248 research outputs found


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    Notary Position is glorious job which carrying out the noble position is not only required expertise in the field of notary but also needs to be held by those who are high-ranking. In carrying out its duties, Notary Public is supervised and fostered by the Supervisory Board and the Notary Honorary Board. The purpose and purpose of supervision of a Notary Public so that the Notary Public when carrying out its duties meets all the requirements related to the duties of the Notary Office appointed by the government not for the benefit of the Notary Itself but the interests of the people it serves. One of the rules relating to supervision and examination, especially by the Notary Honorary Board, is in the case of making a deed exceeding the fairness limit determined by the Notary Honorary Board as mandated by the Notary Code of Ethics in Article 4 paragraph 16 which is then realized by the establishment of the Regulation of the Central Honorary Board of Notary Ties Indonesia No. 1/ 2017 where the limitation of deed per day is 20 deed. However, there are still many Notaries who make deeds exceeding the fairness limit therefore this research will examine and analyze how the authenticity of notary deed made by notary public exceeds the limits of the fairness of deed making and how the role of the Honorary Board of The Indonesian Notary Association in carrying out the supervisory and examination function of members of the limits of fairness of deed making. This research was conducted using literature research method that is normative juridical that researchers obtained from literature study materials and documents related to this research


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    This paper analyzes the issue of legal protection for Notary Public who carries out the Principle of Recognizing Service Users, including in carrying out the Principle of Identifying Service Users is not contrary to maintaining the confidentiality of the contents of the deed. Research methods used normative juridical. Based on the results of the research, Notary Protection in carrying out the Principle of Recognizing Service Users is not only limited to physical protection but also legal protection in the form of protection to whistleblowers and witnesses from claims or claims either civilly or criminally, but Notary as a whistleblower is intended not as a reporting party, but the report is intended to represent the interests of service users. This means that service users give the power to report business transactions conducted before the relevant Notary and Notary Must apply the principle of recognizing Service Users, in this case, is not contrary because the application of PMPJ is also in the interest of the parties and protection of notary public so that in the implementation of his position is not misused or utilized by service users who will transfer their transactions into authentic deed so that it is legalized in the form of legal entities or other business entities

    The relationship between intensity and stochastic matrices for continuous-time discrete value stochastic non-homogeneous processes with Markov property

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    The matrices of non-homogeneous Markov processes consist of time-dependent functions whose values at time form typical intensity matrices. For solvingsome problems they must be changed into stochastic matrices. A stochas-tic matrix for non-homogeneous Markov process consists of time-dependent functions, whose values are probabilities and it depend on assumed time pe- riod. In this paper formulas for these functions are derived. Although the formula is not simple, it allows proving some theorems for Markov stochastic processes, well known for homogeneous processes, but for non-homogeneous ones the proofs of them turned out shorter

    Markov Stochastic Processes in Biology and Mathematics -- the Same, and yet Different

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    Virtually every biological model utilising a random number generator is a Markov stochastic process. Numerical simulations of such processes are performed using stochastic or intensity matrices or kernels. Biologists, however, define stochastic processes in a slightly different way to how mathematicians typically do. A discrete-time discrete-value stochastic process may be defined by a function p : X0 × X → {f : ÃŽÂ¥ → [0, 1]}, where X is a set of states, X0 is a bounded subset of X, ÃŽÂ¥ is a subset of integers (here associated with discrete time), where the function p satisfies 0 < p(x, y)(t) < 1 and  EY p(x, y)(t) = 1. This definition generalizes a stochastic matrix. Although X0 is bounded, X may include every possible state and is often infinite. By interrupting the process whenever the state transitions into the X −X0 set, Markov stochastic processes defined this way may have non-quadratic stochastic matrices. Similar principle applies to intensity matrices, stochastic and intensity kernels resulting from considering many biological models as Markov stochastic processes. Class of such processes has important properties when considered from a point of view of theoretical mathematics. In particular, every process from this class may be simulated (hence they all exist in a physical sense) and has a well-defined probabilistic space associated with it


