525 research outputs found

    Comparative study on the proximate content of the flesh of red and yellow fruits of Terminalia catappa L.

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    The flesh of two fruits were analysed and compared for their proximate compositions on dry weight basis, the red fruits have the following proximate composition: ash content (7.83±0.76%): crude protein (3.92±0.08%): crude fibre (8.67±0.29%): crude lipid (1.33±0.29%): and available carbohydrate (78.31+ 1.14%) with high energy value (1447.19 KJ per 100g). The moisture content (71.33±6.90) was high. while for the yellow sample are: ash content (8.33 ±0.76%): crude protein (10.01±0.43%): crude fibre (15.83±0.29%): crude lipid (0.67±0.29%): and available carbohydrate (64.90± 0.69%) with high energy value (1295.13 KJ per 100g). The moisture content (84.00± 2.00%): the result showed moisture, crude protein and crude fibre are significantly (p<0.05) higher in yellow compared to red variety. On the other hand crude lipid, available carbohydrate and calorific value were significantly (p<0.05) higher in the red variety. Ash content however, showed no significant (p>0.05) variation between the two varieties.Key words: proximate composition, crude lipid, available carbohydrate, crude protein

    Nutritional evaluation of Faidherbia albida seeds and pulp as source of feeds for livestock

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    The present study was conducted to find out the nutritional values of Faidherbia albida (Acacia albida) seeds and pulp to be used as components in livestock feeds. The samples were randomly collected from various trees during the period of  January to February. The samples were separated, milled and analysed for  proximate components and mineral elements using standard methods of  the AOAC. Proximate analysis results showed that the concentrations of tested parameters in the seed and the pulp respectively on % dry matter were: dry matter (90.0 + 0.4; 93.3 + 0.2), ash (3.3 + 0.1; 6.7 + 0.1), crude protein (20.6 + 1.2; 19.5 + 0.4), crude lipid (13.3 + 0.1; 3.3 + 0.1), crude fibre (6.7 + 0.1; 13.3 + 0.2), and available carbohydrate (46.1 + 0.1; 50.53 + 0.7). The results indicated that the contents of dry matter, ash, crude fibre and available carbohydrate were  significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the pulp compared to the seed while the crude lipid values, however, were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in seeds  compared to pulp. Crude protein values did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) between treatment means of seeds and pulp. The estimated energy value was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the seed (1,682 kJ/100g) compared to pulp (1,363 kJ/100g). The results for the mineral analysis indicate that the seeds and pulp contain appreciable  concentrations (mg/100g) of Ca (136.6 + 5.0; 55.0 + 5.0); Mg (135.0 + 2.0 + 5.0; 84.7 + 3.0); P (26.6 + 0.9; 29.6 + 0.7); K (144.5 + 0.2; 88.8 + 0.1); Na (12.5 + 0.1; 6.8 + 0.1); Fe (6.2 + 0.2; 8.8 + 0.3); Cu (5.8 + 0.1; 2.5 + 0.1) and Zn (8.0 + 0.1; 3.0 + 0.1). Mineral elements in seed are  significantly higher (p < 0.05)  compared to that of pulp in most cases. From the results it can be inferred that the seed and pulp of F. albida could be an important source of feed ingredient for  livestock if properly harnessed.Key words: Feed, Faidherbia albida, Nutrition evaluatio

    Nutritional and Antinutritional Composition of Sclerocarya birrea Fruit Juice

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    The juice of Sclerocarya birrea fruit was evaluated for its nutritional and antinutritional compositions. The results show that the total solid, ash, crude protein, crude lipid, available carbohydrate and energy value are 12.32g/100cm3, 5.05%, 3.31%, 1.30%, 90.35% and 386.34kcal/100g dry weight respectively. The results of minerals content indicate that, the juice is a good source of both macro and micro elements with calcium as predominant. The 100 cm3 juice contained reasonable amount of pectin (2.10g), vitamin C (0.49g), glucose (0.21g) and sucrose (0.76g). Concentrations of hydrocyanic acid, nitrate, oxalate, and phytate are lower than the reference toxic standard level. The juice of the plant could have a potential nutritional uses

