28 research outputs found

    Radiosensitization of hypoxic tumour cells by S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine implicates a bioreductive mechanism of nitric oxide generation

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    The radiosensitizing activity of S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP), a nitric oxide (NO) donor, was assessed in a model of non-metabolic hypoxia achieved in an atmosphere of 95% nitrogen–5% carbon dioxide. A 10 min preincubation of hypoxic EMT-6 cells (10 × 106 ml−1) with 0.1 and 1 mM SNAP before radiation resulted in an enhancement ratio of 1.6 and 1.7 respectively. The level of spontaneous NO release, measured by a NO specific microsensor, correlated directly with the concentration of SNAP and was enhanced 50 times in the presence of cells. Dilution of the cell suspension from 10 to 0.1 × 106 ml−1 resulted in a 16-fold decline in NO release, but only a twofold decrease in radiosensitization was observed. Preincubation of hypoxic cells with SNAP for 3 min up to 30 min caused an increasing radiosensitizing effect. Extended preincubation of 100 min led to the loss of radiosensitization although the half-life of SNAP is known to be 4–5 h. Taken together, these observations suggest that SNAP generates NO predominantly by a bioreductive mechanism and that its biological half-life is unlikely to exceed 30 min. The lack of correlation between free NO radical and radiosensitizing activity may reflect a role of intracellular NO adducts which could contribute to radiosensitization as well. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    E-NTPDases in human airways: Regulation and relevance for chronic lung diseases

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    Chronic obstructive lung diseases are characterized by the inability to prevent bacterial infection and a gradual loss of lung function caused by recurrent inflammatory responses. In the past decade, numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of nucleotide-mediated bacterial clearance. Their interaction with P2 receptors on airway epithelia provides a rapid ‘on-and-off’ signal stimulating mucus secretion, cilia beating activity and surface hydration. On the other hand, abnormally high ATP levels resulting from damaged epithelia and bacterial lysis may cause lung edema and exacerbate inflammatory responses. Airway ATP concentrations are regulated by ecto nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (E-NTPDases) which are expressed on the mucosal surface and catalyze the sequential dephosphorylation of nucleoside triphosphates to nucleoside monophosphates (ATP → ADP → AMP). The common bacterial product, Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide (LPS), induces an acute reduction in azide-sensitive E-NTPDase activities, followed by a sustained increase in activity as well as NTPDase 1 and NTPDase 3 expression. Accordingly, chronic lung diseases, including cystic fibrosis (CF) and primary ciliary dyskinesia, are characterized by higher rates of nucleotide elimination, azide-sensitive E-NTPDase activities and expression. This review integrates the biphasic regulation of airway E-NTPDases with the function of purine signaling in lung diseases. During acute insults, a transient reduction in E-NTPDase activities may be beneficial to stimulate ATP-mediated bacterial clearance. In chronic lung diseases, elevating E-NTPDase activities may represent an attempt to prevent P2 receptor desensitization and nucleotide-mediated lung damage

    Airway gene transfer in mouse nasal-airways: importance of identification of epithelial type for assessment of gene transfer

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    Mouse nasal airways are often used for the assessment of both reporter and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene transfer to respiratory epithelia. However, the mouse nasal cavity is lined by both olfactory (OE) and respiratory epithelium (RE). Previous gene transfer studies have suggested that OE may be more efficiently transduced by adenoviral vectors than RE. However, to provide data pertinent to CFTR gene transfer in humans, measurements of CFTR function in mice by transepithelial potential difference (TPD) should be directed towards respiratory rather than olfactory epithelium. We report a new technique to mark the position of the TPD sensing cannula tip in the mouse nasal cavity that permitted us to correlate TPD measurements with epithelial cell type. Using this technique, we found TPD values did not discriminate between respiratory and olfactory epithelia. We next assessed relationships between anatomic regions accessed by the TPD cannula and epithelial type. The frequently used insertion depth of approximately 5 mm from the nose tip predominantly recorded the TPD from anterior dorsal olfactory epithelium. Measurement of the TPD of respiratory epithelium in our study was maximized by insertion of the TPD cannula probe to 2.5 mm depth. Because TPD measurements are not sensitive to epithelial type, adequate control of position and TPD catheter insertion depth are required to ensure accurate estimation of CFTR gene transfer into the target RE in the mouse nasal cavity