29 research outputs found

    Kecurangan Tindakan Plagiarisme Melalui Penelitian Yuridis Terhadap Desain Industri

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja jenis-jenis plagiarisme dan Undang-undang yang mengatur tentang plagiarisme dan bagaimana kecurangan plagiarisme yang terjadi terhadap Desain Industri. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dsisimpulkan: 1. Plagiarisme adalah penjiplakan atau pengakuan atas karya orang lain oleh seseorang yang menjadikan karya tersebut sebagai karya ciptaannya. Orang yang melakukan plagiarisme disebut plagiaris/plagiator. Dengan batasan demikian, plagiarisme adalah pencurian (bahasa kasarnya, pembajakan) dan plagiaris adalah pencuri (pembajak). Ada beberapa jenis-jenis plagiarisme seperti akademik dan jurnalistik plagiarisme, plagiarisme lengkap, plagiarisme parsial, plagiarisme minimalis, sumber kutipan, dan self plagiarisme. Undang-undang yang mengaturnya : Permendiknas Nomor 17 Tahun 2010, Pasal 1 Ayat 1, Undang-undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2002 tentang Hak Cipta Pasal 72 ayat (1) dan Pasal 12. Desain industri didefinisikan sebagai suatu kreasi tentang bentuk, konfigurasi, atau komposisi garis atau warna, atau garis dan warna, atau gabungannya, berbentuk tiga dimensi atau duan dimensi dan memberikan nilai estetika, serta dapat diwujudkan dalam pola tiga dimensiatau dua dimensi, dapat dipakaikan untuk mengkhasilkan suatu produk, barang atau komoditi indutri atau kerajinan tangan. 2. Berdasarkan hasil tinjauan yang dilakukan oleh penulis melalui penulisan skripsi ini, kecurangan tindakan plagiarime terhadap Desain Industri setelah dipelajari dari masa lampau telah menjadi kebiasaan yang salah dan menjadi penyakit yang harusnya dibenahi karena sudah banyak merugikan orang lain terlebih khusus pemegang Hak Desain Industri juga berpengaruh pada diri sendiri dan karakter bangsa Indonesia. Kata kunci: Kecurangan, plagiarisme, desain industr

    Memorizing Bible Verses with the Association Method of Quantum Learning in Sunday School

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    In the world of teaching, it takes a variety of creativity, so that students benefit from the learning process. The same thing happened in the Sunday School class held by the church. The core material is certainly from the Bible. This includes memorizing Bible verses from certain parts. Students are required to memorize the verses. Many face failure in the memorization process. They have difficulty remembering the verses. However, there is still an interesting method to make it easier for children to memorize Bible verses, namely by association methods found in quantum learning. The problem is whether the Sunday school teachers understood this association method? With descriptive research methods have found a solution that in the process of memorizing with this association method, can increase the number of verses memorized. This can be shown from the results of evaluations that have been carried out, there is an increase in the number of memorized verses that can be memorized by Sunday school students, which increases to 20 words or about 4%

    Characterization of a Mixed Methanotrophic Culture Capable of Chloroethylene Degradation

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    A consortium of methanotrophs cultured from the St. Joseph's aquifer in Schoolcraft, MI, was found to exhibit similar methane consumption rates as pure cultures of methanotrophs. The methanotrophic consortium resides within a portion of the aquifer contaminated with a mixed waste plume of perchloroethylene (PCE) and its reductive dechlorination products from natural attenuation, trichloroethylene (TCE), cis-dichloroethylene (c-DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC). Oxidation kinetics for TCE, c-DCE, and VC were measured for the mixed methanotroph consortium and compared to reported rate parameters for degradation of these chloroethylene compounds by pure methanotrophic cultures. The results demonstrate that the kinetics of chloroethylene oxidation by the Schoolcraft methanotroph population mimic the degradation rates of pure methanotrophic cultures that primarily express particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO). Molecular and biochemical analyses confirmed that sMMO was not being expressed by these cells. Rather, using competitive reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction, pmoA, a gene encoding one of the polypeptides of the pMMO was found at a level of (1.57 ± 0.10) × 10–17 mol pmoA mRNA/g wet soil in soil slurries and (2.65 ± 0.43) × 10–17 mol pmoA mRNA/μl in groundwater. No expression of mmoX, a gene encoding one of the polypeptides of the sMMO, was detected.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/63398/1/ees.2005.22.177.pd

