-dimensional grid based model to consider the interactive effects of climate and inter-specific competition on plant species distribution. The study case was given by geographical spatialisation of the I.V. for each considered plant species, in the overall Italian territory. The simulations had always occurred by taking into consideration both expected climate change and inter-specific competition under highly complexity terrains. The results substantially differed from other studies that used only environmental predictors for estimating potential plant distributions. Variations in the I.V. distribution seemed to be due to variations of relative competitive abilities of plants, reducing both local extinctions of some species in Southern and Central Italy and migration toward North. Furthermore, our simulations suggested that under pressure of climate change the competitive ability of plant species will be likely affected by reducing the effects of competitive asymmetry

    Bevacizumab in recurrent high-grade glioma: a single institution retrospective analysis on 92 patients

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    BACKGROUND: High-grade gliomas are among the most aggressive central nervous system primary tumors, with a high risk of recurrence and a poor prognosis. Re-operation, re-irradiation, chemotherapy are options in this setting. No-best therapy has been established. Bevacizumab was approved on the basis of two Phase 2 trials that evaluated its efficacy in patients with recurrent glioblastoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We have retrospectively review data of patients with high-grade glioma treated at our institution that undergone radiological or histological progression after at least one systemic treatment for recurrent disease. Bevacizumab was administered alone or in combination with chemotherapy until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Bevacizumab regimen was analyzed to assess PFS and OS. Histological, molecular and clinical features of the entire cohort were collected. RESULTS: We reviewed data from 92 patients, treated from April 2009 to November 2019, with histologically confirmed diagnosis of high-grade gliomas and recurrent disease. A PFS of 55.2%, 22.9% and 9.6% was observed at 6, 12 and 24 months, respectively. Performance status, age at diagnosis ( 65 ys.) and use of corticosteroids during bevacizumab therapy were strongly associated with PFS. The OS was 74.9% at 6 months, 31.7% at 12 months, 10.1% at 24 months. In our cohort, 51.1% were long-term responders (PFS > 6 months). Globally, bevacizumab treatment was well tolerated. CONCLUSION: Our analysis confirms the efficacy of bevacizumab in recurrent high-grade glioma patients with an acceptable toxicity profile, in keeping with its known safety in the literature


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    Este artigo visa contribuir para a discussão sobre a importância da constituição de redes de agentes e de ferramentas de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) para o suporte da construção do Plano Plurianual (PPA). Apresenta os fundamentos legais que norteiam a elaboração e o acompanhamento do Plano. Documenta a implantação e o desenvolvimento do sistema e da ferramenta de TI no Rio Grande do Sul (RS) apresentando as principais funcionalidades vinculadas à fase de elaboração do Plano e os principais produtos disponibilizados. Argumenta que, para que os sistemas e seus instrumentos de apoio ao planejamento possam se constituir como ferramenta efetiva de suporte aos processos de elaboração, acompanhamento e revisão do PPA, estes devem ser estabelecidos formal e institucionalmente, através da estruturação de uma rede de usuários, agentes públicos, comprometidos permanentemente com a suaoperacionalidade. Defende que as ferramentas de TI não permaneçam refratárias ou impermeáveis ao desenvolvimento metodológico alcançado pelos processos de elaboração do Plano. Este artigo, elaborado a partir do caso da implementação do Sistema de Elaboração, Revisão e Acompanhamento do Plano Plurianual do Estado do RS (SISPLAG), não pretende constituir-se como um manual de orientação mas reunir um conjunto mínimo de ideias necessárias para a estruturação de instrumentos de apoio fundamentais para a elaboração do PPA