7 research outputs found

    Chronic intrathecal cannulation enhances nociceptive responses in rats

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    The influence of a chronically implanted spinal cannula on the nociceptive response induced by mechanical, chemical or thermal stimuli was evaluated. The hyperalgesia in response to mechanical stimulation induced by carrageenin or prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) was significantly increased in cannulated (Cn) rats, compared with naive (Nv) or sham-operated (Sh) rats. Only Cn animals presented an enhanced nociceptive response in the first phase of the formalin test when low doses were used (0.3 and 1%). The withdrawal latency to thermal stimulation of a paw inflamed by carrageenin was significantly reduced in Cn rats but not in Nv or Sh rats. In contrast to Nv and Sh rats, injection in Cn animals of a standard non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug, indomethacin, either intraperitoneally or into the spinal cord via an implanted cannula or by direct puncture of the intrathecal space significantly blocked the intensity of the hyperalgesia induced by PGE2. Cannulated animals treated with indomethacin also showed a significant inhibition of second phase formalin-induced paw flinches. Histopathological analysis of the spinal cord showed an increased frequency of mononuclear inflammatory cells in the Cn groups. Thus, the presence of a chronically implanted cannula seems to cause nociceptive spinal sensitization to mechanical, chemical and thermal stimulation, which can be blocked by indomethacin, thus suggesting that it may result from the spinal release of prostaglandins due to an ongoing mild inflammation

    Obtenção e uso das plantas medicinais no distrito de Martim Francisco, Município de Mogi-Mirim, SP, Brasil Acquisition and use of medicinal plants in Martim Francisco district, Mogi Mirim Municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar um inventário das plantas medicinais conhecidas e usadas pela população do distrito de Martim Francisco, Município de Mogi-Mirim, SP, bem como conhecer seus empregos e sua importância na comunidade. Foram amostradas aleatoriamente 50 unidades domiciliares. Apenas um dos adultos responsáveis pela casa (homem ou mulher) foi entrevistado, através de questionários. As plantas citadas foram coletadas e fotografadas paralelamente à aplicação dos questionários. O material botânico foi identificado e depositado no Herbarium Rioclarense (HRCB). Ao todo, foram catalogadas 107 espécies botânicas, predominantemente herbáceas e cultivadas, distribuídas em 40 famílias, sendo as famílias Lamiaceae e Asteraceae as mais representativas. Os índices de diversidade (H' = 4,07; e = 0,87) foram altos, se comparados aos obtidos em outros trabalhos no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Na preparação dos remédios, as folhas foram a parte da planta mais utilizada e a decocção a principal forma de preparo. A via oral foi a mais empregada para a administração dos medicamentos e as doenças mais freqüentemente tratadas por remédios caseiros referem-se aos Sistemas Digestivo e Respiratório. Não existe um rigor na posologia e na duração do tratamento, ficando este a critério do hábito de cada pessoa entrevistada. As plantas que apresentaram índice de importância relativa e concordância de uso acima de 60% foram: boldo (Plectranthus barbatus Andrews), capim-santo (Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf), hortelã (Mentha sp. 2) e poejo (Cunila microcephala Benth.).<br>The aim of this work was to do an ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants known and used by people in the Martim Francisco district, Mogi Mirim Municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil, as well as to investigate their application and importance for the community. A questionnaire was applied to a random sample of 50 households; in each, one adult (male or female) was interviewed. Plants cited were collected and photographed in conjunction with the interview; they were then identified and deposited at the Herbarium Rioclarense (HRCB). The 107 species were mainly cultivated herbs belonging to 40 botanical families; Lamiaceae and Asteraceae were the most representative. Diversity indexes (H'= 4.07; e = 0.87) were high when compared to surveys in other localities of São Paulo State. Leaves were the plant parts most utilized and decoction the most common way of preparation. Plant remedies were generally taken orally, and used to treat digestive and respiratory systems ailments. Dosage and treatment duration were rather loosely defined. Plants presenting relative importance and use agreement above 60% were as follows: "boldo" (Plectranthus barbatus Andrews), "capim-santo" (Cymbopogon citrates (DC) Stapf), mint (Mentha sp. 2) and "poejo" (Cunila microcephala Benth.)