745 research outputs found

    Chiral topological insulator of magnons

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    We propose a magnon realization of 3D topological insulator in the AIII (chiral symmetry) topological class. The topological magnon gap opens due to the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. The existence of the topological invariant is established by calculating the bulk winding number of the system. Within our model, the surface magnon Dirac cone is protected by the sublattice chiral symmetry. By analyzing the magnon surface modes, we confirm that the backscattering is prohibited. By weakly breaking the chiral symmetry, we observe the magnon Hall response on the surface due to opening of the gap. Finally, we show that by changing certain parameters the system can be tuned between the chiral topological insulator (mcTI), three dimensional magnon anomalous Hall (3D-mAH), and Weyl magnon phases.Comment: 6 page

    Intrinsic spin Nernst effect of magnons in a noncollinear antiferromagnet

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    We investigate the intrinsic magnon spin current in a noncollinear antiferromagnetic insulator. We introduce a definition of the magnon spin current in a noncollinear antiferromagnet and find that it is in general nonconserved, but for certain symmetries and spin polarizations the averaged effect of nonconserving terms can vanish. We formulate a general linear response theory for magnons in noncollinear antiferromagnets subject to a temperature gradient and analyze the effect of symmetries on the response tensor. We apply this theory to single-layer potassium iron jarosite KFe3(OH)6(SO4)2 and predict a measurable spin current response

    Magnonic analog of the Edelstein effect in antiferromagnetic insulators

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    We investigate the nonequilibrium spin polarization due to a temperature gradient in antiferromagnetic insulators, which is the magnonic analog of the inverse spin-galvanic effect of electrons. We derive a linear-response theory of a temperature-gradient-induced spin polarization for collinear and noncollinear antiferromagnets, which comprises both extrinsic and intrinsic contributions. We apply our theory to several noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnetic insulators, i.e., to a one-dimensional antiferromagnetic spin chain, a single layer of kagome noncollinear antiferromagnet,e.g.,KFe3(OH)6(SO4)2,and a noncollinear breathing pyrochlore antiferromagnet, e.g., LiGaCr4O8. The shapes of our numerically evaluated response tensors agree with those implied by the magnetic symmetry. Assuming a realistic temperature gradient of 10 K/mm, we find two-dimensional spin densities of up to ∼10^6 hbar/cm^2 and three-dimensional bulk spin densities of up to ∼10^14 hbar/cm^3, encouraging an experimental detection

    Spin Superfluidity in Noncollinear Antiferromagnets

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    We explore the spin superfluid transport in exchange interaction-dominated three-sublattice antiferromagnets. The system in the long-wavelength regime is described by an SO(3) invariant field theory. Additional corrections from Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions or anisotropies can break the symmetry; however, the system still approximately holds a U(1)-rotation symmetry. Thus, the power-law spatial decay signature of spin superfluidity is identified in a nonlocal-measurement setup where the spin injection is described by the generalized spin-mixing conductance. We suggest iron jarosites as promising material candidates for realizing our proposal

    Chiral topological insulator of magnons

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    We propose a magnon realization of 3D topological insulator in the AIII (chiral symmetry) topological class. The topological magnon gap opens due to the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. The existence of the topological invariant is established by calculating the bulk winding number of the system. Within our model, the surface magnon Dirac cone is protected by the sublattice chiral symmetry. By analyzing the magnon surface modes, we confirm that the backscattering is prohibited. By weakly breaking the chiral symmetry, we observe the magnon Hall response on the surface due to opening of the gap. Finally, we show that by changing certain parameters, the system can be tuned between the chiral topological insulator, three-dimensional magnon anomalous Hall, and Weyl magnon phases

    Magnon Landau Levels and Spin Responses in Antiferromagnets

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    We study gauge fields produced by gradients of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and propose a model of an AFM topological insulator of magnons. In the long wavelength limit, the Landau levels induced by the inhomogeneous Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction exhibit relativistic physics described by the Klein-Gordon equation. The spin Nernst response due to the formation of magnonic Landau levels is compared to similar topological responses in skyrmion and vortex-antivortex crystal phases of AFM insulators. Our studies show that AFM insulators exhibit rich physics associated with topological magnon excitations

    Magnon Landau Levels and Spin Responses in Antiferromagnets

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    We study gauge fields produced by gradients of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and propose a model of AFM topological insulator of magnons. In the long wavelength limit, the Landau levels induced by the inhomogeneous Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction exhibit relativistic physics described by the Klein-Gordon equation. The spin Nernst response due to the formation of magnonic Landau levels is compared to similar topological responses in skyrmion and vortex-antivortex crystal phases of AFM insulators. Our studies show that AFM insulators exhibit rich physics associated with topological magnon excitations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Superfluid Spin Transistor

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    We propose to use the Hall response of topological defects, such as merons and antimerons, to spin currents in two-dimensional magnetic insulator with in-plane anisotropy for identification of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition in a transistorlike geometry. Our numerical results relying on a combination of Monte Carlo and spin dynamics simulations show transition from spin superfluidity to conventional spin transport, accompanied by the universal jump of the spin stiffness and exponential growth of the transverse vorticity current. We propose a superfluid spin transistor in which the spin and vorticity currents are modulated by changes in density of free topological defects, e.g., by injection of vorticity or by tuning the in-plane magnet across the BKT transition by changing the exchange interaction, magnetic anisotropy, or temperature