26 research outputs found
Prevalência de anticorpos contra o vírus da língua azul em bovinos e ovinos do Sudoeste e Sudeste do Rio Grande do Sul Bluetongue virus antibodies in cattle and sheep in Southwest and Southeast regions of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
<abstract language="eng">It was studied bluetongue virus antibodies prevalence for sheep and cattle in Southwest and Southeast regions of Rio Grande do Sul State. A total of 2613 serum samples (1272 bovine and 1341 ovine) were tested by agar gel immunodiffusion. Eight bovine and two ovine samples were positive meaning a prevalence of 0.63% and 0.15%, respectively. These results show that most of animals in these regions are negative to bluetongue
Avaliação sorológica para Toxoplasma gondii pela imunofluorescência indireta e detecção do vírus da imunodeficiência felina pela nested PCR em felinos selvagens Serological evaluation for Toxoplasma gondii by indirect immunofluorescence and detection of feline immunodeficiency virus by nested PCR in wild felines
Nineteen sera and blood samples from wild feline kept in captivity were tested for Toxoplasma gondii antibody and presence of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) DNA, respectively. Eighteen (94.7%) of the them were seropositive for toxoplasma. However, the only negative animal, a Leopardus pardalis, was the only FIV positve. These results suggest that the infection by FIV may have compromised its immune system and interfered with antibody production for toxoplasma
Padronização da técnica de imunoperoxidase para detecção do vírus da diarréia bovina a vírus em cultura de células: Standardization of immunoperoxidase test to detection bovine viral diarrhea virus in cell culture
Este estudo teve como objetivo a padronização do ensaio de imunoperoxidase em monocamada de células (IPM) para o diagnóstico etiológico da diarréia bovina a vírus (DBV). O teste foi padronizado em monocamada de cultivo primário de pulmão fetal bovino (PFB) inoculada com as amostras clássicas, citopatogênica (CP) e não citopatogênica (NCP), do vírus da DBV e testado em amostras biológicas suspeitas processadas no teste clássico de isolamento viral (IV). O método de IPM identificou o vírus da DBV, apresentando melhores resultados com a utilização do calor como agente fixador, a soroalbumina bovina a 4% em PBS como bloqueador e a revelação com o cromógeno 3-amino-9-etil-carbazol (AEC). Como anticorpos primários, tanto o anticorpo policlonal como o monoclonal forneceram bons resultados.The aim of this study was to standardize the immunoperoxidase in cell monolayer assay (IPMA) for the etiological diagnosis of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD). The method was standardized in monolayer of primary bovine fetal lung culture inoculated with cytophatic and non-cytophatic classical strains of BVD virus and tested using samples that were considered suspected in the classical technique of viral isolation. The IPMA successfully identified BVD virus and presented better results when heat was used for fixation, BSA 4% solution in PBS was used for blocking and AEC chromogen was used for revelation. Both monoclonal and polycloral antibodies gave good results when used as primary antibodies