56 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan dalam Pengembangan Objek Wisata di Pulau Kumo (suatu Studi di Kecamatan Tobelo Kabupaten Halmaera Utara)

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    Kumo beach is one of the busiest beaches in North Halmahera, Kumo beach is alsoone of the island cluster of islands in front of Tobelo town which can be reached ± 5 minutes bymotorized boat. Island Kumo is located right in front of Tobelo town with a beach shaded by treesand a beautiful white sand and the sea is clear, strong and strong and suitable for activities such assnorkeling, boating and others, the choice of the local tourists because of its beautiful sceneryaccess close from Tobelo town. Unfortunately, all the advantages of a tourist beach Kumo untappedand managed properly, it is very necessary for the implementation of policies that seriously bypolicymakers and implementers alike.The research was analyzed using qualitative descriptive method. Thus, the details can bedrawn that the data analysis technique that is performed is after the data are collected, then thenext data will be combined, depicted in narrative form sentences by providing interpretation orinterpretation based on direct observation conducted by researchers with samples of the objectexisting research or respondent which exists. The results of this research show that the efforts madeby the Department of Tourism and culture of North Halmahera District has not been able to exploreand manage the attraction beach Kumo well because they said there are various factors that hamperpolicy makers and implementers in implementing the policy of tourism development on the islandof Kumo

    Motif Berperilaku Kepala Desa Pada Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    The behavior of the village chief is expected to build the image quality public services, but in reality the implementation of public services have not been able to walk properly due to the unavailability of the service personnel are professional, dedicated, accountable and responsive and loyal to his duties as civil servants and public servants. By using a qualitative approach was found that social status (achievement, prestige / status position and power / power, and needs (income and appreciation) are two underlying motives in the village head behaves In Governance in South Minahasa Regency Village. Loyalty and professional as media which can bridge the social status and the need to make quality services. Keywords: Motive behavior, social status, Supplies, Service

    Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa ( Apbdesa) dalam Menunjang Pembangunan Desa di Desa Betelen Kecamatan Tombatu Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

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    APBDesa ( Income Expenditure Budgeting of Village ) is an explanation needsin building the village as defined in Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation No. 37 Year 2007on Guidelines for village financial management. The aim of this study is to determine theimplementation of village income expenditure to support the rural development in betelenvillage so that the data and information about constraints to the implementation of villageincome expenditure budgeting to supplort the rural development in Betelen village contained.This study uses qualitative research, the simple of informants selected by purposive sampling,sampling technique with particular data source (sugiono 2008). The key informants areselected from five jaga (5 areas) in Betelen village which is consist of village headmen,village secretary, village consultative body chairman, traditional leaders, religious leaders,youth leaders and four communities. A total 15 informants were selected and interviewed..The research results show, that the managerial capacity in financial management of thevillage officials is still lacking, transparency in financial management have not been fullyvisible, there is still confusing in budget management, participation or communityinvolvement in the process of overseeing and providing constructive feedback on theimprovement of financial management has not been fully maximized

    Penanganan Keluhan Publik di Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Minahasa Utara (Studi pada Pelayanan E-ktp)

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    Some government-issued regulations to handle and provides a variety of complaints into thesystem of complaints should be cared for properly in various government agencies managing the complaintshould have been look well in various government agencies. In order that the functions of the managementof complaints it could run well in order to improve the quality of existing services. The problems inherentin the grip of a public complains on the service of E-KTP in the service of the population and civilregistration distric of Minahasa Utara can be grouped into three types of complaints. First, complaint aboutthe delay of the process, Second, the unfriendly officers, third unclear information.This research uses qualitative research methods, descriptive. informant research by as much as 10(ten) informant: 1 person head of Department, 1 Secretary, 3 civil State apparatus, 5 people community.data collection techniques used i.e., interview techniques, techniques of observation/observation, andtechnical documentation. data analysis techniques used, namely the reduction of data, data presentation,and conclusion

    Fungsi Pengawasan Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) Dinas Pendidikan Kota Manado (suatu Studi di SDN 04, SDN 21 dan SDN 100 Kota Manado)

