89 research outputs found

    Appendix 8 : Measuring the effect of international relocations on French economy

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    As in many other developed countries, international relocations are currently a very hot topic in France. This can be readily concluded from the number of articles devoted by the French newspapers to this subject in 2004, compared to the preceding years (Table 1). A heated debate already took place in the early 1990s, culminating with the reports of Arthuis and Devedjian in 1993 (...)

    Délocalisations et désindustrialisation.

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    Délocalisations et désindustrialisation

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    Comparison of optimization techniques in a tolerance analysis approach considering form defects

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    In tolerancing analysis area, the most various existing approaches do not take form defects of parts into consideration. As high precisions assemblies cannot be analyzed with the assumption that form defects are negligible, the paper focuses in particular on the study of the form defects impacts on the assembly simulation and that by comparing two optimization algorithms (iHLRF and Quapro). The study is limited firstly to the cylinders. For the optimization, two main types of surfaces modelling are considered: difference surface-based method and real model. The compared models allow assessing the non-interferences between cylinders with form defects, potentially in contact. This is in the main issue to validate a tolerance analysis approach

    Characterization of Road Condition with Data Mining Based on Measured Kinematic Vehicle Parameters

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    This work aims at classifying the road condition with data mining methods using simple acceleration sensors and gyroscopes installed in vehicles. Two classifiers are developed with a support vector machine (SVM) to distinguish between different types of road surfaces, such as asphalt and concrete, and obstacles, such as potholes or railway crossings. From the sensor signals, frequency-based features are extracted, evaluated automatically with MANOVA. The selected features and their meaning to predict the classes are discussed. The best features are used for designing the classifiers. Finally, the methods, which are developed and applied in this work, are implemented in a Matlab toolbox with a graphical user interface. The toolbox visualizes the classification results on maps, thus enabling manual verification of the results. The accuracy of the cross-validation of classifying obstacles yields 81.0% on average and of classifying road material 96.1% on average. The results are discussed on a comprehensive exemplary data set

    Competition from emerging countries, international relocation and their impacts on employment

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    International relocation has become a topical issue in recent months, in France as elsewhere in Europe. This working paper is a set of four articles. Guillaume Daudin and Sandrine Levasseur provide an assessment of the impact of international relocation on French employment. Georges Pujals deals with offshore outsourcing in the financial sector from a European perspective. Catherine Mathieu and Henri Sterdyniak focus on policy measures taken or to be taken in face of job losses in the French economy. Jean-Luc Gaffard and Michel Quéré show that free competition alone is not optimal for European economies and that a combination of structural and growth oriented macroeconomic policies is needed

    Emploi des seniors : les leçons des pays de réussite

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    Du fait du vieillissement de la population, l’emploi des seniors devient un enjeu primordial de la politique du travail dans les pays européens. Retarder l’âge de fin d’activité permettrait d’augmenter le niveau de production et d’équilibrer les systèmes de retraite sans réduire le niveau des retraites. Encore faut-il que les seniors soient effectivement employés. Les réformes en cours des systèmes de retraite font courir le risque qu’une partie importante des travailleurs seniors ne trouvent pas d’emploi et soient contraints de partir à la retraite avec un faible niveau de pension. Aussi, l’article étudie-t-il la stratégie suivie par les pays qui ont réussi à maintenir un taux d’emploi des seniors élevé (Suède, Danemark, Royaume-Uni) ou qui ont connu des relèvements importants de ce taux durant ces dernières années (Finlande, Pays-Bas). Ceux-ci sont généralement des pays proches du plein emploi, même si les facteurs de plein emploi diffèrent : temps partiel, stratégie macroéconomique qui allie recherche de la compétitivité et politique expansionniste, libéralisation du marché du travail ou gestion par les partenaires sociaux, développement d’emplois sociaux. Ils ont bénéficié d’institutions favorables (faiblesse des hausses de salaire à l’ancienneté, meilleures conditions de travail). La stratégie libérale diminue les retraites, ce qui incite les seniors à travailler, quitte à accepter des salaires plus bas, ce qui est permis par la flexibilité du marché du travail. La stratégie des pays nordiques, le vieillissement actif, organise une mobilisation sociale afin d’augmenter les emplois disponibles pour les seniors et d’inciter ceux-ci à prolonger leurs carrières : amélioration des conditions de travail, formation permanente, refonte des carrières, lutte contre les discriminations liées à l’âge, campagne de sensibilisation, accords au niveau des branches et des entreprises. La France n’a guère cette tradition d’accord entre État et partenaires sociaux. Or un compromis social fructueux est un préalable nécessaire. Il devrait comporter une différentiation des conditions de départ à la retraite selon les professions et des garanties sur l’évolution du taux de remplacement.Older workers’ employment rates are high in three EU countries (Sweden, Denmark, UK) and have risen substantially in Finland and the Netherlands in recent years. These five countries are also close to full employment, even if the factors behind their employment performance differ. Labour market institutions are a factor (moderate wage increases for older workers, better working conditions). In countries with a liberal strategy, early-retirement schemes have been abolished; older workers are requested to work and accept lower wages, which is allowed by labour market flexibility. In Nordic countries, the active ageing strategy relies on a social mobilisation to increase jobs available for older workers and to give them incentives to work longer. The article concludes that France should consider the experience from Nordic countries to set up a fruitful social compromise
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