7 research outputs found

    An integrated approach to elaborate 3-D geological and geotechnical models: a case study from the Daunia Sub-Apennine (Apulia, southern Italy).

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    In the Daunia Sub-Apennine (Apulia, southern Italy) slope instability processes due to rainfalls and earthquakes are widespread and cause significant damage to buildings and other structures, and, in some cases, loss of life. A detailed slope stability assessment requires information on the predisposing and triggering factors, and a good knowledge of the geological and environmental conditions as well. As concerns seismic-induced landslides, conventional methods used for slope stability analysis can be divided in: i) force-based pseudo-static methods, ii) displacement-based methods, and iii) stress-strain methods. Detailed representations of geological and geotechnical units as well as static and dynamic geotechnical characterization of materials have to be considered for the correct choice of the method for slope stability analysis, since these are fundamental for slope behaviour prediction and modelling. The purpose of this paper was to present a methodological approach for elaborating detailed 3-D geological and geotechnical models for areas very heterogeneous in terms of geological and soil properties. In the southern portion of the eastern Daunia Sub-Apennine, the outermost formations of the chain domain crop out. These are represented by the Cretaceous-Miocene and Pliocene wedge-top basin units, followed upwards, in the easternmost portion, by the Plio-Pleistocene foredeep units and by Quaternary filling deposits. A high susceptibility to slope failures for the area is testified by the large number of slope movements consisting in mud flows, roto-translational and composite landslides, and soil slips. Field variability of the slope movements from site to site for mechanisms, velocity, depth of rupture surfaces and volume of materials involved is due to the presence of structurally complex formations, characterised by very poor mechanical properties and high variability of their lithological and structural features. The construction of geological and geotechnical models able to represent realistic information is conditioned by the efficacy of the methods used for assessing the spatial lithofacies distribution and parametrization. The case study of Deliceto is here presented, where the 3-D geological model was built based on the results of stratigraphic correlations between core logs and 2-D geological sections. In-situ surveys were performed by means of classical geological and geomorphological methods, and continuous coring boreholes. Silty-clayey sandstone materials (Conglomerates and Sandstones of Castello Schiavo) crop out along the slopes and rest on clayey silts and marls of turbidite origin (Flysch di Faeto). The Flysch di Faeto Fm. is a structurally complex geological unit which consists of three main lithofacies: 1) silty clays; 2) silty marly clays 3) marls and shales. A series of geotechnical laboratory tests, carried out in accordance with international standards for the static and dynamic characterization of materials, made it possible to obtain a detailed 3-D geotechnical model. In particular, resonant column (RC), cyclic torsional shear (CTS) and standard and cyclic triaxial (TXC) tests were performed on the silty clayey geotechnical unit of the Flysch di Faeto Fm., because it is highly susceptible to geotechnical fatigue resulting from cyclic stresses. The results of the laboratory tests confirmed a variable post-cyclic degradation in the range 40-80% and 12-36%, respectively for the secant shear modulus (G) and the undrained cohesion (cu) associated with an increase between 2.92% and 19.90% for the damping ratio (D), demonstrating the heterogeneity of the material in terms of geological and geotechnical characteristics

    Comparison of remote sensing techniques for geostructural analysis and cliff monitoring in coastal areas of high tourist attraction: the case study of Polignano a Mare (Southern Italy)

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    Rock slope failures in urban areas may represent a serious hazard for human life, as well as private and public property, even on the occasion of sporadic episodes. Prevention and mitigation measures indispensably require a proper rock mass characterization, which is often achieved by means of time-consuming, costly and dangerous field surveys. In the last decades, remote sensing devices such as high-resolution digital cameras, laser scanners and drones have been widely used as supplementary techniques for rock slope analysis and monitoring, especially in poorly accessible areas, or in sites of large extension. Although several methods for rock mass characterization by means of remote sensing techniques have been reported in specific studies, there are very few contributions that focused on comparing the different methods in an attempt to establish their advantages and limitations. With this study, we performed digital photogrammetry, Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle surveys on a cliff located in a popular tourist attraction site, characterized by complex geological and geomorphological settings, as well as by disturbance elements such as vegetation and human activities. For each point cloud, we applied geostructural analysis by means of semi-automatic methods, and then compared multi-temporal acquisitions for cliff monitoring. By quantitative comparison of the results and validation by means of conventional geostructural field surveys, the pros and cons of each method were outlined in attempt to depict the conditions and goals the different techniques seem to be more suitable fo

    Evaluation of InfraRed Thermography Supported by UAV and Field Surveys for Rock Mass Characterization in Complex Settings

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    The InfraRed Thermography (IRT) technique is gaining increasing popularity in the geo-sciences. Although several studies on the use of this technique for rock mass characterization were reported in the literature, its applicability is challenging in complex environments, characterized by poor accessibility, lithological heterogeneity, karst features and disturbances, such as vegetation and human activities. This paper reports the results of specific tests carried out to explore the application of IRT methods, supported by UAV surveys, for rock mass characterization in complex conditions. In detail, a 24-h monitoring was performed on an appropriate case study to assess which type of information can be collected and what issues can be expected. The results of the thermograms were compared with data reported in the literature and discussed. A novel method to detect correlations between the temperature profiles at the air-rock interfaces and the rock mass properties is presented. The main advantages, limitations and suggestions in order to take full advantage of the IRT technique in complex conditions are reported in the final section

    2D quantitative analysis of fractures from high-resolution photos for the geomechanical characterization of rock masses