    Determination of Nutritive Values of Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum L.) Leaves

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    The focus of this study was to investigate the nutritional values of Lepidium sativum leaves, a vegetable commonly consumed by the people of North-Western Nigeria. Sample of L. sativum leaves were collected from different farm lands at More town, Kware Local Government Area of Sokoto State. The leaves were dried then subjected to proximate, amino acids, minerals and antinutritional analyses. The results of proximate analysis indicate that the leaves had high crude protein (18.25%), crude fibre (9.31%) and ash (15.38%). The minera ls assay showed that the leaves are particularly high in potassium (1850.00 mg/100g), calcium (829.13 mg/100g), magnesium (160.60 mg/100g), sodium (141.13 mg/100g) and iron (63.47 mg/100g) with low level of phosphorus (4.10 mg/100g), manganese (5.74 mg/100g), copper (0.39 mg/100g) and chromium (0.36 mg/100g). The amino acid profile revealed that the leaf protein is generally low in lysine, sulphur containing amino acids (methionine and cystein), and threonine. Lysine was the most limiting amino acid in the leaves. In terms of antinutritional factors, the leaves had low concentrations of phytate (10.95 mg/100g), nitrate (0.05 mg/100g) and HCN (31.54mg/100g) with moderate amount of oxalate (337.50 mg/100g). Based on these nutrient contents, the leafy vegetable will have potential benefits as part of feeding programmes, as well as their promotion as part of composite die.Key words: Lepidium sativum, proximate analysis, amino acid, minerals, and antinutrients

    Acute and subchronic toxicity studies of kernel extract of Sclerocarya birrea in rats

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    Sclerocarya birrea fruits are widely eaten in developing countries especially in rural areas and serves as nutrients supplements. However, they also contain phyto-toxin which may affect the normal functioning of the body. Acute toxicity was performed by a single oral administration at a dose of 3000 mg/kg body weight. Sub chronic evaluation was done by oral feeding of the rats with the seed kernel extract daily at doses of 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 mg/kg body weight for 28 days. The results of acute toxicity showed no mortality and general behavior changes. The lethal dosage (LD50) was greater than 3000 mg/kg body weight. Rats fed with 1000 and 2000 mg/kg body weight of the extract showed increased body weights throughout the period of treatment but not significantly (p<0.05) different from the control group. Significant (p<0.05) reduction in the body weights were noticed in those administered with 3000 and 4000 mg/kg body weightat the 4th and all the weeks respectively. Significant (p<0.05) increasedin serum total protein, albumin, bilirubin, transaminases, creatinine,urea, uric acid and electrolytes were observed in rats fed with 3000 to4000 mg/kg body weight of the extract, suggesting liver and kidneytoxicity. Therefore, the seed kernel extract of S. birrea may be relatively toxic at doses of 3000 and 4000 mg/kg body weight

    Influence of catalyst (Yeast) on the Biomethanization of Selected Organic Waste Materials

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    Yeast catalyzed the rate of biomethanization of waste materials and rate at which it alter the reaction rate has been determined. It was observed that addition of yeast improved the quality and quantity of biogas generated and also fastened the acid and methane forming stages during biomethanization. The volumes of biogas in the catalyzed process was found to be 6550 cm3 for cow dung, 5640 cm3 for millet husk, 3240 cm3 for rice husk ,1000 cm3 for saw dust and 800 cm3 for the paper waste, as against 5430 cm3, 5230 cm3, 2110 cm3, 950 cm3 and 590 cm3 respectively for the uncatalyzed biomethanization process

