50,971 research outputs found

    Size-dependent oxygen-related electronic states in silicon nanocrystals

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    Silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 were isolated with a selective etching procedure, and the isolated nanocrystals' excitonic emission energy was studied during controlled oxidation. Nanocrystals having initial diameters, d(0), of similar to 2.9-3.4 nm showed a photoluminescence (PL) blueshift upon oxidatively induced size reduction, as expected from models of quantum confinement. Oxidation of smaller Si nanocrystals (d(0)similar to 2.5-2.8 nm) also initially resulted in a PL blueshift, but a redshift in the PL was then observed after growth of similar to 0.3 monolayers of native oxide. This decrease in excitonic emission energy during oxidation is consistent with the theoretically predicted formation of an oxygen-related excitonic recombination state

    Solar energy conversion

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    If solar energy is to become a practical alternative to fossil fuels, we must have efficient ways to convert photons into electricity, fuel, and heat. The need for better conversion technologies is a driving force behind many recent developments in biology, materials, and especially nanoscience

    On the accretion origin of a vast extended stellar disk around the Andromeda galaxy

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    We present the discovery of an inhomogenous, low-surface brightness, extended disk-like structure around the Andromeda galaxy (M31) based on a large kinematic survey of more than 2800 stars with the Keck/DEIMOS spectrograph. The stellar structure spans radii from 15 kpc out to ~40 kpc, with detections out to R ~ 70 kpc. The constituent stars lag the expected velocity of circular orbits in the plane of the M31 disk by ~40 kms and have a velocity dispersion of ~30 kms. The color range on the upper RGB shows a large spread indicative of a population with a significant range of metallicity. The mean metallicity of the population, measured from Ca II equivalent widths, is [Fe/H] = -0.9 +/- 0.2. The morphology of the structure is irregular at large radii, and shows a wealth of substructures which must be transitory in nature, and are almost certainly tidal debris. The presence of these substructures indicates that the global entity was formed by accretion. This extended disk follows smoothly on from the central parts of M31 disk with an exponential density law of scale-length of 5.1 +/- 0.1 kpc, similar to that of the bright inner disk. The population possesses similar kinematic and abundance properties over the entire region where it is detected in the survey. We estimate that the structure accounts for approximately 10% of the total luminosity of the M31 disk, and given the huge scale, contains ~30% of the total disk angular momentum. This finding indicates that at least some galactic stellar disks are vastly larger than previously thought and are formed, at least in their outer regions, primarily by accretion. [abridged]Comment: 20 pages, 30 figures, ApJ submitte

    A near zero velocity dispersion stellar component in the Canes Venatici dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    We present a spectroscopic survey of the newly-discovered Canes Venatici dwarf galaxy using the Keck/DEIMOS spectrograph. Two stellar populations of distinct kinematics are found to be present in this galaxy: an extended, metal-poor component, of half-light radius 7'.8(+2.4/-2.1), which has a velocity dispersion of 13.9(+3.2/-2.5) km/s, and a more concentrated (half-light radius 3'.6(+1.1/-0.8) metal-rich component of extremely low velocity dispersion. At 99% confidence, the upper limit to the central velocity dispersion of the metal-rich population is 1.9 km/s. This is the lowest velocity dispersion ever measured in a galaxy. We perform a Jeans analysis on the two components, and find that the dynamics of the structures can only be consistent if we adopt extreme (and unlikely) values for the scale length and velocity dispersion of the metal-poor population. With a larger radial velocity sample and improved measurements of the density profile of the two populations, we anticipate that it will be possible to place strong constraints on the central distribution of the dark matter in this galaxy.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA

    The synergistic effects of slip ring-brush design and materials

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    Synergistic effects of slip ring-brush design and fabrication for vacuum application determined by friction, wear, electrical noise, and dielectric strength dat

    The synergistic effects of slip ring-brush design and materials

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    The design, fabrication, and subsequent testing of four power slip rings for synchronous orbit application are described. The synergistic effects of contact materials and slip ring-brush design are studied by means of frequent and simultaneous recording of friction, wear, and electrical noise. Data generated during the test period are presented along with post test analysis data

    Chemical studies of the passivation of GaAs surface recombination using sulfides and thiols

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    Steady-state photoluminescence, time-resolved photoluminescence, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been used to study the electrical and chemical properties of GaAs surfaces exposed to inorganic and organic sulfur donors. Despite a wide variation in S2–(aq) concentration, variation of the pH of aqueous HS–solutions had a small effect on the steady-state n-type GaAs photoluminescence intensity, with surfaces exposed to pH=8, 0.1-M HS–(aq) solutions displaying comparable luminescence intensity relative to those treated with pH=14, 1.0-M Na2S·9H2O(aq). Organic thiols (R-SH, where R=–CH2CH2SH or –C6H4Cl) dissolved in nonaqueous solvents were found to effect increases in steady-state luminescence yields and in time-resolved luminescence decay lifetimes of (100)-oriented GaAs. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed that exposure of GaAs surfaces to these organic systems yielded thiols bound to the GaAs surface, but such exposure did not remove excess elemental As and did not form a detectable As2S3 overlayer on the GaAs. These results imply that complete removal of As0 or formation of monolayers of As2S3 is not necessary to effect a reduction in the recombination rate at etched GaAs surfaces. Other compounds that do not contain sulfur but that are strong Lewis bases, such as methoxide ion, also improved the GaAs steady-state photoluminescence intensity. These results demonstrate that a general class of electron-donating reagents can be used to reduce nonradiative recombination at GaAs surfaces, and also imply that prior models focusing on the formation of monolayer coverages of As2S3 and Ga2S3 are not adequate to describe the passivating behavior of this class of reagents. The time-resolved, high level injection experiments clearly demonstrate that a shift in the equilibrium surface Fermi-level energy is not sufficient to explain the luminescence intensity changes, and confirm that HS– and thiol-based reagents induce substantial reductions in the surface recombination velocity through a change in the GaAs surface state recombination rate

    A piloted simulation of helicopter air combat to investigate effects of variations in selected performance and control response characteristics

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    A piloted simulation study investigating handling qualities and flight characteristics required for helicopter air to air combat is presented. The Helicopter Air Combat system was used to investigate this role for Army rotorcraft. Experimental variables were the maneuver envelope size (load factor and sideslip), directional axis handling qualities, and pitch and roll control-response type. Over 450 simulated, low altitude, one-on-one engagements were conducted. Results from the experiment indicate that a well damped directional response, low sideforce caused by sideslip, and some effective dihedral are all desirable for weapon system performance, good handling qualities, and low pilot workload. An angular rate command system was favored over the attitude type pitch and roll response for most applications, and an enhanced maneuver envelope size over that of current generation aircraft was found to be advantageous. Pilot technique, background, and experience are additional factors which had a significant effect on performance in the air combat tasks investigated. The implication of these results on design requirements for future helicopters is presented
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