10 research outputs found

    Acesso realizado ao Programa de Saúde da Família em área com "alta" cobertura do subsistema privado Access to the Family Healthcare Program in an area with "extensive" coverage of the private healthcare system

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    O perfil do acesso realizado aos distintos serviços ofertados pelo PSF em área com importante cobertura do sistema privado é identificado em unidade de saúde na cidade de Santo André, estado de São Paulo. A amostra, em duas fases, foi delineada partindo do pressuposto de que o uso possível das atividades ofertadas pela estratégia saúde da família não é uniforme, com base neste uso foram considerados três grupos populacionais: residual, parcial e completo. Foram entrevistadas 175 pessoas, a população cadastrada é composta por 0,5% de usuários com perfil completo, 31,0% parcial e 68,5% residual. Na análise bivariada observaram-se diferenças significantes entre os grupos parcial e residual em relação à idade, renda, trabalho, afiliação ao subsistema privado e anos de escolaridade. No entanto, as razões de prevalência, quando estimadas por meio do modelo múltiplo de Poisson indicam que os fatores que influem no perfil de acesso são afiliação ao subsistema privado e renda. Chama atenção que alguns serviços ofertados não alcancem mais de 20% da população cadastrada. Apesar da imensa potencialidade das propostas inovadoras incorporadas pelo PSF, observa-se uso seletivo de suas atividades pela população, fortemente influenciado pela afiliação ao subsistema privado e pela renda.<br>The access profile to the various services offered by the Family Health Program (PSF) in an area with extensive private health system coverage is studied in the city of Santo André, state of São Paulo. The sample was studied in two phases based on the assumption that the use of the activities offered by the Family Health Program is not uniform. Residual, full and partial population groups were therefore considered. Interviews were conducted with 175 individuals and the registered population is composed of full (0.5%), partial (31.0%) and residual (68.5%) users. In the bivariate analysis, significant differences were observed between partial and residual groups in relation to age, income, employment, affiliation to the private subsystem and years of schooling. However, the ratios of prevalence when estimated by the Poisson multiple model indicate that the factors that influence the access profile of the PSF activities are private subsystem membership and income. This highlights the fact that some services offered do not reach more than 20% of the population. Despite the immense potential of innovative proposals incorporated by the PSF, this study shows that there is selective use of its activities by the population, strongly influenced by private subsystem affiliation and income

    Utilização de serviços de saúde pela população adulta de São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: resultados de um estudo transversal Health services utilization by the adult population in São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil: a cross-sectional study

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    O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as características da população adulta em São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, quanto ao uso de serviços de saúde. Avaliaram-se como desfecho: não se consultar com médico no último mês, utilizar serviços do SUS e se consultar nos serviços privados. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com indivíduos de ambos os sexos, de 20 a 69 anos. Das 1.098 pessoas respondentes, 623 (56,7%; IC95%: 53,8-59,7) não haviam se consultado com médico no último mês. Dos 487 indivíduos que tinham se consultado, 51,2% utilizaram os serviços do SUS, 26,9% os serviços privados e 22% outros serviços. Consultar estava associado com sexo feminino e idade elevada. A análise evidenciou que os indivíduos nas categorias intermediárias de renda, escolaridade e classe econômica se consultavam menos do que as correspondentes altas e baixas categorias. Os resultados sugerem que a classe intermediária, por não possuir "capacidade de compra" para serviços privados e/ou por não utilizar o sistema público, tenderia a procurar assistência de saúde com menor frequência.<br>The aim was to describe healthcare utilization by adults in a Brazilian city. The outcomes were medical appointments in the previous month and use of public (Unified National Health System - SUS) versus private healthcare services. A population-based cross-sectional study with 1,098 adults aged 20 years or over was carried out. No medical appointment in the previous month was reported by 623 persons (56.7%, 95%CI: 53.8-59.7). Of the 487 individuals who had consulted a physician, 51.2% used the public healthcare system, 26.9% private care, and 22% other services. Consultation was associated with female gender and older age. Individuals in the intermediate categories for income, schooling, and socioeconomic status consulted less than the corresponding high and low categories. The results suggest that the middle class in this city lacks the purchasing power to seek care in the private sector while also using public services less, thus generally seeking healthcare less frequently

    Initial identification and sensitivity to antimicrobial agents of Salmonella sp.isolated from poultry products in the state of Ceara, Brazil

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    The objective of this research was to isolate and to verify the sensitivity to antimicrobial agents of strains of Salmonella sp. isolated from poultry products in the state of Ceara, Brazil. A total number of 114 samples was collected from 63 broiler carcasses derived from two processing plants and two supermarkets, and 51 excreta samples were collected in broiler farms located in the state of Ceara, which used three live production stages. Each excreta sample consisted of a fresh excreta pool from 100 birds. Samples were submitted to microbiological analyses, and the isolated Salmonella strains were tested for antimicrobial sensitivity. No Salmonella was isolated from excreta samples, while broiler carcass samples showed a high contamination rate of11.8%. Three serotypes were identified: Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis, 50%; Salmonella enterica serovar Panama 33%, and Salmonella enterica serovar Newport, 17%. As to the susceptibility tests to antimicrobial agents, 100% of the isolated Salmonella strains showed resistance to Ampicillin and Tetracycline, and sensitivity to Gentamycin, Netilmycin, Carbenicillin, Chloramphenicol

    Human mercury exposure and adverse health effects in the Amazon: a review

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    Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Postsurgical Pain: A Narrative Review

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