8,811 research outputs found

    Adaptação de protocolo de extração de RNA para acessos de Paspalum e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu.

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    Editores técnicos: João de Mendonça Naime, Caue Ribeiro, Maria Alice Martins, Elaine Cristina Paris, Paulino Ribeiro Villas Boas, Ladislau Marcelino Rabello

    Extended DFT+U+V method with on-site and inter-site electronic interactions

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    In this article we introduce a generalization of the popular DFT+U method based on the extended Hubbard model that includes on-site and inter-site electronic interactions. The novel corrective Hamiltonian is designed to study systems for which electrons are not completely localized on atomic states (according to the general scheme of Mott localization) and hybridization between orbitals from different sites plays an important role. The application of the extended functional to archetypal Mott - charge-transfer (NiO) and covalently bonded insulators (Si and GaAs) demonstrates its accuracy and versatility and the possibility to obtain a unifying and equally accurate description for a broad range of very diverse systems

    Music Therapy for Patients Who Have Undergone Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant

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    Objectives. This study examines the short- and long-term QOL benefits of a music therapy intervention for patients recovering from hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Methods. Ninety allogeneic HSCT patients, after transplant, were randomized to receive ISO-principle (i.e., mood matching) based music therapy (MT; n = 29), unstructured music (UM; n = 30), or usual care (UC; n = 31) for four weeks. The ISO principle posits that patients may shift their mood from one state to another by listening to music that is equal to the individual\u27s initial mood state and subsequently listening to music selections that gradually shift in tempo and mood to match the patient\u27s desired disposition. Participants in MT and UM groups developed two audio CDs to help them feel more relaxed and energized and were instructed to use the CDs to improve their mood as needed. Short-term effects on mood and long-term effects on QOL were examined. Results. MT and UM participants reported improved mood immediately after listening to CDs; the within-group effect was greater for UM participants compared to MT participants. Participant group was not associated with long-term QOL outcomes. Conclusions. Music listening improves mood acutely but was not associated with long-term benefits in this study

    Music Therapy for Patients Who Have Undergone Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant

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    Objectives. This study examines the short- and long-term QOL benefits of a music therapy intervention for patients recovering from hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Methods. Ninety allogeneic HSCT patients, after transplant, were randomized to receive ISO-principle (i.e., mood matching) based music therapy (MT; n = 29), unstructured music (UM; n = 30), or usual care (UC; n = 31) for four weeks. The ISO principle posits that patients may shift their mood from one state to another by listening to music that is equal to the individual\u27s initial mood state and subsequently listening to music selections that gradually shift in tempo and mood to match the patient\u27s desired disposition. Participants in MT and UM groups developed two audio CDs to help them feel more relaxed and energized and were instructed to use the CDs to improve their mood as needed. Short-term effects on mood and long-term effects on QOL were examined. Results. MT and UM participants reported improved mood immediately after listening to CDs; the within-group effect was greater for UM participants compared to MT participants. Participant group was not associated with long-term QOL outcomes. Conclusions. Music listening improves mood acutely but was not associated with long-term benefits in this study

    Agricultura familiar e planejamento participativo para o desenvolvimento do Assentamento Nilson Campo, Jacy-Paraná, Porto Velho, Rondônia.

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    Este trabalho relata o processo de elaboração do Plano de Desenvolvimento do Projeto de Assentamento (PDSA) do PA Nilson Campos, no período de outubro de 2001 a março de 2002, por meio de um convênio de cooperação técnica entre o Incra (Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária) e a Fetagro (Federação dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura em Rondônia), com a interveniência executiva da Embrapa Rondônia. O principal objetivo da elaboração do PDSA foi definir as ações estratégicas a serem empreendidas para o desenvolvimento do projeto de assentamento, criado em outubro de 2000. Para isso, foi efetuado um estudo da realidade, onde se buscou a participação dos assentados, na identificação e análise dos fatores potenciais e restritivos ao desenvolvimento do assentamento.bitstream/item/54340/1/doc87-agriculturafamiliar.pd