9,860 research outputs found

    Magnitude e data do nível mínimo anual do Rio Paraguai em Ladário com base no MODELAD.

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    O nível do Rio Paraguai constitui excelente indicador das condições hidrológicas do Pantanal. O presente Boletim de Pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar a aplicação dos conceitos do MODELAD (Modelo para previsão do nível do Rio Paraguai em Ladário, MS) para também projetar a data e a magnitude do nível mínimo anual. Os melhores resultados do MODELAD aplicado ao nível mínimo apresentam erro médio da magnitude de ± 22 cm para previsões realizadas em outubro e erro médio da data de ocorrência de ±12 dias para previsões realizadas em agosto.bitstream/CPAP-2009-09/57061/1/BP85.pd

    O ciclo das águas no Pantanal e a cheia de 2011.

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    bitstream/item/79942/1/ADM144.pdfFormato eletrônico. Disponível também em: Zoonews, Dourados News, Rios Vivos, Campo Grande News, Agrosoft, De olho no tempo, Capitan bado, maracaju news

    Modelagem do crescimento e da colheita periódica do aguapé (Eichhornia crassipes) para produção de biocombustíveis.

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    Este estudo analisou o crescimento do aguapé em sistemas fechados por meio da análise ecossistêmica permitindo assim o desenvolvimento de um modelo para a simulação do crescimento da biomassa do aguapé, remoção de nutrientes e efeitos da colheita

    Análise espectral de dados SMMR para estudo de padrões de Inundação do Pantanal.

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    Inundation seasonal patterns are important in the understanding of tropical floodplain ecosystems dynamics. In this study, we have analyzed data derived from 37-GHz polarization differences observed by the Nimbus-7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR). The passive microwave observations, for 10 Pantanal subregioes, provide an robust signature of inundation dynamics in large wetlands such as the Pantanal. The time series was obtained taking into account the differences between vertically and horizontally polarized brightness temperatures providing a sensitive indicator of the surface water against a vegetation land surface background. Each time series was analyzed by applying the gradient pattern analysis on a multiresolution representation obtained from wavelet decomposition /reconstrution technique. The main result have shown similar variability patterns for the following groups of subregions: (i) Miranda and Piquiri; (ii) Negro and Nhecolandia; (iii) Corixo, Paraguay, Cuiabá and Taquari fan; and (iv) Taquari river and Nabileque. Some hydrological aspects are discussed in order to understand the clusterization found from our results

    Comparing consumer perceptions of appliances' electricity use to appliances' actual direct-metered consumption

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    Many strategies for reducing residential energy consumption—including product labelling programs, subsidies for the purchase of efficient devices, behavioral programs that encourage efficient energy use, and others—rely on building owners and end users to make informed investment and operational decisions. These strategies may be ineffective if consumers are unaware of how much electricity is used by different devices in their homes and buildings. This study therefore compares consumers' perceptions of their appliances' electricity use to these appliances' actual direct-metered electricity consumption. Using an online survey, 118 homeowners from Austin, Texas were asked to estimate the energy consumption of six household devices which were monitored in the participants' homes. Homeowners were randomly assigned to assess their appliance-specific electricity use in terms of energy units (kWh/month) or energy cost units ($/month) for an average summer month. Consistent with previous studies, participants overestimated the energy consumed by their low energy consuming devices and slightly underestimated that of their most energy-consuming device. Results also showed that responses of the experimental groups estimating their consumption in energy units and energy cost units were similar, the accuracy of the two groups' perceptions was similar, and levels of confidence in the two groups were similar. These results suggest that targeted information campaigns focused on air conditioning energy consumption and device power reduction opportunities could improve consumer decision-making to save energy and reduce demand

    Behavior of roots of savanna species in the Pantanal wetlands, Brazil.

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    Edição dos abstracts do 24º IUFRO World Congress, 2014, Salt Lake City. Sustaining forests, sustaining people: the role of research