396 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Lymphocele in the Lower Limb

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    Sequential aiming movements and the one-target advantage in individuals with Down syndrome

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    Research has revealed that individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have elevated reaction times, longer movement times, and greater movement errors during single-target single-limb actions compared to their typically developing (TD) peers. These perceptual-motor impairments have been attributed to both central processes and the physical phenotype associated with DS. The purpose of the present study was to directly investigate these possible central and peripheral deficits by examining how individuals with DS plan and execute more complex movements. Three groups (DS, TD, and individuals with an undifferentiated intellectual disability; UID) of 8 participants completed a single target movement, a two-target movement performed by a single arm, and a two-target movement where the first movement was performed with one arm and the second movement performed with the other arm. For all groups and all conditions, movement times revealed a one-target advantage (OTA). Specifically, times to the first target were longer in the two-target responses compared to the single-target response. In general, the OTA finding reveals that persons with DS utilise planning strategies similar to their TD peers when performing sequential actions involving two targets and two arms. Furthermore, because the OTA was observed in both the single- and two-arm two-target responses the interference in movement one associated with having to make a subsequent movement is not due to peripheral processes associated with single limb constraints. Rather, individuals with DS treat movements within a sequence as functionally dependent. Thus, the central processes associated with timing the implementation of the second element of the movement appear to be responsible for the interference that leads to the OTA

    Sequential aiming with one and two limbs: Effects of target size

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    It is well reported that movement times to the first target in a two-target sequence are slower than when a single target response is required. This one-target advantage has been shown to emerge when the two-target sequence is performed with the same limb and when the first and second segments within the sequence are performed with different limbs (i.e., when there is a switch between limbs at the first target). The present study examined the functional dependency between response segments in both single and two limb sequential aiming by varying the accuracy demands at the first and second target. Results revealed that, for both one and two limb conditions, the one-target advantage was present with large first targets but not with small first targets. Additionally, when the first target was large and the second target was small, spatial variability at the first target was significantly less (or constrained more) in both one and two limb conditions compared to conditions requiring only a single target response. These findings suggest that similar principles underlie the one-target advantage in both single and two limb sequential movements

    The integration of sequential aiming movements: Switching hand and direction at the first target

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    Movement times to a single target are typically shorter compared to when movement to a second target is required. This one target movement time advantage has been shown to emerge when participants use a single hand throughout the target sequence and when there is a switch between hands at the first target. Our goal was to investigate the lacuna in the movement integration literature surrounding the interactive effects between switching hands and changing movement direction at the first target. Participants performed rapid hand movements in five conditions; movements to a single target; two target movements with a single hand in which the second target required an extension or reversal in direction; and movements to two targets where the hands were switched at the first target and the second target required an extension or reversal in direction. The significance of including these latter two (multiple hand-multiple direction) movements meant that for the first time research could differentiate between peripheral and central processes within movement integration strategies. Reaction times were significantly shorter in the single task compared to the two target tasks. More importantly, movement times to the first target were significantly shorter in the single target task compared to all two target tasks (reflecting the so-called one target advantage), except when the second movement was a reversal movement with the same hand. These findings demonstrate for the first time the contrasting effects of movement integration at central and peripheral levels

    An examination of two concentrate allocation strategies which are based on the early lactation milk yield of autumn calving Holstein Friesian cows

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    peer-reviewedThe objective of this experiment was to compare the effects of two concentrate feeding strategies offered with a grass silage and maize silage diet on the dry matter (DM) intake, milk production (MP) and estimated energy balance of autumn calved dairy cows. Over a 2-year period, 180 autumn calving Holstein Friesian cows were examined. Within year, cows were blocked into three MP sub-groups (n=9) (high (HMP), medium (MMP) and low (LMP)) based on the average MP data from weeks 3 and 4 of lactation. Within a block cows were randomly assigned to one of two treatments (n=54), flat rate (FR) concentrate feeding or feed to yield (FY) based on MP sub-group. Cows on the FR treatment were offered a fixed rate of concentrate (5.5 kg DM/cow per day) irrespective of MP sub-group. In the FY treatment HMP, MMP and LMP cows were allocated 7.3, 5.5 and 3.7 kg DM of concentrate, respectively. The mean concentrate offered to the FR and FY treatments was the same. On the FR treatment there was no significant difference in total dry matter intake (TDMI, 17.3 kg) between MP sub-groups. In the FY treatment, however, the TDMI of HMP-FY was 2.2 kg greater than MMP-FY, and 4.5 kg greater than LMP-FY (15.2 kg DM). The milk yield of LMP-FR was 3.5 kg less than the mean of the HMP-FR and MMP-FR treatments (24.5 kg). The milk yield of the HMP-FY treatment was 3.6 and 7.9 kg greater than the MMP-FY and LMP-FY treatments, respectively. The difference in MP between the HMP sub-groups was 2.6 kg, which translates to a response of 1.4 kg of milk per additional 1 kg of concentrate offered. There was no significant difference in MP between the two LMP sub-groups; however, MP increased 0.8 kg per additional 1 kg of concentrate offered between cows on the LMP-FR and LMP-FY treatments. The estimated energy balance was positive for cows on the LMP-FR treatment, but negative for cows on the other treatments. The experiment highlights the variation within a herd in MP response to concentrate, as cows with a lower MP potential are less responsive to additional energy input than cows with a greater MP potential. Cows with a greater MP capacity did not substitute additional concentrate for the basal forage, which indicates an additional demand for energy based on ability of individual cows to produce milk

