49 research outputs found

    Evolution of major milk proteins in Mus musculus and Mus spretus mouse species: a genoproteomic analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Due to their high level of genotypic and phenotypic variability, <it>Mus spretus </it>strains were introduced in laboratories to investigate the genetic determinism of complex phenotypes including quantitative trait loci. <it>Mus spretus </it>diverged from <it>Mus musculus </it>around 2.5 million years ago and exhibits on average a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in every 100 base pairs when compared with any of the classical laboratory strains. A genoproteomic approach was used to assess polymorphism of the major milk proteins between SEG/Pas and C57BL/6J, two inbred strains of mice representative of <it>Mus spretus </it>and <it>Mus musculus </it>species, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The milk protein concentration was dramatically reduced in the SEG/Pas strain by comparison with the C57BL/6J strain (34 ± 9 g/L <it>vs</it>. 125 ± 12 g/L, respectively). Nine major proteins were identified in both milks using RP-HPLC, bi-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-Tof mass spectrometry. Two caseins (β and α<sub>s1</sub>) and the whey acidic protein (WAP), showed distinct chromatographic and electrophoresis behaviours. These differences were partly explained by the occurrence of amino acid substitutions and splicing variants revealed by cDNA sequencing. A total of 34 SNPs were identified in the coding and 3'untranslated regions of the SEG/Pas <it>Csn1s1 </it>(11), <it>Csn2 </it>(7) and <it>Wap </it>(8) genes. In addition, a 3 nucleotide deletion leading to the loss of a serine residue at position 93 was found in the SEG/Pas <it>Wap </it>gene.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>SNP frequencies found in three milk protein-encoding genes between <it>Mus spretus </it>and <it>Mus musculus </it>is twice the values previously reported at the whole genome level. However, the protein structure and post-translational modifications seem not to be affected by SNPs characterized in our study. Splicing mechanisms (cryptic splice site usage, exon skipping, error-prone junction sequence), already identified in casein genes from other species, likely explain the existence of multiple α<sub>s1</sub>-casein isoforms both in SEG/Pas and C57BL/6J strains. Finally, we propose a possible mechanism by which the hallmark tandem duplication of a 18-nt exon (14 copies) may have occurred in the mouse genome.</p

    Deletion of Nlrp3 protects from inflammation-induced skeletal muscle atrophy

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    BACKGROUND: Critically ill patients develop atrophic muscle failure, which increases morbidity and mortality. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is activated early in sepsis. Whether IL-1β acts directly on muscle cells and whether its inhibition prevents atrophy is unknown. We aimed to investigate if IL-1β activation via the Nlrp3 inflammasome is involved in inflammation-induced atrophy. METHODS: We performed an experimental study and prospective animal trial. The effect of IL-1β on differentiated C2C12 muscle cells was investigated by analyzing gene-and-protein expression, and atrophy response. Polymicrobial sepsis was induced by cecum ligation and puncture surgery in Nlrp3 knockout and wild type mice. Skeletal muscle morphology, gene and protein expression, and atrophy markers were used to analyze the atrophy response. Immunostaining and reporter-gene assays showed that IL-1β signaling is contained and active in myocytes. RESULTS: Immunostaining and reporter gene assays showed that IL-1β signaling is contained and active in myocytes. IL-1β increased Il6 and atrogene gene expression resulting in myocyte atrophy. Nlrp3 knockout mice showed reduced IL-1β serum levels in sepsis. As determined by muscle morphology, organ weights, gene expression, and protein content, muscle atrophy was attenuated in septic Nlrp3 knockout mice, compared to septic wild-type mice 96 h after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: IL-1β directly acts on myocytes to cause atrophy in sepsis. Inhibition of IL-1β activation by targeting Nlrp3 could be useful to prevent inflammation-induced muscle failure in critically ill patients

    Fine-Scale Variation and Genetic Determinants of Alternative Splicing across Individuals

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    Recently, thanks to the increasing throughput of new technologies, we have begun to explore the full extent of alternative pre–mRNA splicing (AS) in the human transcriptome. This is unveiling a vast layer of complexity in isoform-level expression differences between individuals. We used previously published splicing sensitive microarray data from lymphoblastoid cell lines to conduct an in-depth analysis on splicing efficiency of known and predicted exons. By combining publicly available AS annotation with a novel algorithm designed to search for AS, we show that many real AS events can be detected within the usually unexploited, speculative majority of the array and at significance levels much below standard multiple-testing thresholds, demonstrating that the extent of cis-regulated differential splicing between individuals is potentially far greater than previously reported. Specifically, many genes show subtle but significant genetically controlled differences in splice-site usage. PCR validation shows that 42 out of 58 (72%) candidate gene regions undergo detectable AS, amounting to the largest scale validation of isoform eQTLs to date. Targeted sequencing revealed a likely causative SNP in most validated cases. In all 17 incidences where a SNP affected a splice-site region, in silico splice-site strength modeling correctly predicted the direction of the micro-array and PCR results. In 13 other cases, we identified likely causative SNPs disrupting predicted splicing enhancers. Using Fst and REHH analysis, we uncovered significant evidence that 2 putative causative SNPs have undergone recent positive selection. We verified the effect of five SNPs using in vivo minigene assays. This study shows that splicing differences between individuals, including quantitative differences in isoform ratios, are frequent in human populations and that causative SNPs can be identified using in silico predictions. Several cases affected disease-relevant genes and it is likely some of these differences are involved in phenotypic diversity and susceptibility to complex diseases

    Generation of tumour-specific cytotoxic T-cell clones from histocompatibility leucocyte antigen-identical siblings of patients with melanoma

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    Lymphodepletion and infusion of autologous expanded tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes is effective therapy for patients with malignant melanoma. Antitumour responses are likely to be mediated by HLA class I- and II-restricted immune responses directed at tumour antigens. We assessed whether the peripheral blood of normal HLA-matched siblings of patients with melanoma could be used to generate lymphocytes with antimelanoma activity for adoptive immunotherapy after allogeneic blood or marrow transplantation. Melanoma cell lines were derived from two donors and were used to stimulate the mononuclear cells of three HLA-identical siblings. CD4+ clones dominated cultures. Of these, approximately half were directly cytotoxic towards recipient melanoma cells and secreted interferon-γ in response to tumour stimulation. More than half of the noncytotoxic clones also secreted interferon-γ after melanoma stimulation. No CD4+ clones responded to stimulation with recipient haemopoietic cells. The majority of CD8+ clones directly lysed recipient melanoma, but did not persist in long-term culture in vitro. No crossreactivity with recipient haemopoietic cells was observed. The antigenic target of one CD4+ clone was determined to be an HLA-DR11-restricted MAGE-3 epitope. Antigenic targets of the remaining clones were not elucidated, but appeared to be restricted through a non-HLA-DR class II molecule. We conclude that the blood of allogeneic HLA-matched sibling donors contains melanoma-reactive lymphocyte precursors directed at tumour-associated antigens. Adoptive immunotherapy with unselected or ex vivo-stimulated donor lymphocytes after allogeneic stem cell transplantation has a rational basis for the treatment of malignant melanoma