236 research outputs found

    Very long distance connection of gigawatt size offshore wind farms: extra high-voltage ac versus high-voltage dc cost comparison

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    This study presents a cost comparison between commercially available high-voltage DC (HVDC) and extra high-voltage AC shore connection (±320 kV voltage source converter and 420 kV-50 Hz single-core and three-core cables), for a 1 GW offshore wind farm cluster, considering transmission distances up to 400 km. The HVDC system is a point-to-point connection whereas multiple AC intermediate compensating stations are envisaged for AC when needed. Capital costs are evaluated from recently awarded contracts, operating costs include energy losses and missed revenues due to transmission system unavailability, both estimated using North Sea wind production curves. Optimal AC intermediate compensation, if any, and reactive profiles are also taken into account. Resultsshow that HVDC has lower transmission losses at distances in excess of 130 km; however, due to the combined effect of lower AC capital cost and unavailability, using three-core aluminium cables can be more convenient up to 360 km distance

    Monte Carlo evaluation of the impact of subsequent strokes on backflashover rate

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    The paper deals with the impact of subsequent strokes on the backflashover rate (BFR) of HV overhead transmission lines (OHLs), assessed by means of an ATP-EMTP Monte Carlo procedure. The application to a typical 150 kV Italian OHL is discussed, simulating several tower grounding system arrangements. Subsequent strokes parameters are added to the statistical simulation variables: Peak current, front time, time-to-half value, lightning polarity, line insulation withstand, lightning location and phase angle of the power frequency voltage. The input data are fed to an ATP-EMTP complete circuit model of the OHL, including line insulation, lightning representation and tower grounding system, the latter simulated by a pi-circuit model able to simulate the effects due to propagation and soil ionization, at modest computational costs. Numerical results evidence a non-negligible BFR increase (in relative terms) due to subsequent strokes: for spatially concentrated grounding systems the BFR increase approximatively vary in inverse proportion with the low frequency grounding resistance, whereas for spatially extended grounding systems the BFR increase depends on the grounding system behavior at high frequencies

    An equivalent circuit for the evaluation of cross-country fault currents in medium voltage (MV) distribution networks

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    A Cross-Country Fault (CCF) is the simultaneous occurrence of a couple of Line-to-Ground Faults (LGFs), affecting different phases of same feeder or of two distinct ones, at different fault locations. CCFs are not uncommon in medium voltage (MV) public distribution networks operated with ungrounded or high-impedance neutral: despite the relatively small value of LGF current that is typical of such networks, CCF currents can be comparable to those that are found in Phase-To-Phase Faults, if the affected feeder(s) consists of cables. This occurs because the faulted cables' sheaths/screens provide a continuous, relatively low-impedance metallic return path to the fault currents. An accurate evaluation is in order, since the resulting current magnitudes can overheat sheaths/screens, endangering cable joints and other plastic sheaths. Such evaluation, however, requires the modeling of the whole MV network in the phase domain, simulating cable screens and their connections to the primary and secondary substation earth electrodes by suitable computer programs, such as ATP (which is the acronym for alternative transient program) or EMTP (the acronym for electromagnetic transient program), with substantial input data being involved. This paper presents a simplified yet accurate circuit model of the faulted MV network, taking into account the CCF currents' return path (cable sheaths/screens, ground conductors, and earthing resistances of secondary substations). The proposed CCF model can be implemented in a general-purpose simulation program, and it yields accurate fault currents estimates: for a 20 kV network case study, the comparison with accurate ATP simulations evidences mismatches mostly smaller than 2%, and never exceeding 5%

    Tower grounding improvement versus line surge arresters: comparison of remedial measures for high-BFOR subtransmission lines

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    This paper presents a technical/economic comparison between remedial measures aimed at improving the lightning performance of an existing Italian three-phase 150-kV overhead line. The line is characterized by a very high back-flashover rate (BFOR), due to large grounding resistance values. Two countermeasures are proposed: grounding system improvement with additional vertical rods and line metal oxide surge arrester (MOSA) installation on one or all phases. A Monte Carlo ATP-EMTP procedure developed by the authors, which takes into account both the tower grounding nonlinear transient response due to soil ionization and MOSA nonlinear response, has been applied to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of the proposed countermeasures. The installation of MOSA on all phases is technically the best option, but it is relatively expensive. Tower grounding improvement and MOSA installation on the lower phase yield very similar BFORs: the economic comparison strongly depends on tower's accessibility and soil nature

    Analytical Description of Overhead Transmission Lines Loadability

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    The loadability characteristics of overhead transmission lines (OHLs) is certainly not a new topic. However, driven by sustainability issues, the increasing need to exploit existing electrical infrastructures as much as possible, has given OHL loadability a renowned central role and, recently, new investigations on this subject have been carried out. OHL loadability is generally investigated by means of numerical methods. Even though this approach allows deducing useful information in both planning and operation stage, it does not permit to capture all the insights obtainable by an analytical approach. The goal of this paper is to tailor a general analytical formulation for the loadability of OHLs. The first part of the paper is devoted to the base-case of uncompensated OHLs. Later, aiming to demonstrate the inherent feasibility and flexibility of the novel approach proposed, the less frequent case of shunt compensated radial OHLs is investigated as well. The analytical formulation is combined with the use of circular diagrams. Such diagrams allow a geometrical interpretation of the analytical relationships and are very useful to catch the physical insights of the problem. Finally, in order to show the applicability of the new analytical approach, a practical example is provided. The example concerns calculation of the loadability characteristics of typical 400 kV single-circuit OHLs