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    The identification of discontinuity sets and their properties is among the key factors for the geomechanical characterization of rock masses, which is fundamental for performing stability analyses, and for planning prevention and mitigation measures as well. In practice, discontinuity data are collected throughout difficult and time-consuming field surveys, especially when dealing with areas of wide extension, difficult accessibility, covered by dense vegetation, or with adverse weather conditions. Consequently, even experienced operators may introduce sampling errors or misinterpretations, leading to biased geomechanical models for the investigated rock mass. In the last decades, new remote techniques such as photogrammetry, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and InfraRed Thermography (IRT) have been introduced to overcome the limits of conventional surveys. We propose here a new tool for extracting information on the fracture pattern in rock masses, based on remote sensing methods, with particular reference to the analysis of high-resolution georeferenced photos. The first step consists in applying the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique on photos acquired by means of digital cameras and UAV techniques. Once aligned and georeferenced, the orthophotos are exported in a GIS software, to draw the fracture traces at an appropriate scale. We developed a MATLAB routine to extract information on the geostructural setting of rock masses by performing a quantitative 2D analysis of the fracture traces, based on formulas reported in the literature. The code was written by testing few experimental and simple traces and was successively validated on an orthophoto from a real case study. Currently, the script plots the fracture traces as polylines and calculates their orientation (strike) and length. Subsequently, it detects the main discontinuity sets by fitting an experimental composite Gaussian curve on histograms showing the number of discontinuities according to their orientation, and splitting the curve in simpler Gaussian curves, with peaks corresponding to the main discontinuity sets. Then, for each set, a linear scanline intersecting the highest number of traces is plotted, and the apparent and real spacing are calculated. In a second step, a grid of circular scanlines covering the whole area where the traces are located is plotted, and the mean trace intensity, trace density and trace length estimators are calculated. It is expected to test the presented tools on other case studies, in order to optimize them and calculate additional metrics, such as persistence and block sizes, useful to the geomechanical characterization of rock masses. As a future perspective, a similar approach could be investigated for 3D analyses from point clouds

    Multidisciplinary approach for assessment of the factors affecting geohazard in karst valley: the case study of Gravina di Petruscio (Apulia, South Italy)

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    Management plans, actions and strategies for preventing and mitigating natural disasters require detailed information on natural and human-induced geohazards for the area under evaluation. Karst areas are particularly prone to instability due to the natural fragility of their environment but are also vulnerable due to human activity. In-depth studies of the factors controlling mass movement processes, including land use over time, become crucial for understanding instability mechanisms and future landscape evolution, as well as for designing preventive measures and control techniques. The Murge area, in the central part of Apulia (South Italy), is crossed by a vast network of dry valleys, locally named lame and gravine, whose morphology may resemble the most well-known canyons and gorges of the world. The genesis of these dry valleys is controversial and still the subject of continued debate, although their origin is directly related to the geostructural setting and the uplift of the Apulia foreland since the middle Pleistocene. Each of these karst valleys has particular morphometric characteristics as well as their own morpho-evolutionary history strongly linked to the different types of fault or fracture on which they developed. Also, geological and geotechnical characteristics of the rock substrate channel, and historic human-made slope excavation or remodeling play an important role. Unfortunately, several tragic events which occurred during the last decades have shown the susceptibility of the Apulian dry valleys to natural hazards, sometimes caused by human activities. This paper proposes, by means of a case study on a dry valley called Gravina di Petruscio in the Arco Ionico Tarantino subregion, a multidisciplinary approach using traditional methods of investigation and combining results to arrive at a critical appraisal of information that are suitable for a geohazard susceptibility analysis in karst environments. Geological, geostructural and geomechanical surveys, together with petrographic observations in thin sections of the outcropping materials, allow to understand the genesis of the valley and then its evolution mainly due to slope retreat processes. Both sides of the valley have been found to be affected by planar slides, wedge slides, direct toppling and falls, while the caves, mostly modified by humans, are affected by thinning, spalling and crushing of pillars, and partial or total collapse of cave roofs. The predisposing and triggering factors of the most common mass movements are presented and discussed. Mitigation and prevention measures for future planning, and remedial engineering structures are reported

    Qdc-2d: A semi-automatic tool for 2d analysis of discontinuities for rock mass characterization

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    Quantitative characterization of discontinuities is fundamental to define the mechanical behavior of discontinuous rock masses. Several techniques for the semi-automatic and automatic extraction of discontinuities and their properties from raw or processed point clouds have been introduced in the literature to overcome the limits of conventional field surveys and improve data accuracy. However, most of these techniques do not allow characterizing flat or subvertical outcrops because planar surfaces are difficult to detect within point clouds in these circumstances, with the drawback of undersampling the data and providing inappropriate results. In this case, 2D analysis on the fracture traces are more appropriate. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, few methods to perform quantitative analyses on discontinuities from orthorectified photos are publicly available and do not provide a complete characterization. We implemented scanline and window sampling methods in a digital environment to characterize rock masses affected by discontinuities perpendicular to the bedding from trace maps, thus exploiting the potentiality of remote sensing techniques for subvertical and low-relief outcrops. The routine, named QDC-2D (Quantitative Discontinuity Characterization, 2D) was compiled in MATLAB by testing a synthetic dataset and a real case study, from which a high-resolution orthophoto was obtained by means of Structure from Motion technique. Starting from a trace map, the routine semi-automatically classifies the discontinuity sets and calculates their mean spacing, frequency, trace length, and persistence. The fracture network is characterized by means of trace length, intensity, and density estimators. The block volume and shape are also estimated by adding information on the third dimension. The results of the 2D analysis agree with the input used to produce the synthetic dataset and with the data collected in the field by means of conventional geostructural and geomechanical techniques, ensuring the procedure’s reliability. The outcomes of the analysis were implemented in a Discrete Fracture Network model to evaluate their applicability for geomechanical modeling