15 research outputs found

    Relaxation and Guided Imagery Significantly Reduces Androgen Levels and Distress in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Pilot Study

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    AIM: Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) often have elevated levels of the androgen testosterone, and are at increased risk of anxiety and depression. This study aimed to use psychological relaxation with guided imagery to decrease androgen levels and improve mood in PCOS. METHODS: Repeated-measures. Thirteen women with PCOS underwent six weekly treatment sessions, and a follow-up session, of calming breathing, muscle relaxation, and guided imagery. The main outcome measures were mood and quality of life (QoL) – assessed using validated questionnaires – and hormones, which were assayed in serum using tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS: There was a small but statistically significant reduction in DHEAS from before to after Week 1 (p <.044) and from before to after Week 6 (p <.001). From before to after Week 6 there were also small but statistically significant reductions in androstenedione (p <.010) and cortisol (p <.003). From Week 1 to Week 6 there was a significant reduction in anxiety (p <.037). There was a significant improvement in depression from Week 1 to Week 6 (p <.034) and from Week 1 to follow-up (p <.011). There were no significant changes in free or total testosterone, nor in QoL. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to use a relaxation programme to reduce adrenal androgens in PCOS

    Is dynamometry able to infer the risk of muscle mass loss in patients with COPD?

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    Dionei Ramos,1 Giovana Navarro Bertolini,1 Marceli Rocha Leite,1 Luiz Carlos Soares Carvalho Junior,1 Paula Roberta da Silva Pestana,1 Vanessa Ribeiro dos Santos,2 Ana Claudia de Souza Fortaleza,2 Fernanda Maria Machado Rodrigues,1 Ercy Mara Cipulo Ramos1 1Department of Physiotherapy, S&atilde;o Paulo State University, Presidente Prudente, Brazil; 2Department of Motricity Sciences, S&atilde;o Paulo State University, Rio Claro, Brazil Introduction: Sarcopenia is characterized by a progressive and generalized decrease of strength and muscle mass. Muscle mass loss is prevalent in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a result of both the disease and aging. Some methods have been proposed to assess body composition (and therefore identify muscle mass loss) in this population. Despite the high accuracy of some methods, they require sophisticated and costly equipment.Aim: The purpose of this study was to infer the occurrence of muscle mass loss measured by a sophisticated method (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry [DEXA]) using a more simple and affordable equipment (dynamometer).Methods: Fifty-seven stable subjects with COPD were evaluated for anthropometric characteristics, lung function, functional exercise capacity, body composition, and peripheral muscle strength. A binary logistic regression model verified whether knee-extension strength (measured by dynamometry) could infer muscle mass loss (from DEXA).Results: Patients with decreased knee-extension strength were 5.93 times more likely to have muscle mass loss, regardless of sex, disease stage, and functional exercise capacity (P=0.045).Conclusion: Knee-extension dynamometry was able to infer muscle mass loss in patients with COPD. Keywords: COPD, sarcopenia, peripheral muscle strength&nbsp;&nbsp

    Qualidade de vida em mulheres submetidas à mastectomia comparada com aquelas que se submeteram à cirurgia conservadora: uma revisão de literatura Quality of life of women recovering from breast cancer after being subjected to mastectomies compared with those who had conservative surgery: a review of the literature

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    Este estudo revisa a literatura sobre a qualidade de vida (QV) de mulheres com câncer de mama submetidas à mastectomia comparadas àquelas que realizaram cirurgia conservadora. A seleção final resultou em oito ensaios clínicos randomizados. Os estudos foram comparados quanto ao momento em que a QV foi avaliada, se durante ou após o tratamento, quanto aos instrumentos que mensuraram a QV, e quanto à metodologia e resultados. Os resultados de quatro estudos apontam para maior impacto negativo na QV em mulheres mastectomizadas; outros quatro estudos não evidenciam diferenças na QV entre os grupos que passaram pelos dois tipos de intervenção. Medidas objetivas de QV poderão ajudar a identificar situações potencialmente difíceis da vida diária e auxiliar no planejamento de ações de promoção da saúde de mulheres que passaram por cirurgia para câncer de mama.<br>This study reviews the literature on the quality of life (QoL) of women with breast cancer who have been subjected to mastectomy, compared with those who had conservative surgery. Eight random controlled trials were selected. The studies were compared with respect to the moment quality of life was assessed (whether during or after treatment for breast cancer), the measurement tools of quality of life used, and also the methodology and results achieved. The results of four studies suggest a stronger negative impact in the QoL of mastectomized women; the other four studies showed no difference between the groups in terms of QoL. Objective measurements of quality of life may help identify potentially critical situations of daily life and assist in planning actions to promote health among women who have been subjected to breast cancer surgery