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    Can Brazil Replace 5% Of The 2025 Gasoline World Demand With Ethanol?

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    Increasing use of petroleum, coupled with concern for global warming, demands the development and institution of CO 2 reducing, non-fossil fuel-based alternative energy-generating strategies. Ethanol is a potential alternative, particularly when produced in a sustainable way as is envisioned for sugarcane in Brazil. We consider the expansion of sugarcane-derived ethanol to displace 5% of projected gasoline use worldwide in 2025. With existing technology, 21 million hectares of land will be required to produce the necessary ethanol. This is less than 7% of current Brazilian agricultural land and equivalent to current soybean land use. New production lands come from pasture made available through improving pasture management in the cattle industry. With the continued introduction of new cane varieties (annual yield increases of about 1.6%) and new ethanol production technologies, namely the hydrolysis of bagasse to sugars for ethanol production and sugarcane trash collection providing renewable process energy production, this could reduce these modest land requirements by 29-38%. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.345655661Leite, R.C.C., Silva, C.E.T.G., (2002) Energy for Brazil: a survival model (Energia para o Brasil: um modelo de sobrevivĂȘncia), , ExpressĂŁo e Cultura, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [in Portuguese]Leite RC. Study of large scale production of ethanol, its possibilities and impacts, aiming the partial substitution of world gasoline (Estudo sobre as possibilidades e impactos da produção de grandes quantidades de etanol visando Ă  substituição parcial de gasolina no Mundo), 2005 [in Portuguese]. 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