19 research outputs found

    Knowledge of Brazilian dentists and students in treating dentine hypersensitivity

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    Objective: To evaluate knowledge of undergraduates and qualified dentists from a Brazilian Dental School in treating Dentine Hypersensitivity (DH). Methodology: Data obtained from a 22-item questionnaire were analysed and arranged in distribution figures. Results: Of 100 respondents, 66.3% indicated that up to 25% of their patients had DH; 41.7%, that the duration of discomfort was up to eight weeks; 78.4%, that they examined a patient with DH within the last two-four weeks; and 70.4%, that this was done after the patient initiated the conversation on DH. Most of participants responded DH affects patients’ quality of life, and its aetiology was attrition, exposed dentine, occlusal interference, gingival recession or abrasion. The most common ways to diagnose DH were sensitivity history analysis, clinical examination, clinical testing and probing; and conflicting conditions were fractured restoration, bleaching sensitivity, marginal leakage, chipped tooth and periodontal disease. Furthermore, 82.5% and 78.7% of respondents indicated they were confident in diagnosing DH and providing advice to patients, but only 38.8% identified hydrodynamic theory as its underlying mechanism. To evaluate pain from DH they considered self-assessment, dental examination, dietary analysis and thermal assessment; and as recommendations, the use of desensitizing dentifrices, education on toothbrushing, in-office application of desensitizing products, and restorations. Conclusion: There is still confusion concerning the aetiology, the diagnosis and the subsequent management of DH, and both students and qualified dentists need better education

    Brazilian guidelines for the clinical management of paracoccidioidomycosis

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    Objectives: Calcium hydroxide cements have been largely used in deep cavities due to their abilities to stimulate dentin formation. However, their resistance can be relatively low and their solubility relatively high, in many instances. This study evaluated water sorption and solubility of different calcium hydroxide cements, in order to show alterations that may reduce their effectiveness. Material and methods: Five discs (20 mm in diameter and 1.5 mm thick) of three different materials (Biocal (R), Dycal (R) and Hidro C (R)) were prepared with the aid of a ring-shaped metallic matrix. After being stored at 37 C for 24 h, the discs were weighed on a precision weight scale, dehydrated and weighed again. Immediately after weighing, discs were stored for a week in 50 mL of distilled water at 37 degrees C and, then, weighed again, dehydrated and submitted to a new weighing. The loss of soluble material and its water sorption was obtained from the difference between the initial and the final dry mass of each disc, after 1 week of immersion in water. Data were analyzed for significant differences by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (p<0.05). Results: Mean water sorption values (g) +/- standard deviation and percentage (%), for each evaluated cement, were: Biocal (R) (0.006 +/- 0.001 / 2.15); Dycal (R) (0.016 +/- 0.004 / 5.49); and Hidro C (R) (0.025 +/- 0.003 / 8.27). Mean solubility values (g) +/- standard deviation and percentage (%), for each evaluated cement, were: Biocal (R) (0.002 +/- 0.001 / 0.72); Dycal (R) (0.013 +/- 0.004 / 4.21); and Hidro C (R) (0.023 +/- 0.004 / 7.65). Conclusions: Biocal (R) absorbed less water and was less soluble than the other evaluated cements; Hidro C (R) exhibited the highest water sorption and solubility values; and there were significant differences among all evaluated experimental groups.175427431SESu/MEC (PET-Brazil

    Momento ideal para a endarterectomia de carótida após um AVC recente

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    Vários estudos prospectivos de escolha aleatória confirmaram a eficácia da endarterectomia de carótida na prevenção de novos acidentes vasculares cerebrais (AVC) em pacientes sintomáticos com estenose grave na carótida. Entretanto, o timing da endarterectomia ainda é controverso. A cirurgia precoce pode estar associada à hemorragia intracerebral e à extensão do infarto inicial. A cirurgia tardia pode expor o paciente à recorrência do AVC e à oclusão da artéria carótida. Os estudos que avaliaram o intervalo de tempo para a endarterectomia são retrospectivos e não randomizados. Na ausência de um estudo prospectivo randomizado comparando endarterectomia precoce e tardia, uma abordagem para se interpretar os resultados das séries cirúrgicas é a comparação destes com a história natural do AVC isquêmico. Os autores descrevem os argumentos em favor da cirurgia precoce, a história natural do AVC isquêmico e os fatores de risco associados ao AVC no perioperatório da endarterectomia