25 research outputs found

    Windows application for analysing DNA sequences

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    The aspects involved in broiler water intake are not well known, despite the importance of water in animal nutrition and physiology. Water intake behavior should be taken into account when deciding on different types of drinkers. Bell and nipple drinkers are the most commonly used in commercial broiler production. Broilers were housed in cages equipped with two different drinker types and raised at two different environmental temperatures (25 and 34 ºC) to evaluate water intake behavior and volume. Broiler water intake behavior was influenced by drinker type. Birds visited bell drinkers less often, but presented higher total water intake per visit to the drinker as compared to those drinking from nipple drinkers. The results of this study suggest that both broilers drinking behavior and water intake volume should be taken into account when deciding on drinker type to equip broiler houses

    Effect of Broiler Breeder Age on the Intestinal Mucosa Development of the Embryos at 20 Days of Incubation

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    ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of broiler breeder age on the morphological development of the small intestine broiler embryos (villus height, crypt depth, microvillus height, and villus density) at 20 day of incubation. Eggs obtained from 30- and 60-wk-old broiler breeders were used. The results showed that embryos from older broiler breeders presented longer villi in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum compared with younger broiler breeders. In addition, embryos from older broiler breeders presented deeper crypts in the jejunum and ileum, longer microvilli in jejunal enterocytes, and lower villus density (microvillus number/mm2) in the duodenum and ileum than younger breeders. These results suggest that breeder age influences the gut mucosa development of broiler embryos. Embryos from older broiler breeder showed greater development of the small intestine mucosa than those from younger broiler breeder

    Effect of Broiler Breeder Age and Glutamine Supplementation on the Development of the Intestinal Mucosa of 7-Day-Old Chicks

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible effects of glutamine and broiler breeder age on the development of intestinal mucosa in broiler chicks during first week of age. For this purpose, 32 one-day-old broiler chicks were distributed according to a completely randomized experimental design in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Treatments consisted of two broiler breeder ages (30 and 60 weeks) and two dietary glutamine supplementation levels (0% and 1%). The morphological development of intestinal mucosa, particularly villus height and crypt depth, was evaluated. The results showed that the supplementation with 1% of glutamine influenced the development of villus height in the duodenum (p=0.009), jejunum (p = 0.006), and ileum (p = 0.001), as well as crypt depth in the jejunum (p = 0.037) of 7-day-old broilers. These results suggest that the presence of glutamine influenced the development of intestinal mucosa during the first week of age, when these tissues are highly influenced by dietary components, especially by trophic agents. The results show that broiler breeder age (30 or 60 weeks) did not influence the evaluated parameters

    Desenvolvimento de Órgãos da Digestão e Rendimento de Carcaça de Frangos de Corte de Diversas Origens Genéticas Criados com Bebedouros Pendular e Nipple Development of Digestive Organs and Carcass Yield of Broilers from Diverse Genetic Origin Raised with Regular or Nipple Drinkers

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    O uso de linhas genéticas de diferentes fontes comerciais em programas de reprodução de frangos de corte permite produzir gerações comerciais mais bem adaptadas a realidades diversas e otimizar os potenciais de desempenho do frango de corte com os da reprodutora. Entretanto, a prática predominante no Brasil é o uso de pais e mães de mesma origem. O uso de bebedouros tipo "nipple" vem sendo difundido com a perspectiva de gerar benefícios ainda não comprovados inteiramente na prática. Esse estudo avaliou a evolução dos órgãos da digestão, o desempenho vivo e o rendimento de carcaça e das partes de frangos de corte de diferentes cruzamentos entre reprodutores machos de diversos cruzamentos entre linhagens comerciais (R, I, S, e H) com fêmeas também de origem variável (R, I, e H) em sistemas de produção com bebedouros pendular ou nipple. As aves dos diferentes cruzamentos apresentaram curvas de crescimento com diferentes intensidades em momentos distintos, determinando desempenhos em peso vivo sempre superiores para o cruzamento RR. O rendimento de peito, entretanto, foi maior para o cruzamento IH. O cruzamento SH, de mais baixo peso corporal, evidenciou rendimentos de carcaça inferiores a todos os demais. O tipo de bebedouro não influenciou nenhum resultado de desempenho vivo ou de rendimento de carcaça, independentemente da linhagem. Os órgãos da digestão apresentaram proporções do peso vivo decrescentes com a idade, mas não evidenciaram efeito de cruzamento entre linhagens ou tipo de bebedouro.<br>Breeding programs using parents from different genetic companies allow the production of commercial generations of broilers directed to attend diverse market situations, but they also serve to optimize the performance of the breeder female. However, this is not a current practice in Brazil where most of the commercial broilers being raised are originated from crosses within the same genetic company. The use of nipple drinkers in broiler houses has increased in the last few years; however, practical benefits have not been proved yet. This study evaluated the development of the digestive organs, live performance and carcass and cut up yields from broilers originated of the crossing between breeder males from four commercial strains (R, I, S, and H) with females also from various origins (R, I, and H) raised in pens with bell or nipple drinkers. Birds’ growth curves varied with strain cross and led to better body weight at marketing for the RR strain cross. Breast yield, however, was better for the cross IH. The SH strain cross showed a consistently lower body weight and carcass yield at all ages. The type of drinker did not affect any measured response regardless of the strain cross. Strain crosses or type of drinkers did not affect development of the digestive organs