7,501 research outputs found

    Non-crossing Brownian paths and Dyson Brownian motion under a moving boundary

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    We compute analytically the probability S(t)S(t) that a set of NN Brownian paths do not cross each other and stay below a moving boundary g(τ)=Wτg(\tau)= W \sqrt{\tau} up to time tt. We show that for large tt it decays as a power law S(t)tβ(N,W)S(t) \sim t^{- \beta(N,W)}. The decay exponent β(N,W)\beta(N,W) is obtained as the ground state energy of a quantum system of NN non-interacting fermions in a harmonic well in the presence of an infinite hard wall at position WW. Explicit expressions for β(N,W)\beta(N,W) are obtained in various limits of NN and WW, in particular for large NN and large WW. We obtain the joint distribution of the positions of the walkers in the presence of the moving barrier g(τ)=Wτg(\tau) =W \sqrt{\tau} at large time. We extend our results to the case of NN Dyson Brownian motions (corresponding to the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble) in the presence of the same moving boundary g(τ)=Wτg(\tau)=W\sqrt{\tau}. For W=0W=0 we show that the system provides a realization of a Laguerre biorthogonal ensemble in random matrix theory. We obtain explicitly the average density near the barrier, as well as in the bulk far away from the barrier. Finally we apply our results to NN non-crossing Brownian bridges on the interval [0,T][0,T] under a time-dependent barrier gB(τ)=Wτ(1τT)g_B(\tau)= W \sqrt{\tau(1- \frac{\tau}{T})}.Comment: 44 pages, 13 figure

    Wigner function of noninteracting trapped fermions

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    We study analytically the Wigner function WN(x,p)W_N({\bf x},{\bf p}) of NN noninteracting fermions trapped in a smooth confining potential V(x)V({\bf x}) in dd dimensions. At zero temperature, WN(x,p)W_N({\bf x},{\bf p}) is constant over a finite support in the phase space (x,p)({\bf x},{\bf p}) and vanishes outside. Near the edge of this support, we find a universal scaling behavior of WN(x,p)W_N({\bf x},{\bf p}) for large NN. The associated scaling function is independent of the precise shape of the potential as well as the spatial dimension dd. We further generalize our results to finite temperature T>0T>0. We show that there exists a low temperature regime TeN/bT \sim e_N/b where eNe_N is an energy scale that depends on NN and the confining potential V(x)V({\bf x}), where the Wigner function at the edge again takes a universal scaling form with a bb-dependent scaling function. This temperature dependent scaling function is also independent of the potential as well as the dimension dd. Our results generalize to any d1d\geq 1 and T0T \geq 0 the d=1d=1 and T=0T=0 results obtained by Bettelheim and Wiegman [Phys. Rev. B 84{\bf 84}, 085102 (2011)].Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    How important is the credit channel? An empirical study of the US banking crisis

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    We examine whether by adding a credit channel to the standard New Keynesian model we can account better for the behaviour of US macroeconomic data up to and including the banking crisis. We use the method of indirect inference which evaluates statistically how far a model's simulated behaviour mimics the behaviour of the data. We find that the model with credit dominates the standard model by a substantial margin. Credit shocks are the main contributor to the variation in the output gap during the crisis

    Equation of state of strongly coupled Hamiltonian lattice QCD at finite density

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    We calculate the equation of state of strongly coupled Hamiltonian lattice QCD at finite density by constructing a solution to the equation of motion corresponding to an effective Hamiltonian using Wilson fermions. We find that up to and beyond the chiral symmetry restoration density the pressure of the quark Fermi sea can be negative indicating its mechanical instability. This result is in qualitative agreement with continuum models and should be verifiable by future numerical simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 2 EPS figures. Revised version - added discussion on the equation of stat

    Statistics of fermions in a dd-dimensional box near a hard wall

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    We study NN noninteracting fermions in a domain bounded by a hard wall potential in d1d \geq 1 dimensions. We show that for large NN, the correlations at the edge of the Fermi gas (near the wall) at zero temperature are described by a universal kernel, different from the universal edge kernel valid for smooth potentials. We compute this dd dimensional hard edge kernel exactly for a spherical domain and argue, using a generalized method of images, that it holds close to any sufficiently smooth boundary. As an application we compute the quantum statistics of the position of the fermion closest to the wall. Our results are then extended in several directions, including non-smooth boundaries such as a wedge, and also to finite temperature.Comment: 5 pages + 14 pages (Supp. Mat.), 6 figure

    Why Use a Hamilton Approach in QCD?

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    We discuss QCDQCD in the Hamiltonian frame work. We treat finite density QCDQCD in the strong coupling regime. We present a parton-model inspired regularisation scheme to treat the spectrum (θ\theta-angles) and distribution functions in QED1+1QED_{1+1}. We suggest a Monte Carlo method to construct low-dimensionasl effective Hamiltonians. Finally, we discuss improvement in Hamiltonian QCDQCD.Comment: Proceedings of Hadrons and Strings, invited talk given by H. Kr\"{o}ger; Text (LaTeX file), 3 Figures (ps file