15 research outputs found

    Measuring wage discrimination according to an expected utility approach

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    Following on from the seminal works by Blinder (1973) and Oaxaca (1973), many methods have been proposed to measure wage discrimination against women. Some of these methods focus on the entire distribution of the discrimination experienced by each woman, underlining a common aspect of poverty and discrimination analysis: the latter two are both based on an idea of deprivation which originates from a poverty line (in the case of poverty) and from the expected wage in the absence of discrimination (in the case of wage discrimination) (Jenkins, 1994; Del RĂ­o et al., 2011). These approaches hinge on conditional-to-individual-characteristics expected wages, lacking in any focus regarding the entire conditional wage distribution faced by each woman. In this paper we will discuss an expected utility approach to the study of wage discrimination. Adjusted and unadjusted for discrimination conditional-to-individual-characteristic wage distributions are evaluated for each woman by means of a utility function. And, in order to evaluate the presence and the discrimination intensity, these distributions will be compared on the basis of the respective certainty equivalent wages. As the choice of the utility function affects the results of the analysis, we will also evaluate the share of women for which the adjusted for discrimination conditional wage distribution second-order stochastically dominates the un-adjusted distribution. Finally, an empirical analysis will be performed for the Italian labour market

    Dealing with a potential bias in estimating the share of discriminated women

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    The Blinder-Oaxaca [1, 6] decomposition neglects any distributional issues of discrimination. Instead, Jenkins [5] has argued the importance of a distributional approach in evaluating wage discrimination, focusing on the entire distribution of discrimination experienced by each woman. In their distributional approach, Del Río et al. [3] have adapted the Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) [4] poverty indices in studying wage discrimination. These discrimination indices depend on a parameter which can be interpreted as a measure of aversion to discrimination. When the aversion parameter is zero, the index measures the share of discriminated women. In this paper we will demonstrate that the naïve approach to the estimation of the share of discriminated women – similar to that used by Del Río et al. [3] – could be considerably biased. We propose testing the significance of the discrimination experienced by each woman, using appropriate statistical tests

    Sar, Automatic Generation of Statistical Report Using Stata and Microsoft Word for Windows

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    The output provided by most Stata commands is a plain text not suitable to be presented or published. After the numerical output is obtained, the user has to copy it in a word processor to complete the editing process. Some Stata commands help you to obtain well formatted output, expecially tabulating results in LaTex or other formats, but they are not a complete solution and they are not friendly tools. Stata automatic report (Sar) is an easy to use macro for Microsoft Word for Windows which allows a powerful integration between Stata and the word processor by Microsoft. Using Sar the user can retrieve numerical results from Stata and automatically insert them in a well formatted Word document, exploiting all the functions of Word. This process in managed by Word while Stata is executed in background. Sar requires Stata commands and some specific Sar commands to be written in ordinary Word comments. So the report is well documented and this can encourage the sharing of the workflow of data anlysis and the reproducibility of the research. Using Sar the user can create an automatic report, i.e. a Word document that can be automatically updated if data have changed. Sar works only on Windows systems

    Sar: Automatic Generation of Statistical Reports Using Stata and Microsoft Word for Windows

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    The output provided by most Stata commands is plain text not suitable to be presented or published. After the numerical and graphical outputs are obtained, the user has to copy them into a word processor to complete the editing process. Some Stata commands help you to obtain well-formatted output, especially tabulated results in LATEX or other formats, but they are not a complete solution nor are they friendly tools. Stata automatic report (Sar) is an easy-to-use macro for Microsoft Word for Windows that allows a powerful integration between Stata and Word. With Sar, the user can retrieve numerical results and graphs from Stata and automatically insert them into a well-formatted Word document, exploiting all the functions of Word. This process is managed by Word while Stata is executed in the background. Sar requires Stata commands and some specific Sar commands to be written in ordinary Word comments. Thus the report is well documented, and this can encourage the sharing of the workflow of data analysis and the reproducibility of the research. With Sar, the user can create an automatic report, that is, a Word document that can be automatically updated if data have changed. Sar works only on Windows systems