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    Polemics emerge when religion is faced to the fact that there are supposedly visitation ofintelligent beings from other planets in many cases from ancient times up to now. Vedic literatureas basis of Hindu religious teachings is one of many religious resources which can be used asreference to this inquiry. This descriptive-qualitative study aims to (1) clarify whether VedicScriptures mention about extraterrestrial life, or intelligent life outside Planet Earth, and (2)enlist categories of extraterrestrial life as mentioned in the Vedic Scriptures. The methods usedare literature study and documentary. Result of the study reveals that Vedic Scriptures, especiallythe four Vedas, Puranas and Itihasas clearly mention about existence of extraterrestrial species(alien beings) and their interactions with humans since the Vedic era. These extraterrestrialbeings are of different categories which are more elaborately enlisted in some major Puranicliteratures.Keywords: Extraterrestrial, Alien, Vedic Scripture

    PENGGANTIAN BUNGKIL KEDELAI DENGAN PRODUK GELATINISASI CAMPURAN JAGUNG GILING-UREA DALAM RANSUM TERHADAP METABOLISME NITROGEN KAMBING KACANG (Replacement of soybean meal with gelatinized corn-urea mix in ration on nitrogen metabolism of kacang goats)

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    The objective of this experiment was to evaluate replacement of soybean meal with corn mixed urea gelatinize product in concentrate as supplement of goats that supress nitrogen excretion and increase N metabolism. Sixteen Kacang goats (12.839±0.49 kg of live weight) were used in Completely randomized design with four treatments and four replication. The animals were randomly allocated to receive one of the following experiment diets Gliricidia + concentrate with ratio of soybean meal and product of gelatinize mixed corn-urea that: 1) 100:0 (P0), 2) 75:25 (P1), 3) 50:50 (P2) and 4) 25:75 (P3). Ration were formulated to contain 12% CP with ratio 60 % gliricidia and 40% concentrates. The result showed that total dry matter intake was significantly influenced of treatments and average of DMI each treatment was, P2 (467.99±2.19 g/h/d), P1 (441.20±2.10 g/h/d), P0 (440.08±2.29 g/h/d) and P3 (430.43±6.11 g/h/d). Dry matter and crude protein digestibility from each treatment was, P2 (76.45±0.39% and 80.63±0.37%), P1 (67.85±0.24% and 70.10±0.18%), P0 (67.85±0.74% and 70.68±0.42%) and P3 (60.62±0.41% and 61.96±0.69%). Treatment P2 highest than other treatments. Nitrogen retention and biological value significantly influenced of the treatment. Excretion of feces and urine lowest at P2  than P1, P0 and P3. N consumption, Total N Excretion and N digested not significantly influenced of the treatment but P2 better of other treatment. It could be concluded that 50% replacement soybean meal by product gelatinize of mixed corn-urea in concentrate has positive effects on nitrogen metabolism of Kacang goats

    Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of the North-East: The Role of Sukuk Financing

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    The Northeast region of Nigeria has been experiencing the devastating impact of Boko Haram insurgencysince 2009, which triggeredhumanitarian crisis and destruction of infrastructure,such as schools, hospitals, roads, bridges as well as homes and farmlands, leading to many becoming internally displaced persons and refugees. Both governmental and non-governmental organizations have been mostly providing relief services and materials, whilst only few Federal Government agencies and State Governmentsare providing reconstruction and rehabilitation due to insufficient sources of funds(Olaseni, 2012).The emergence of Sukuk to Nigerian Capital Market is a new development that provides alternative funding avenue for both State and Federal Governments to finance projects and infrastructure development for nation building (Alaro, 2020).It is against this backdrop that this study aims to reviewthe approaches of financing rehabilitation and reconstruction programmes in the Northeast and examines how the potentials ofSukuk financing could properly be utilized to complement the infrastructural deficit in the region. Thus, the research is an exploratory qualitative research that sourced cross sectional primary data collected through the use of structured questionnaire. Multistage purposive sampling method was employed in selecting the respondents for the study across the study area. Thematic Analysis was employed as the method of data analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to summarize and interpret the results of the thematic analyses of the data obtained.Keywords: North-East, Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Sukuk Financin

