563 research outputs found

    Simulation and Design Tool for ORC Axial Turbine Stage

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    QAL-BP: An Augmented Lagrangian Quantum Approach for Bin Packing Problem

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    The bin packing is a well-known NP-Hard problem in the domain of artificial intelligence, posing significant challenges in finding efficient solutions. Conversely, recent advancements in quantum technologies have shown promising potential for achieving substantial computational speedup, particularly in certain problem classes, such as combinatorial optimization. In this study, we introduce QAL-BP, a novel Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) formulation designed specifically for bin packing and suitable for quantum computation. QAL-BP utilizes the augmented Lagrangian method to incorporate the bin packing constraints into the objective function while also facilitating an analytical estimation of heuristic, but empirically robust, penalty multipliers. This approach leads to a more versatile and generalizable model that eliminates the need for empirically calculating instance-dependent Lagrangian coefficients, a requirement commonly encountered in alternative QUBO formulations for similar problems. To assess the effectiveness of our proposed approach, we conduct experiments on a set of bin-packing instances using a real Quantum Annealing device. Additionally, we compare the results with those obtained from two different classical solvers, namely simulated annealing and Gurobi. The experimental findings not only confirm the correctness of the proposed formulation but also demonstrate the potential of quantum computation in effectively solving the bin-packing problem, particularly as more reliable quantum technology becomes available.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Special Olympics: progetto Basket correlato alla disabilita' mentale

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    Con questo elaborato, intendo soffermarmi su un argomento molto particolare, un mondo pieno di volti da scoprire, pieno di emozioni, di sorrisi, di stupori, ma anche di paure e di frustrazioni che vanno eliminate il prima possibile per raggiungere un risultato che regala inevitabilmente soddisfazioni e gratificazioni enormi. Tratterò quindi il mondo dello sport, principalmente quello della pallacanestro, correlato al mondo della disabilità mentale. Vedremo come il Basket sia uno sport di squadra particolarmente indicato per qualsiasi tipo di persona con disabilità intellettiva, una disciplina unica per entrare in contatto con l’essenza più nascosta di questi ragazzi. Quindi, dopo aver fatto un quadro generale su cosa è la Special Olympics, e in particolare la mia realtà dell’“Allegra Brigata”, ho pensato opportuno soffermarmi sugli aspetti più pratici del progetto, andando nello specifico delle sedute di allenamento che credo ottimali per ragazzi con disabilità di tipo mentale, motivando le mie scelte e portando esempi concreti di obiettivi raggiunti

    Expression, intracellular targeting and purification of HIV Nef variants in tobacco cells

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    Background Plants may represent excellent alternatives to classical heterologous protein expression systems, especially for the production of biopharmaceuticals and vaccine components. Modern vaccines are becoming increasingly complex, with the incorporation of multiple antigens. Approaches towards developing an HIV vaccine appear to confirm this, with a combination of candidate antigens. Among these, HIV-Nef is considered a promising target for vaccine development because immune responses directed against this viral protein could help to control the initial steps of viral infection and to reduce viral loads and spreading. Two isoforms of Nef protein can be found in cells: a full-length N-terminal myristoylated form (p27, 27 kDa) and a truncated form (p25, 25 kDa). Here we report the expression and purification of HIV Nef from transgenic tobacco. Results We designed constructs to direct the expression of p25 and p27 Nef to either the cytosol or the secretory pathway. We tested these constructs by transient expression in tobacco protoplasts. Cytosolic Nef polypeptides are correctly synthesised and are stable. The same is not true for Nef polypeptides targeted to the secretory pathway by virtue of a signal peptide. We therefore generated transgenic plants expressing cytosolic, full length or truncated Nef. Expression levels were variable, but in some lines they averaged 0.7% of total soluble proteins. Hexahistidine-tagged Nef was easily purified from transgenic tissue in a one-step procedure. Conclusion We have shown that transient expression can help to rapidly determine the best cellular compartment for accumulation of a recombinant protein. We have successfully expressed HIV Nef polypeptides in the cytosol of transgenic tobacco plants. The proteins can easily be purified from transgenic tissue

    The Rock Mass Quality Index (RQI): a quantitative tool for the quality evaluation of near-surface rock masses

