67 research outputs found

    Sentinel lymph node biopsy and axillary reverse mapping: a tailoring axillary staging in breast cancer

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    peer reviewedThe status of the axillary lymph nodes is one of the most important prognostic factors in women with early stage breast cancer. Histologic examination of removed lymph nodes is the most accurate method for assessing spread of disease to these nodes. Axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) remains the standard approach for women who have clinically palpable axillary nodes. The benefits of ALND include its impact on disease control (axillary recurrence and survival), its prognostic value, and its role in treatment selection. However, the anatomic disruption caused by ALND may result in lymphedema, nerve injury, and shoulder dysfunction, which compromise functionality and quality of life. For patients who have clinically negative axillary lymph nodes, sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy offers a less morbid method to determine if there are positive nodes, in which case axillary node dissection would be necessary. Patients who are SLN-positive should undergo complete ALND. Axillary reverse mapping (ARM) is a recent improvement of ALND which, like the biopsy of the GS, would reduce morbidity

    Management of estrogen deficiency after breast cancer

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    peer reviewedThe prevention and the treatment of oestrogen deficiency induced by breast cancer treatments are crucial in the management of patients. The impacts of this deficiency must not be neglected: quality of life impairments inducing eventually premature withdrawal of hormonotherapies, and excess of bone and cardio-vascular morbidities and mortalities, especially in good prognosis young women. Management strategies of short and long term effects of this deficiency are reviewed and discussed here

    Tibolone compared to the requirements of factual medicine

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    Hormone Replacement Therapy after Breast Cancer. Yes...Or No?

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    peer reviewedClinical and experimental studies indicate that combined unique conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate moderately increase the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Classically, hormone replacement therapy is contra-indicated in women with a past history of breast cancer due to the fear of recurrence. However, these postmenopausal patients complain about hot flushes and adjuvant hormonal therapies (such as aromatase inhibitors, SERMs and Tamoxifen...) aggravate their symptoms. Observational studies and their meta-analyses do not show a deleterious effect but rather a beneficial impact of hormone replacement therapy among women with a past history of breast cancer. We summarise all these studies and their biological, clinical and epidemiological interpretations. We conclude that short term hormone replacement therapy is safe among those women requesting a replacement therapy after complete information. It is however advisable to conclude definitely only when prospective randomised trials with estradiol or tibolone (a promising alternative) will be available. Such ongoing studies will allow to conclude definitely the possible benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy among patients with a past history of breast cancer

    supraconservative Breast Surgery

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    Currently, 30% of the breast biopsies are performed for patients with nonpalpable lesions. The surgical management of these lesions had to evolve to a better three-dimensional targeting and a reduction of the tissue traumatism. The ABBI procedure allows the percutaneous one bloc excision of suspicious mammographically detected lesions with a diameter of less than 2cm. We prospectively evaluated this procedure as a therapeutic tool. Of the 10 malignant lesions with a pathologic size <10mm, 9 (90%) were completely resected with the ABBI device (no residual disease at re-excision of the biopsy site). The results of this preliminary study suggest a potential therapeutic role of the ABBI procedure in the therapeutic arsenal against mammary lesions

    The cancer screening controversy

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