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    The supervisory function is an essential part of the management process Operational Assistance(BOS). The purpose of this research is to find out how the supervisory functions of the Fund Schooloperational assistance (BOS) by Education Office city of Manado. The research method used is descriptivequalitativemethod. The location of the research on select three SDN from SDN 04 Manado, Manado, andSDN 21, SDN 100 Manado. Informant research as many as eight people: Head of education city of Manado(one person), the management team School operational assistance BOS from city Education Office (oneperson), Headmaster (three people) and a school Committee/student parents People (three people) datacollection Techniques used are interviews. Data analysis was done with a descriptive-qualitative analysistechniques, interactive model of the Miles and Hubernann. Based on research results drawn conclusion: Thesupervisory function and Operational Assistance School by the education service Manado well implementedthrough the use of the means/methods of supervision that exists: the implementation of the technicalinstructions consistently BOS by schools, socialization and coaching against the school in the managementand reporting of the Fund\u27s School operational assistance (BOS), monitoring or monitoring on a regularbasis, the implementation of the reporting system by the BOS of the school funds on a regular basis, and theevaluation of the implementation of the Fund\u27s School operational assistance (BOS) at the school. Referringto the conclusions of the study results presented suggestions: (1) to be more effective the supervisory functionsof the Fund\u27s boss, let the Manado City Education Office parties set the school superintendent accompanyingthe management team School operational assistance (BOS) in doing the monitoring and supervision of fundmanagement School operational assistance (BOS) at school. (2) the functional Supervision by supervisoryinternal functional apparatus (inspectorates or supervisory area) need to be implemented to support thesupervisory funded by the management team of the city Education Office School operational assistance (BOS)in supervising and checking the use and the School operational assistance BOS at the school. This isimportant to prevent diversion/use of funds misappropriation by the School operational assistance (BOS) ofthe school

    Pengaruh Globalisasi Informasi terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Budaya Generasi Muda ( suatu Studi di SMA Negeri 1 Beo Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud )

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    The population in the Talaud Islands, particularly in Beo nearly 90% are Christians.All people always respect one another. They always obey and follow the rules and / or norms, customsand respect among religions. This is reflected in the activities they do every day. Judging from thepeople who so respect the rules and customs applicable in everyday life, the inclusion of theglobalization of information and communication within a community of people who live in Beo,especially for the younger generation can cause a variety of problems, especially in the socio-culturalfield.Therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze the extent to which the impact ofglobalization of information on social and cultural life of the younger generation. This study took placein senior high school (SMA Negeri) 1 Beo Kepulauan Talaud. Design research is a quantitative studywith a sample of 60 respondents / students.The results showed that the opinions of students at SMAN 1 Beo Talaud information aboutthe impact of globalization, the average is still in the category of "medium" or moderate, which isequal to 58.33% of the 60 respondents / students, which is categorized as "low" assessment by 11respondents or 18:33% and categorized as "high" is only 23.34%. As for the social and cultural life,the average is also in the category of "moderate" that is equal to 50%, which is categorized as "low"and categorized as "high" the same judgment that each of 15 respondents, or 25%.Based on the research results, it can be stated that the globalization of information turns outto have a significant impact on social and cultural life of the younger generation

    Kinerja Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga dalam Pemberantasan Buta Aksara di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of Performance Department of Education Youth andSports in the eradication of illiteracy in the South Minahasa district. In this study, the authors use the theory of theperformance of public organizations of Agus Dwiyanto, where the indicator of productivity, quality of service,responsiveness, responsibility and accountability on the performance Dikpora in the eradication of illiteracy in theSouth Minahasa district. Productivity of employees in carrying out the task of public service within the meaning ofserving the eradication of illiteracy are not yet optimal. Quality of service is not their complaint or a suggestion boxfacility if people are not satisfied with the services provided. Because customer satisfaction is the extent to which thenotion of performance of products or services meet the expectations of society. Responsiveness is lacking so that theresponsiveness Dikpora in accommodating and following up aspirations of the community, especially in combatingilliteracy. Responsibility performance is no longer entering literacy programs into the annual performance planDikpora South Minahasa district, because the organization would achieve the stated goals when performance is inaccordance with the predetermined plan that is from the beginning of the work. While the accountability of theDepartment of Education, Youth and Sports in the eradication of illiteracy is a form of accountability for serviceproviders literacy to all parties who have the right and authority to hold accountable those either directly orindirectly.This study uses qualitative research methods and retrieve information through interviews with eightinformants and assisted with interview guides available. It was concluded that the South Minahasa District Dikporaperformance in the eradication of illiteracy has not run optimally
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