    Engineering Privacy in Public: Confounding Face Recognition

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    The objective of DARPA’s Human ID at a Distance (HID) program is to develop automated biometric identification technologies to detect, recognize and identify humans at great distances. While nominally intended for security applications, if deployed widely, such technologies could become an enormous privacy threat, making practical the automatic surveillance of individuals on a grand scale. Face recognition, as the HID technology most rapidly approaching maturity, deserves immediate research attention in order to understand its strengths and limitations, with an objective of reliably foiling it when it is used inappropriately. This paper is a status report for a research program designed to achieve this objective within a larger goal of similarly defeating all HID technologies

    Muon-Spin Rotation Spectra in the Mixed Phase of High-T_c Superconductors : Thermal Fluctuations and Disorder Effects

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    We study muon-spin rotation (muSR) spectra in the mixed phase of highly anisotropic layered superconductors, specifically Bi_2+xSr_2-xCaCu_2O_8+delta (BSCCO), by modeling the fluid and solid phases of pancake vortices using liquid-state and density functional methods. The role of thermal fluctuations in causing motional narrowing of muSR lineshapes is quantified in terms of a first-principles theory of the flux-lattice melting transition. The effects of random point pinning are investigated using a replica treatment of liquid state correlations and a replicated density functional theory. Our results indicate that motional narrowing in the pure system, although substantial, cannot account for the remarkably small linewidths obtained experimentally at relatively high fields and low temperatures. We find that satisfactory agreement with the muSR data for BSCCO in this regime can be obtained through the ansatz that this ``phase'' is characterized by frozen short-range positional correlations reflecting the structure of the liquid just above the melting transition. This proposal is consistent with recent suggestions of a ``pinned liquid'' or ``glassy'' state of pancake vortices in the presence of pinning disorder. Our results for the high-temperature liquid phase indicate that measurable linewidths may be obtained in this phase as a consequence of density inhomogeneities induced by the pinning disorder. The results presented here comprise a unified, first-principles theoretical treatment of muSR spectra in highly anisotropic layered superconductors in terms of a controlled set of approximations.Comment: 50 pages Latex file, including 10 postscript figure

    Black Hole, Jet, and Disk: The Universal Engine

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    In this paper I review the results of our ongoing project to investigate the coupling between accretion disk and radio jet in galactic nuclei and stellar mass black holes. We find a good correlation between the UV bump luminosity and the radio luminosities of AGN, which improves upon the usual [OIII]/radio correlations. Taking mass and energy conservation in the jet/disk system into account we can successfully model the correlation for radio-loud and radio-weak quasars. We find that jets are comparable in power to the accretion disk luminosity, and the difference between radio-loud and radio-weak may correspond to two natural stages of the relativistic electron distribution -- assuming that radio weak quasars have jets as well. The distribution of flat- and steep-spectrum sources is explained by bulk Lorentz factors gamma_j ~ 5-10. The absence of radio-loud quasars below a critical optical luminosity coincides with the FR I/FR II break and could be explained by a powerdependent, ``closing'' torus. This points towards a different type of obscuring torus in radio-loud host galaxies which might be a consequence of past mergers (e.g. by the temporary formation of a binary black-hole). Interaction of the jet with the closing torus might in principle also help to make a jet radio-loud. Turning to stellar-mass black holes we find that galactic jet sources can be described with the same coupled jet/disk model as AGN which is suggestive of some kind of universal coupling between jet and accretion disk around compact objects.Comment: to appear in ``Jets from Stars and Galactic Nuclei'', Springer Lecture Notes, plain TeX, 16 pages, also at http://www.astro.umd.edu/~hfalcke/publications.htm

    Solar Influence on Nuclear Decay Rates: Constraints from the MESSENGER Mission

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    We have analyzed Cs-137 decay data, obtained from a small sample onboard the MESSENGER spacecraft en route to Mercury, with the aim of setting limits on a possible correlation between nuclear decay rates and solar activity. Such a correlation has been suggested recently on the basis of data from Mn-54 decay during the solar flare of 13 December 2006, and by indications of an annual and other periodic variations in the decay rates of Si-32, Cl-36, and Ra-226. Data from five measurements of the Cs-137 count rate over a period of approximately 5.4 years have been fit to a formula which accounts for the usual exponential decrease in count rate over time, along with the addition of a theoretical solar contribution varying with MESSENGER-Sun separation. The indication of solar influence is then characterized by a non-zero value of the calculated parameter \xi, and we find \xi=(2.8+/-8.1)x10^{-3} for Cs-137. A simulation of the increased data that can hypothetically be expected following Mercury orbit insertion on 18 March 2011 suggests that the anticipated improvement in the determination of \xi could reveal a non-zero value of \xi if present at a level consistent with other data.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science, 2011. 7 pages, 5 figures. Version 2 has corrected Figure 1, since Fig. 1 did not appear correctly in Version

    Multiwavelength studies of MHD waves in the solar chromosphere: An overview of recent results

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    The chromosphere is a thin layer of the solar atmosphere that bridges the relatively cool photosphere and the intensely heated transition region and corona. Compressible and incompressible waves propagating through the chromosphere can supply significant amounts of energy to the interface region and corona. In recent years an abundance of high-resolution observations from state-of-the-art facilities have provided new and exciting ways of disentangling the characteristics of oscillatory phenomena propagating through the dynamic chromosphere. Coupled with rapid advancements in magnetohydrodynamic wave theory, we are now in an ideal position to thoroughly investigate the role waves play in supplying energy to sustain chromospheric and coronal heating. Here, we review the recent progress made in characterising, categorising and interpreting oscillations manifesting in the solar chromosphere, with an impetus placed on their intrinsic energetics.Comment: 48 pages, 25 figures, accepted into Space Science Review