    Visua 0.1 Beta

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    Un comando di Stata può essere digitato tramite tastiera oppure lanciato da una finestra di dialogo, il cui scopo finale è quello di preparare la stringa del comando da eseguire. Le finestre di dialogo evitano di dover ricordare la sintassi dei comandi e di commettere errori nella loro digitazione. Tutti i comandi disponibili al momento dell’installazione di Stata, salvo rare eccezioni, dispongono di una relativa finestra di dialogo. Stata mette a disposizione un linguaggio di programmazione (dialog programming language) per la creazione delle finestre di dialogo. Nonostante la sua utilità, questo linguaggio di programmazione sembra essere poco utilizzato dagli utilizzatori di Stata e, infatti, la maggior parte dei comandi scritti dagli utenti vengono diffusi senza essere accompagnati da una corrispondente finestra di dialogo. Probabilmente molti utenti non ritengono particolarmente utile programmare le finestre di dialogo o sono scoraggiati dalla difficoltà di apprendere ed utilizzare un nuovo linguaggio di programmazione. Visua è un software RAD (rapid application development) che permette di creare facilmente e velocemente finestre di dialogo per Stata. Visua non è un comando di Stata, ma un software gratuito stand-alone scritto in C++. Mettendo a disposizione una comoda interfaccia punta e clicca, consente di posizionare bottoni, menu e altri controlli, di settarne le dimensioni e di impostare altri parametri della finestra di dialogo. Il codice della finestra di dialogo viene automaticamente generato da Visua e può essere immediatamente testato in Stata. Utilizzando Visua, l’utente risparmia molto lavoro di digitazione manuale delle istruzioni e riduce la probabilità di commettere errori di sintassi. Stata, dopo aver processato il codice di una finestra di dialogo e averne individuato un errore di sintassi, restituisce un messaggio di errore piuttosto generico e che spesso non fornisce indicazioni su come porre rimedio. Visua dispone di un debugger che facilita l’individuazione di eventuali problemi producendo messaggi di errore e avvertimenti (warnings) user-friendly e che danno informazioni più precise e indicative rispetto a quelle fornite da Stata. Le funzionalità di Visua possono essere arricchite attraverso plugin che vengono caricati all’avvio del software e che permettono di automatizzare operazioni riguardanti la creazione delle finestre di dialogo. Un plugin può essere utile, ad esempio, per creare rapidamente una griglia di caselle di spunta (checkbox) con un numero di righe e un numero colonne impostati dall’utente. I plugin possono essere programmati dagli utenti, nonché scambiati tra gli stessi. Le finestre di dialogo create in Visua possono essere salvate in file con estensione .vis, che sfruttano il formato xml. La possibilità di aprire e salvare file in formato xml rende più semplice il compito di creare comandi di Stata che generano file di Visua, permettendo quindi di realizzare soluzioni innovative in cui Visua si integra con Stata. Nella presentazione del software discuterò, oltre agli aspetti che sono stati qui brevemente descritti, anche la possibilità di integrare Stata e Visua per la creazione di interfacce per l’immissione di dati survey. Queste interfacce consentono l’inserimento dei codici relativi alle domande a risposta multipla, la gestione delle domande filtro e quindi la prevenzione dell’inserimento di risposte incoerenti. La progettazione di queste interfacce verrà utilizzata nella presentazione come “banco di prova” delle capacità di Visua. Visua si propone come software di corredo a Stata e come strumento di lavoro rivoluzionario per i programmatori. Visua intende cambiare il modo di utilizzare Stata e di aprire nuove possibilità di utilizzo

    Stata Automatic Report (SAR) 1.0

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    The output provided by most Stata commands is a plain text not suitable to be presented or published. After the numerical output is obtained, the user has to copy it in a word processor to complete the editing process. Some Stata commands help you to obtain well formatted output, expecially tabulating results in LaTex or other formats, but they are not a complete solution and they are not friendly tools. Stata automatic report (Sar) is an easy to use macro for Microsoft Word for Windows which allows a powerful integration between Stata and the word processor by Microsoft. Using Sar the user can retrieve numerical results from Stata and automatically insert them in a well formatted Word document, exploiting all the functions of Word. This process in managed by Word while Stata is executed in background. Sar requires Stata commands and some specific Sar commands to be written in ordinary Word comments. So the report is well documented and this can encourage the sharing of the workflow of data anlysis and the reproducibility of the research. Using Sar the user can create an automatic report, i.e. a Word document that can be automatically updated if data have changed. Sar works only on Windows systems

    Tabula 0.3 beta

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    The final aim of the majority of statistical analyses is to create a set of statistical tables for publication. Generally complex statistical survey reports contain a lot of tables which usually have more than two entries. In order to create tables like these, you have first to run a lot of Stata commands and to write them by hand. This process is error prone and it’s difficult to create tables with more than four entries using ordinary Stata commands. Tabula is not a Stata command but a complete software written in C++, with a user-friendly GUI. The main aims of Tabula are to automate the production of reports and to minimize human errors. It allows you to create your statistical table through a “what you see is what you get” approach. The main area of the interface is made up of a spreadsheet-like table where you can drag and drop labels and pre-build Stata commands and so visually create your statistical table. Tabula builds a do-file and then tells Stata to execute it in batch mode. The do-file generates a comma separated values file (CSV), containing the calculated figures, that can be easily edited by other softwares to produce final print-ready output. Tabula can load variables and labels from a Stata dataset file and can save the created project in its own file format