    Prone Positioning and Intravenous Zanamivir may Represent Effective Alternatives for Patients with Severe ARDS Virus A (H1N1) Related Pneumonia in Hospitals with no Access to ECMO

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    The first patient with influenza A/H1N1-related pneumonia was admitted to an Italian ICU at the end of August 2009. Until then, despite the international alarm, the level of awareness was low and very few Italian hospitals were equipped with ECMOs. Moreover the PCR test for A H1N1 virus was sporadically available and the emergency departments of even the largest institutions could rely only on the rapid test for the urgent screening of patients with pneumonia and respiratory failure. On September 5th, a young and “apparently” previously healthy man, was admitted to our ICU because of a severe ARDS caused by influenza A H1N1 virus. As there was no ECMO available, he was treated with prolonged cycles of prone positioning ventilation. Antiviral treatment was started with Oseltamivir, but as enteral absorption was impaired by paralytic ileus and tube feeding intolerance, Oseltamivir had to be discontinued. Intravenous Zanamivir 1200 mg/day for ten days was therefore prescribed as “off label” antiviral therapy. A bone marrow biopsy allowed the diagnosis of an initial stage of “hairy cells leukaemia.” ARDS related to A/H1N1 influenza was the first sign of the disease in our patient. He did well with complete clearance of the infection from the BAL after 10 days of Zanamivir, although the nasopharyngeal swabs remained positive for ten more days. Prone positioning ventilation may be a life-saver strategy in patients with severe ARDS when ECMO is not immediately available. However, prone positioning ventilation is often associated with severe impairment of the absorption of drugs that require enteral administration via the nasogastric tube. In these cases, intravenous Zanamivir may be an effective alternative strategy

    Cognitive Syndromes and C9orf72 Mutation Are Not Related to Cerebellar Degeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    ObjectiveThe notion that cerebellar pathology may contribute to cognitive impairment in ALS, especially in patients with C9orf72 repeated expansion, has been inconsistently reported. This study aimed exploring the relationship between cerebellar involvement, cognitive impairment and C9orf72 repeated expansion of patients with ALS.MethodsQuantitative in vivo assessment of cerebellar lobules has been investigated in 66 non-demented patients with ALS and 28 healthy controls (HCs). Pathologic C9orf72 repeated expansion was found in 13 patients. Mild cognitive and/or behavioral impairment was diagnosed in 22 C9orf72 negative ALS patients. Measures of cortical volume (CV) and cortical thickness (CT) of cerebellar lobules of all participants were used for Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to identify clusters of lobular measures highly correlated with each other. PCA outcomes were used for between group comparisons and correlation analyses with neuropsychological and clinical features.ResultsDisease severity measured with ALS functional rating scale and index of disease progression rate significantly correlated with CV reduction of the second PCA cluster loading CV measures of anterior lobules. In all patients, cognitive impairment, measured with verbal fluency, was related to CV reduction of the third cluster comprising posterior lobules. No specific cortical thinning or volume reduction of cerebellar clustering patterns could be detected in ALS subgroups.ConclusionOur data show that specific patterns of subregional cerebellar involvement are associated with physical disability or cognitive impairment in ALS, in line with the topographic organization of the cerebellum. However, there was no specific correlation between cerebellar degeneration and cognitive syndromes or C9orf72 mutations

    Sobre el uso argumentativo-instructivo de los argumentos "a mayor abundamiento" en las sentencias pronunciadas por la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    En esta oportunidad, a partir del análisis de una sentencia emitida por la SCBA sobre una cuestión vinculada con el derecho de defensa en juicio —el derecho a la doble instancia revisora—, nos proponemos abordar el uso argumentativo que realiza la Corte cuando emplea la expresión "a mayor abundamiento", con el propósito de introducir razones adicionales o de apoyo a los fundamentos que conforman el "holding" o la "ratio decidendi" de una sentencia. Además, exploraremos una de las funciones que pueden cumplir estas razones "a mayor abundamiento": la de instruir a los profesionales del Derecho sobre cuestiones vinculadas con temas jurídicos.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Impact of 2021 European Academy of Neurology/Peripheral Nerve Society diagnostic criteria on diagnosis and therapy of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy variants

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    Background and purpose: there are different criteria for the diagnosis of different variants of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP). The 2021 European Academy of Neurology/Peripheral Nerve Society (EAN/PNS) guidelines provide specific clinical criteria for each CIDP variant even if their therapeutical impact has not been investigated. Methods: we applied the clinical criteria for CIDP variants of the 2021 EAN/PNS guidelines to 369 patients included in the Italian CIDP database who fulfilled the 2021 EAN/PNS electrodiagnostic criteria for CIDP. Results: according to the 2021 EAN/PNS clinical criteria, 245 patients achieved a clinical diagnosis of typical CIDP or CIDP variant (66%). We identified 106 patients with typical CIDP (29%), 62 distal CIDP (17%), 28 multifocal or focal CIDP (7%), four sensory CIDP (1%), 27 sensory-predominant CIDP (7%), 10 motor CIDP (3%), and eight motor-predominant CIDP (2%). Patients with multifocal, distal, and sensory CIDP had milder impairment and symptoms. Patients with multifocal CIDP had less frequently reduced conduction velocity and prolonged F-wave latency and had lower levels of cerebrospinal fluid protein. Patients with distal CIDP more frequently had reduced distal compound muscle action potentials. Patients with motor CIDP did not improve after steroid therapy, whereas those with motor-predominant CIDP did. None of the patients with sensory CIDP responded to steroids, whereas most of those with sensory-predominant CIDP did. Conclusions: the 2021 EAN/PNS criteria for CIDP allow a better characterization of CIDP variants, permitting their distinction from typical CIDP and more appropriate treatment for patients