    Nutritional value OF Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) Seeds

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    Whole seeds, dehulled seeds and seed coats of bottle gourd seed (Lagenaria siceraria) were analysed for their proximate, amino acids and mineral compositions. The results of the analysis showed that, whole seed has highest content of moisture (17.5  0.21%) and ash (5.80  0.83%) while dehulled had highest amount of crude protein (35.0  0.48%) and crude lipid (39.22  1.48%) and seed coat contain highest amount of crude fiber (59.05  0.98%). The study showed a profile of seventeen amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, cysteine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, threonine, valine, alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, proline and serine) with glutamic acid, leucine and aspartic acid being the predominant amino acid. The percentages (%) of essential and non-essential amino acids in dehulled seeds, whole seeds and seed coats were 44 vs 56, 41 vs 59 and 51 vs 49 respectively. The dehulled seeds contained essential amino acids that were found to be higher than WHO/FAO/UNU requirement. In whole seeds, threonine, lysine and lysine were found to be the most limiting amino acids. Seed coats were deficient in all the essential amino acids except for valine. Generally, the mineral composition of the seed was found to be relatively high, indicating the seed to be a good source of dietary elements, except for Ca, Zn, Co and Cr where very low values were obtained. Finally, the results of the study indicate that, bottle gourd seed is a potential source of protein, lipid, micro and macronutrients, and if properly utilised, could contribute in solving the problem of malnutrition and also serve as raw material for agro-based industries Keywords: Bottle gourd seeds, seed coat, proximate analysis, minerals and Amino acid composition.Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Vol. 14 (3) 2008: pp. 301-30

    Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties of Biodiesel Produced From Some Vegetable Oils of Nigeria Origin

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    The non-edible vegetable oils of Jatropha curcas, neem, castor, rubber and edible oils of soyabean and cotton were investigated for their use as biodiesel feedstock. The analysis of different oil properties, fuel properties of non-edible and edible vegetable oils were investigated in detail. A two-step and transesterification process was used to produce biodiesel from high free fatty acid (FFA) non-edible oils and edible vegetable oils respectively. This process gives yields of 96.1 – 98.5 % of biodiesel using potassium hydroxide (KOH) as a catalyst. The fuel properties of biodiesel produced were compared with diesel. The properties of the oils analysed showed that biodiesel from non-edible and edible vegetable oil are comparable with ASTM biodiesel standards and is quiet suitable as an alternative to diesel. Keywords: Biodiesel, Edible oil, Non Edible oil, Transesterification

    Comparative Study of Biogas Production from Locally Sourced Substrate Materials

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    Comparative study of biogas production from Cow dung (CD), Millet husk (MH), Rice husk (RH), Saw dust (SD) and Paper waste (PW) was conducted. The biogas production potentials for the substrates were of the order: Cow dung (8772.50cm3) > Millet husk (6680 cm3) > Rice husk (1386.25 cm3) > Saw dust (973.75 cm3) > Paper waste (476.25 cm3). Physico - chemical analysis revealed decreasing pH in the spent slurry indicating acidification of the content. The ash content is higher in the spent slurry ranging from 16 – 24% for the raw substrate and between 18 and 29% for the spent slurry. Kinetic studies show the slurry concentration have a direct relationship to the volume of biogas produced from all the substrates. There was strong  correlation between slurry concentration and the volume of biogas generated

    Comparative Study on the Proximate and Mineral Contents of the Seed and Pulp of Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa)

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    Proximate composition and mineral content of the seed and pulp of sugar apple (Annona squaumosa) was investigated. On dry weight (DW) bases, the pulp contain significantly (p < 0.05) higher amount of moisture (70 ± 1.83%), ash (7.5 ± 1.29%), crude fibre (46 ± 2.5%) and solublecarbohydrate (30.30 ± 2.02%) compared to the respective values of 42.50 ± 1.29%, 2.50 ± 0.20%, 36.30 ± 2.00% and 12.60 ± 1.80% for seeds. The crude protein contents did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) difference between the seeds (4.4 ± 0.72%) and the pulp (4.4 ± 1.03%). On the other hand, crude lipid (44 ± 3.06%) and calculated energy (464 kcal/100g) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher for the seeds than the corresponding values (11.5 ± 2.08%; 246 kcal/100g) for pulp. Mineral elements concentrations were low except for Ca in both samples and Mg for pulp. Nutrient densities were low for most elements other than Ca, Mg (for pulp), Fe and Zn, which were > 100%.Key words: Annona squamosa, Fruits, Proximate, Minerals, nutrient density
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