1,725 research outputs found

    The Lerch Zeta Function II. Analytic Continuation

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    This is the second of four papers that study algebraic and analytic structures associated with the Lerch zeta function. In this paper we analytically continue it as a function of three complex variables. We that it is well defined as a multivalued function on the manifold M equal to C^3 with the hyperplanes corresponding to integer values of the two variables a and c removed. We show that it becomes single valued on the maximal abelian cover of M. We compute the monodromy functions describing the multivalued nature of this function on M, and determine various of their properties.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures; v2 notation changes, homotopy action on lef

    Not in My City: Rural America Urban Dumping Ground

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    The ideological divide between urban and rural is deeply rooted in the American consciousness, fraught with tensions stemming from false memories of a pastoral past on the one hand and the American yearning for progress as exemplified by the industry of the city on the other. These tensions have figured prominently in design discourse, from Ebenezer Howard's Garden City to Patrick Geddes Rural-to-Urban Transect and Ian McHarg's Design with Nature. Over the last twenty years, however, rural issues have been wholly overshadowed by design's fixation on urbanization. Though urban design and planning are well established subdisciplines of the design professions, rural issues receive limited pedagogical or practical emphasis. Across design disciplines, the contemporary city is touted as the key to technological, economic and cultural innovation while rural decline is accepted as inevitable, if not necessary. This resignation to the eventuality of rural decline has facilitated an exploitative relationship between urban hubs and their rural hinterlands. Rural America which encompasses roughly seventy-two percent of the nation's landmass has seen slower population growth for a decade as more young people move to urban and suburban areas for jobs and aging retirees seek out more densely populated places to live. The 2010 census revealed that nonmetropolitan counties officially lost population for the first time. The economic landscape of rural America is also in a state of flux. Rural areas have traditionally relied upon resource-extractive industries, such as agriculture, forestry and energy production. However, technological advances, outsourcing, and the decline of manufacturing have forced rural communities to reevaluate their local economies. Declining populations coupled with limited economic opportunities characterize a number of rural communities across the United States. Looking for stable economic investments, policy makers and officials in rural areas across the country actively court landfills, prisons, and meat production and processing facilities in hopes of creating new jobs and generating revenue for towns in need of economic revitalization

    Comprehensive geriatric assessment

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    Pollution control investment decisions and policy preferences of senior managers of the Southern African fish processing industry

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    Bibliography: pages 134-147.Pollution control regulations directed at the land-based factories of the Southern African fish processing industry do not appear to promote the required level of investment in pollution control systems. Two self-administered mail-questionnaires comprising undisguised fixed-alternative and open-ended questions were constructed to survey the opinions and viewpoints of a census consisting of twenty-seven senior managers responsible for making pollution control investments in the demersal and pelagic sectors of the fish processing industry. The first questionnaire was directed at establishing the relative importance of factors that influence waste and pollution control investment decisions as well as the perceptions and preferences of managers with regard to various pollution control policy options. Descriptive statistics such as the modal class were used to summarize the distribution of opinions and viewpoints within the research population. Rank ordered preference data was analyzed using a multidimensional unfolding computer algorithm. This structural multivariate statistical method is a special case of non-metric multidimensional scaling that generates perceptual maps which can aid in the discovery of the hidden structure underlying multidimensional decisions. Investments in waste and pollution control do not appear to have a high priority when compared to other strategic investments that the fish processing industry managers may make. The relative importance of factors that could influence the managers of the industry to invest in waste control equipment appear to be determined by the perceived financial returns that can be expected from such investments. Findings suggest that pollution control legislation is rendered ineffective due to inadequate enforcement. However, it appears that existing legislation needs to be rationalized in order to facilitate compliance. The most favoured pollution control instruments were those that lowered the cost of legally mandated expenses such as subsidies and income tax allowances. These were followed by permit systems which specified the allowable characteristics of discharges while allowing individual companies freedom of choice as to the method of achieving compliance. The second questionnaire was used to verify the researcher's interpretation of the findings and preliminary conclusions drawn from the replies to the first questionnaire

    The frequency and significance of bacteriuria

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    I. The frequency in which a bacteriuria may be demonstrated both in adults and children who are not at the time suffering from an acute bacterial infection of the kidney. II. The apparent advantage of first incubating the carefully taken specimen of urine with an equal amount of nutrient broth; and subsequently making a subculture. III. The possibility that a bacteriuria may be the indication of incipient kidney disease, either of a subacute or chronio type of disease. IV. The possibility that a bacteriuria may indicate a smouldering focus of infection in any region of the body

    Factors involved in the handling of iron by the reticulo-endothelial system

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    A thesis presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 1972For centuries iron was regarded as a source of health and vigour, and it has been known for at least 200 years that it is a component of blood and effective in the treatment of chlorosis. However, its metabolism remained largely a mystery until the advent of radioactive iron isotopes in 1938. Since then most of the major pathways of this metal into, through and out of the body have been elucidated. In addition the functions which it subserves have been partially characterized.IT201

    The Charles Davidson Bell Heritage Trust collection : a catalogue and critical study,

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    This thesis comprises two parts. Part One is a biography of the life of Charles Davidson Bell (1813-1882), who was the Surveyor General at the Cape from 1848 to 1872. Part Two consists of an illustrated catalogue and critical study of the the pictures by Charles Davidson Bell in the Bell Heritage Trust Collection at U.C.T. The Biography of Charles Davidson Bell has been researched from unpublished sources and from secondary published sources. The chronology of his life is placed in relationship with his versatile accomplishments as an artist and his achievements in other diverse fields. In the Catalogue, the history, formation and restoration of the Bell Heritage Trust collection is reviewed. The criteria used in cataloguing and attribution of pictures is discussed. The cataloguing terminology that has been employed, is defined. The various collections of sketchbooks are introduced and discussed in terms of the ordering and arrangement of the pictures. The pictures are catalogued and placed in their historical context. The inter-relationship between pictures in the Bell Heritage Trust and in other collections is considered

    On a completed generating function of locally harmonic Maass forms

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    While investigating the Doi-Naganuma lift, Zagier defined integral weight cusp forms fDf_D which are naturally defined in terms of binary quadratic forms of discriminant DD. It was later determined by Kohnen and Zagier that the generating function for the fDf_D is a half-integral weight cusp form. A natural preimage of fDf_D under a differential operator at the heart of the theory of harmonic weak Maass forms was determined by the first two authors and Kohnen. In this paper, we consider the modularity properties of the generating function of these preimages. We prove that although the generating function is not itelf modular, it can be naturally completed to obtain a half-integral weight modular object

    'N kromofoob adenoom van die hipofise wat presenteer as 'n intraserebrale gewas

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