21,160 research outputs found

    An accurate formula for the period of a simple pendulum oscillating beyond the small-angle regime

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    A simple approximation formula is derived here for the dependence of the period of a simple pendulum on amplitude that only requires a pocket calculator and furnishes an error of less than 0.25% with respect to the exact period. It is shown that this formula describes the increase of the pendulum period with amplitude better than other simple formulas found in literature. A good agreement with experimental data for a low air-resistance pendulum is also verified and it suggests, together with the current availability/precision of timers and detectors, that the proposed formula is useful for extending the pendulum experiment beyond the usual small-angle oscillations.Comment: 15 pages and 4 figures. to appear in American Journal of Physic

    Comparison of Ising magnet on directed versus undirected Erdos-Renyi and scale-free network

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    Scale-free networks are a recently developed approach to model the interactions found in complex natural and man-made systems. Such networks exhibit a power-law distribution of node link (degree) frequencies n(k) in which a small number of highly connected nodes predominate over a much greater number of sparsely connected ones. In contrast, in an Erdos-Renyi network each of N sites is connected to every site with a low probability p (of the orde r of 1/N). Then the number k of neighbors will fluctuate according to a Poisson distribution. One can instead assume that each site selects exactly k neighbors among the other sites. Here we compare in both cases the usual network with the directed network, when site A selects site B as a neighbor, and then B influences A but A does not influence B. As we change from undirected to directed scale-free networks, the spontaneous magnetization vanishes after an equilibration time following an Arrhenius law, while the directed ER networks have a positive Curie temperature.Comment: 10 pages including all figures, for Int. J, Mod. Phys. C 1

    Electronic excitation of H_2O by low-energy electron impact

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    Cross sections for electronic excitation of H_2O by low-energy electrons have been studied using the Schwinger multichannel method. Differential and integral cross sections for excitation of the (3a_1→3sa_1)^3A_1 dissociative state are reported for impact energies of 12, 15, and 20 eV. A comparison of the calculated integral cross sections with emission measurements for OH (A^2Σ^+) produced via dissociative electron-impact excitation of H_2O in this energy range is encouraging

    Critical wave-packet dynamics in the power-law bond disordered Anderson Model

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    We investigate the wave-packet dynamics of the power-law bond disordered one-dimensional Anderson model with hopping amplitudes decreasing as HnmnmαH_{nm}\propto |n-m|^{-\alpha}. We consider the critical case (α=1\alpha=1). Using an exact diagonalization scheme on finite chains, we compute the participation moments of all stationary energy eigenstates as well as the spreading of an initially localized wave-packet. The eigenstates multifractality is characterized by the set of fractal dimensions of the participation moments. The wave-packet shows a diffusive-like spread developing a power-law tail and achieves a stationary non-uniform profile after reflecting at the chain boundaries. As a consequence, the time-dependent participation moments exhibit two distinct scaling regimes. We formulate a finite-size scaling hypothesis for the participation moments relating their scaling exponents to the ones governing the return probability and wave-function power-law decays

    Density-functionals not based on the electron gas: Local-density approximation for a Luttinger liquid

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    By shifting the reference system for the local-density approximation (LDA) from the electron gas to other model systems one obtains a new class of density functionals, which by design account for the correlations present in the chosen reference system. This strategy is illustrated by constructing an explicit LDA for the one-dimensional Hubbard model. While the traditional {\it ab initio} LDA is based on a Fermi liquid (the electron gas), this one is based on a Luttinger liquid. First applications to inhomogeneous Hubbard models, including one containing a localized impurity, are reported.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (final version, contains additional applications and discussion; accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Clustering, Angular Size and Dark Energy

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    The influence of dark matter inhomogeneities on the angular size-redshift test is investigated for a large class of flat cosmological models driven by dark energy plus a cold dark matter component (XCDM model). The results are presented in two steps. First, the mass inhomogeneities are modeled by a generalized Zeldovich-Kantowski-Dyer-Roeder (ZKDR) distance which is characterized by a smoothness parameter α(z)\alpha(z) and a power index γ\gamma, and, second, we provide a statistical analysis to angular size data for a large sample of milliarcsecond compact radio sources. As a general result, we have found that the α\alpha parameter is totally unconstrained by this sample of angular diameter data.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Physical Review

    On the Uq[sl(2)]{\cal{U}}_{q}[sl(2)] Temperley-Lieb reflection matrices

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    This work concerns the boundary integrability of the spin-s Uq[sl(2)]{\cal{U}}_{q}[sl(2)] Temperley-Lieb model. A systematic computation method is used to constructed the solutions of the boundary Yang-Baxter equations. For ss half-integer, a general 2s(s+1)+3/22s(s+1)+3/2 free parameter solution is presented. It turns that for ss integer, the general solution has 2s(s+1)+12s(s+1)+1 free parameters. Moreover, some particular solutions are discussed.Comment: LaTex 17 page

    Uma nova abordagem para diagnóstico de doenças via web.

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    RESUMO: Neste trabalho é apresentada e discutida a nova plataforma do módulo de diagnóstico de doenças (módulo produtor) do sistema Diagnose Virtual que foi desenvolvida para integrar ao portal WebAgritec. O WebAgritec é uma plataforma, concretizada na forma de um website com uma interface mais interativa para transferência das tecnologias da Embrapa para os extensionistas e produtores rurais. Esta plataforma, baseada nos conceitos de Web 2.0, visa o planejamento, previsão e monitoramento da produção agrícola e reúne informações sobre as culturas de arroz, feijão, milho, soja e trigo.SBIAgro 2011

    Sistema Diagnose Virtual: módulo produtor: manual do usuário

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    O sistema Diagnose Virtual é um ambiente virtual na WEB para diagnóstico de doenças de plantas e enfermidades de animais que se utiliza de mecanismos de inferência (investigação) aplicados sobre o conhecimento de especialistas previamente categorizado. Este documento tem por objetivo orientar o usuário do sistema Diagnose Virtual no procedimento para sua utilização visando obter resultados corretos com menor esforço. O sistema é também dotado de ajuda online, na qual cada funcionalidade do sistema é descrita de forma sucinta mostrada desde que o ponteiro do mouse fique parado por um instante em cima da funcionalidade. Outra forma de ajuda pode ser obtida a cada tela, clicando o símbolo de interrogação no canto inferior direito. O documento aborda o módulo do usuário/produtor, no qual são exploradas as características de um problema (um caso) de uma determinada cultura até obter-se o diagnóstico. Como resultados são fornecidas as possíveis desordens com seus respectivos graus de certeza.bitstream/item/11858/1/doc85.pd

    Exact Lyapunov Exponent for Infinite Products of Random Matrices

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    In this work, we give a rigorous explicit formula for the Lyapunov exponent for some binary infinite products of random 2×22\times 2 real matrices. All these products are constructed using only two types of matrices, AA and BB, which are chosen according to a stochastic process. The matrix AA is singular, namely its determinant is zero. This formula is derived by using a particular decomposition for the matrix BB, which allows us to write the Lyapunov exponent as a sum of convergent series. Finally, we show with an example that the Lyapunov exponent is a discontinuous function of the given parameter.Comment: 1 pages, CPT-93/P.2974,late