227 research outputs found

    Fairness and Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems: an Empirical Evaluation

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    In this paper, we present the results of an empirical evaluation investigating how recommendation algorithms are affected by popularity bias. Popularity bias makes more popular items to be recommended more frequently than less popular ones, thus it is one of the most relevant issues that limits the fairness of recommender systems. In particular, we define an experimental protocol based on two state-of-theart datasets containing users’ preferences on movies and books and three different recommendation paradigms, i.e., collaborative filtering, content-based filtering and graph-based algorithms. In order to evaluate the overall fairness of the recommendations we use well-known metrics such as Catalogue Coverage, Gini Index and Group Average Popularity (ΔGAP). The goal of this paper is: (i) to provide a clear picture of how recommendation techniques are affected by popularity bias; (ii) to trigger further research in the area aimed to introduce methods to mitigate or reduce biases in order to provide fairer recommendations

    MQALD: Evaluating the impact of modifiers in question answering over knowledge graphs.

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    Question Answering (QA) over Knowledge Graphs (KG) aims to develop a system that is capable of answering users’ questions using the information coming from one or multiple Knowledge Graphs, like DBpedia, Wikidata, and so on. Question Answering systems need to translate the user’s question, written using natural language, into a query formulated through a specific data query language that is compliant with the underlying KG. This translation process is already non-trivial when trying to answer simple questions that involve a single triple pattern. It becomes even more troublesome when trying to cope with questions that require modifiers in the final query, i.e., aggregate functions, query forms, and so on. The attention over this last aspect is growing but has never been thoroughly addressed by the existing literature. Starting from the latest advances in this field, we want to further step in this direction. This work aims to provide a publicly available dataset designed for evaluating the performance of a QA system in translating articulated questions into a specific data query language. This dataset has also been used to evaluate three QA systems available at the state of the art

    Personalized Finance Advisory through Case-based Recommender Systems and Diversification Strategies

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    Recommendation of financial investment strategies is a complex and knowledge-intensive task. Typically, financial advisors have to discuss at length with their wealthy clients and have to sift through several investment proposals before finding one able to completely meet investors' needs and constraints. As a consequence, a recent trend in wealth management is to improve the advisory process by exploiting recommendation technologies. This paper proposes a framework for recommendation of asset allocation strategies which combines case-based reasoning with a novel diversification strategy to support financial advisors in the task of proposing diverse and personalized investment portfolios. The performance of the framework has been evaluated by means of an experimental session conducted against 1172 real users, and results show that the yield obtained by recommended portfolios overcomes that of portfolios proposed by human advisors in most experimental settings while meeting the preferred risk profile. Furthermore, our diversification strategy shows promising results in terms of both diversity and average yield

    Introducing linked open data in graph-based recommender systems

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    Thanks to the recent spread of the Linked Open Data (LOD) initiative, a huge amount of machine-readable knowledge encoded as RDF statements is today available in the so-called LOD cloud. Accordingly, a big effort is now spent to investigate to what extent such information can be exploited to develop new knowledge-based services or to improve the effectiveness of knowledge-intensive platforms as Recommender Systems (RS). To this end, in this article we study the impact of the exogenous knowledge coming from the LOD cloud on the overall performance of a graph-based recommendation framework. Specifically, we propose a methodology to automatically feed a graph-based RS with features gathered from the LOD cloud and we analyze the impact of several widespread feature selection techniques in such recommendation settings. The experimental evaluation, performed on three state-of-the-art datasets, provided several outcomes: first, information extracted from the LOD cloud can significantly improve the performance of a graph-based RS. Next, experiments showed a clear correlation between the choice of the feature selection technique and the ability of the algorithm to maximize specific evaluation metrics, as accuracy or diversity of the recommendations. Moreover, our graph-based algorithm fed with LOD-based features was able to overcome several baselines, as collaborative filtering and matrix factorization

    Recensioni e letture

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    Stolova Natalya, Cognitive Linguistics and Lexical Change. Motion Verbs from Latin to Romance (Alfonsina Buoniconto) – Juliana Goschler, Anatol Stefanowitsch (eds.), Variation and Change in the Encoding of Motion Events (Noemi De Pasquale) – Paola Di Gennaro, Wandering through Guilt: the Cain Archetype in Twentieth Century Novel (Marina Lops

    Automatic selection of linked open data features in graph-based recommender systems

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    In this paper we compare several techniques to automatically feed a graph-based recommender system with features extracted from the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud. Specifically, we investigated whether the integration of LOD-based features can improve the effectiveness of a graph-based recommender system and to what extent the choice of the features selection technique can influence the behavior of the algorithm by endogenously inducing a higher accuracy or a higher diversity. The experimental evaluation showed a clear correlation between the choice of the feature selection technique and the ability of the algorithm to maximize a specific evaluation metric. Moreover, our algorithm fed with LODbased features was able to overcome several state-of-the-art baselines: this confirmed the effectiveness of our approach and suggested to further investigate this research line
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