    Keberhasilan belajar siswa ditinjau dari layanan informasi bidang belajar dan motivasi belajar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh layanan informasi bidang belajar dan motivasi belajar terhadap keberhasilan belajar siswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X1 SMA Negeri 6 Madiun tahun ajaran 2015/2016 dengan jumlah 220 siswa yang terdiri dari 8 kelas. Teknik sampling yang digunakan penulis adalah Random Cluster. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode angket berbentuk skala yaitu skala keberhasilan belajar siswa, skala layanan informasi bidang belajar dan skala motivasi belajar. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengajukan 3 hipotesis yaitu Hipotesis minor pertama berbunyi: Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan layanan informasi bidang belajar dengan keberhasilan belajar siswa, Hipotesis minor kedua berbunyi: Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan motivasi belajar dengan keberhasilan belajar siswa dan Hipotesis mayor berbunyi: Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan layanan informasi bidang belajar dan motivasi belajardengankeberhasilan belajar siswa. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik regresi linier berganda. Model persamaan garis regresi Y= 15.023+0.551X1+0.468X2 hasil analisis selanjutnya menunjukkan bahwa : 1)Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan layanan informasi bidang belajar dan motivasi belajar dengan keberhasilan belajar siswa, yang terbukti karena F hit =108.683 dan F tabel =3.08. 2)Terdapat pengaruh yang singnifikan layanan informasi bidang belajar dengan keberhasilan belajar, yang terbukti t hit = 6.046 dan t tabel = 1.659. 3)Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan motivasi belajar dengankeberhasilan belajar, yang terbukti t hit = 5.939 dan t tabel =1.659. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut : 1)karena t hit > t tabel =1.659 maka hipotesis minor pertama diterima. 2)karena t hit > t tabel = 1.659 maka hipotesis minor kedua diterima. 3)karena F hit > F tabel = 108.683 maka hipotesis mayor diterima


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    Extension workers have succeeded in conveying various agricultural innovations to farmers with all their methods so that farmers increase their knowledge and skills and can change farmers’ attitudes to be willing and able to implement new innovations. Agricultural extension workers in village were sent to provide guidance and implementation of field extension activities to 12 to farmer groups and 1 gapoktan. This study aims to determine performance of agricultural instructors, difference in real performance of extension workers according to the extension workers and real performance of extension workers according to farmers as well as level of farmer satisfaction with the performance of agricultural extension workers in the village of Dirun, Lamaknen District, Belu Regency. Population in this study were all members of farmer group, amounting to 315 people from 12 farmer groups with determination of sample using slovin method in order to obtain a research sample of 38 people. Data collection methods used in this study are: survey methods, interviews, primary data, secondary data. Data analysis used in this reseach is descriptive qualitative analisys and likert scale analisys. Results of qualitative descriptive analisys show that average real performance of agricultural extension workers in Dirun village is 40.1, meaning that agricultural instructor’s performance in Dirun village is in Yes category. Results of likert scale analisys show that farmer’s satisfaction with performance of agricultural instructors in Context, Input, Process and Product metodhs is categorized as quite satisfied. Results of average difference test show that there is a difference in real performance of extension workers between farmers and extension workers, farmers consider that performance of extension workers in Dirun village has not been carried out optimally, while extension workers on duty feel that they are doing has been done as much as possible.INTISARIPenyuluh telah berhasil menyampaikan berbagai inovasi pertanian kepada petani dengan segala metodenya sehingga para petani meningkat pengetahuan dan ketrampilan serta dapat mengubah sikap petani menjadi mau dan mampu menerapkan inovasi baru. Penyuluh pertanian di Desa Dirun melakukan pembinaan dan pelaksanaan penyuluhan lapangan pada 12 kelompok tani dan 1 gapoktan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja penyuluh pertanian, perbedaan kinerja riil penyuluh menurut penyuluh dan kinerja riil penyuluh menurut petani serta tingkat kepuasan petani terhadap kinerja penyuluh pertanian di desa Dirun kecamatan Lamaknen Kabupaten Belu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan anggota kelompok tani berjumlah 315 orang dari 12 kelompok tani dengan penentuan sampel menggunakan metode slovin sehingga diperoleh sampel 38 orang. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah, metode survey, wawancara, data primer, sekunder. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan skala likert. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kinerja riil penyuluh pertanian di Desa Dirun adalah 40,1 artinya kinerja penyuluh pertanian di Desa Dirun dalam kategori Ya. Hasil analisis skala likert menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan petani terhadap kinerja penyuluh pertanian dalam metode context, input, process dan product tergolong dalam kategori cukup puas. Hasil analisis uji beda rata menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kinerja riil penyuluh antara petani dan penyuluh, petani menilai bahwa kinerja penyuluh belum dilakukan secara maksimal, sementara penyuluh yang bertugas merasa bahwa apa yang mereka kerjakan sudah dilakukan semaksimal mungkin
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