    Isolation and purification of Cu-free methanobactin from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The isolation of highly pure copper-free methanobactin is a prerequisite for the investigation of the biogeochemical functions of this chalkophore molecule produced by methane oxidizing bacteria. Here, we report a purification method for methanobactin from <it>Methylosinus trichosporium </it>OB3b cultures based on reversed-phase HPLC fractionation used in combination with a previously reported resin extraction. HPLC eluent fractions of the resin extracted product were collected and characterized with UV-vis, FT-IR, and C-1s NEXAFS spectroscopy, as well as with elemental analysis and ESI-MS.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed that numerous compounds other than methanobactin were present in the isolate obtained with resin extraction. Molar C/N ratios, mass spectrometry measurements, and UV-vis spectra indicated that methanobactin was only present in one of the HPLC fractions. On a mass basis, methanobactin carbon contributed only 32% to the total organic carbon isolated with resin extraction. Our spectroscopic results implied that besides methanobactin, the organic compounds in the resin extract comprised breakdown products of methanobactin as well as polysaccharide-like substances.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that a purification step is indispensable in addition to resin extraction in order to obtain pure methanobactin. The proposed HPLC purification procedure is suitable for semi-preparative work and provides copper-free methanobactin.</p

    Effect of carbon starvation on toluene degradation activity by toluene monooxygenase-expressing bacteria

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    Subsurface bacteria commonly exist in a starvation state with only periodic exposure to utilizable sources of carbon and energy. In this study, the effect of carbon starvation on aerobic toluene degradation was quantitatively evaluated with a selection of bacteria representing all the known toluene oxygenase enzyme pathways. For all the investigated strains, the rate of toluene biodegradation decreased exponentially with starvation time. First-order deactivation rate constants for TMO-expressing bacteria were approximately an order of magnitude greater than those for other oxygenase-expressing bacteria. When growth conditions (the type of growth substrate and the type and concentration of toluene oxygenase inducer) were varied in the cultures prior to the deactivation experiments, the rate of deactivation was not significantly affected, suggesting that the rate of deactivation is independent of previous substrate/inducer conditions. Because TMO-expressing bacteria are known to efficiently detoxify TCE in subsurface environments, these findings have significant implications for in situ TCE bioremediation, specifically for environments experiencing variable growth-substrate exposure conditions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45353/1/10532_2005_Article_9014.pd

    Bahtera guna dharma GPIB

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    Bahtera Guna Dharma GPIB merupakan buku yang mengupas secara detail, lengkap, dan jelas tentang GPIB, mencakup persekutuan, pelayanan, kesaksian, serta sejarahnya. Ditulis secara efektif sekaligus terbuka untuk perubahan dan pembaruan, buku ini menampakkan keberadaan GPIB berikut pergumulan-pergumulannya di masa lampau, kini, sekaligus mengutarakan harapannya di masa akan datang untuk segenap Jemaat GPIB di seluruh Nusantara.Jakartaxx, 650 hlm.: ill.; 21 cm

    Does Pancasila Support Religious Pluralism in Indonesia in Postmodern Era

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    Since Indonesia is also one of the most diverse societies in the world such as there are over three hundred different ethnic groups in Indonesia, each with its own cultural identity, and more than two hundred and fifty distinct languages are spoken, then Pancasila is created as philosophic fundamentals of the state to supports the diversity in Indonesia. Pancasila (from a Sankrit word: panca: five and sila: principle) consists of five principles that are interrelated and inseparable to generate unity in diversity (bhinnekatunggalika). In this paper, I will argue that Pancasila promotesand facilitates religious diversity although religious culture in Indonesia does not promote religious pluralism