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    The knowledge of rock masses behaviour is an important information in various fields such as civil engineering, land use planning and hazard/risk zoning. Different rock mass classification methods, initially aimed at assisting underground excavations (Hoek, 2007), are widely used nowadays for preliminary design procedures (Bieniawski, 1989; Hoek, 2007), like the RMR (Bieniawski, 1976) and the Q (Barton et al., 1974) and their modifications. These methods incorporate geological, geomechanical and geometric parameters in order to obtain a quantitative estimation of the rock mass quality, but, on the other hand, their implementation is time-consuming. Despite the dominance of these two methods, further rock mass classifications systems have been proposed in the last decades and, among these, the Geological Strength Index (GSI) classification system is currently widely used as it allows to estimate the strength of rock mass through empirical semiquantitative evaluation (Hoek, 1994; Cai et al., 2004), based on both rock mass structure and condition of the joints (Hoek et al., 1995). Estimating the GSI is straightforward and fast, but it comes at the cost of a certain degree of subjectivity. Moreover, the index does not adequately account for the lithology of the rock mass matrix. Hence, for the above reasons, these classification methods are not fully suitable to collect rock mass data over wide scale areas for engineering geological mapping. The Rock mass Quality Index (RQI, Disperati et al., 2016; Mammoliti et al., 2018) is a rock mass classification system developed for cartographic purposes and it is based on the systematic fieldwork measurement and processing of sets of the Schmidt hammer rebound values (R). Each representative rock mass outcrop is analysed by collecting ca. 20 R values at the 15-25 nodes of a regular grid conceived to investigate the typical features of the rock mass. This allows to perform statistical analyses and to calculate the RQI, a quantitative indicator of the global strength and quality of the rock mass. In the last decade, a dataset of ca 1100 outcrops sites spreading over a large area (ca. 12000 km2) were acquired in Tuscany (Italy), according to different lithology, weathering, jointing conditions. The dataset consists of both RQI measurements and GSI estimations for the main different lithological groups (flysch, limestones, marls, magmatic rocks and schists) of the Northern Apennines (Italy), as well as the laboratory determinations of the Slake Durability Index (Id2; Franklin & Chandra, 1974) obtained by testing representative outcrop rock samples. The large dataset has allowed to analyse the correlation among RQI, GSI and Id2 and to perform an in-depth critical analysis of the relationships among RQI, lithology, rock mass structure, as well as the suitability of the RQI as reference index for engineering geological mapping of near-surface rock mass quality

    New catalytic strategies for the manipulation of arenes

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    The aim of this Doctoral Thesis is the development of new catalytic synthetic methodologies in the context of the modern organic chemistry setting, with special focus on the use of cheap, sustainable catalytic materials. Specifically, during the course my PhD, I focused my research on two main distinct catalytic strategies, namely: the use of carbonaceous materials as catalysts (carbocatalysis) and nickel catalysis, also investigating a synergistic combination of the two. These methodologies were explored as means for the manipulation of (hetero)aromatic cores, representing ubiquitous, easily accessible and privileged scaffolds in medicinal or natural products chemistry. Both polar and radical reaction manifolds were engaged as complementary reactivities, capitalizing on metal- as well as organo-based activation modes. Particular attention has been devoted to addressing modern synthetic challenges or highly sought- after methodologies. Specifically, protocols for direct substitution of alcohols, dearomatization of arene nuclei, formation of C-S bonds, carbon dioxide fixation, C-C bond activation and fluoroalkylation were successfully achieved under carbo- or nickel catalyzed conditions

    Methodology for the identification of economic, environmental and health criteria for road noise mitigation

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    Abstract The aim of the paper is to define a method for evaluating infrastructural interventions for the mitigation of noise generated by roads based on multi-criteria analysis which considers a series of parameters (environmental, social, economic and health) that could give broader evaluations than just economic convenience. The research develops a guideline based on an already known methodology applied in other fields, which has been adapted to the above-mentioned topic: the multi-criteria analysis. The decision to use this method originates from an in-depth study of the state of the art regarding the issue of noise pollution related to transport infrastructures in Italy and at a European level. The Multi-criteria Analysis proved to be the best solution both for completeness and versatility. In particular, the developed methodology uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process as a multi-criteria analysis method. Through its hierarchical structure, this method offers a comparison not only between possible interventions, but also between the same criteria taken into consideration for the choice of the best intervention. The model was validated by analyzing a real noise mitigation project on an Italian main road. The results showed how the model could represent a valid support to decision-making processes