11 research outputs found


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    Il presente contributo, dopo aver messo in evidenza l’importanza della cartografia storica per il suo valore documentario e culturale, ravvisa la necessità di una adeguata tutela dei documenti cartografici originali, ma ne auspica la loro conoscenza e diffusione attraverso forme di riproduzione che ne consentano una piena fruibilità da parte dei cultori e degli specialisti interessati. In particolare viene sottolineata la necessità che, considerato lo sviluppo e la diffusione oggi raggiunta dalle tecnologie informatiche, sia consentita la consultazione in via telematica del patrimonio cartografico di cui sono ricche le raccolte pubbliche e private, facendo salvi sia i diritti di proprietà sia i diritti di consultazione dei singoli documenti da parte degli utenti.This paper, after having put in evidence the interest of the historical cartography, as scientific and cultural documentation, considers to be necessary a suitable conservation of the original cartographical representations, but at the same time it hopes for their knowledge and diffusion by appropriate reproductions in order to facilitate their consultation by specialists and connoisseurs. In particular, because of the actual development and diffusion of the computer assisted technologies, the paper underlines the opportunity of permitting, by the use of telematic means, the consultation of the considerable cartographic heritage keeped in public and private collections, with the due observance of the owners and the users rights

    Agli albori delle ricerche sul carsismoe la speleologia in Italia

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    Lo studio scientifico delle cavitĂ  naturali, al pari delle osservazioni sui fenomeni carsici, comincia a svilupparsi in Italia in tempi relativamente recenti, vale a dire nel corso del XIX secolo, anche se non mancarono in precedenza esempi di serie ricerche, stimolate da finalitĂ  idrologiche e condotte da eminenti studiosi. L’interesse per le cavitĂ  naturali fu anche motivato da interessi paleontologici, specialmente nei riguardi delle “grotte o caverne ossifere”. L’inserimento di tali ricerche nell’ambito delle scienze naturali si colloca solo nella seconda metĂ  dell’800, in concomitanza con il graduale organizzarsi di societĂ  scientifiche e con il periodico svolgimento di specifiche riunioni congressuali. Rispetto ad altri paesi europei, come la Francia e l’Inghilterra, il nostro Paese, anche a causa della sua frammentazione politica conclusasi 150 anni or sono, si mosse con un certo ritardo che, perĂČ, negli ultimi quattro decenni del XIX secolo venne rapidamente colmato. Nel presente contributo vengono esaminate le vicende che caratterizzarono il dibattito scientifico nella seconda metĂ  dell’800 e nel primo cinquantennio dell’unitĂ  nazionale, ambedue accompagnati dalla fondazione delle principali societĂ  scientifiche di ambito geografico-naturalistico nonchĂ© di associazioni alpinistiche ed escursionistiche. In particolare si ricordano le iniziative prese in occasione delle numerose manifestazioni congressuali, ma anche nell’ambito della crescente editoria scientifica, che gradualmente porteranno ad una sistematizzazione delle tematiche speleologiche e carsologiche.The development of the scientific study of the natural caves, as far as of the observations about the karst phenomena tends to be evident in Italy only in recent times, that is during the XIX century, even if on the previous ones were many examples of serious researches stimulated by hydrological purposes and made by noteworthy scientists. The interest towards the natural caves was also based on paleontological interests, mainly with reference to the “ossiferous caves”. The insertion of such researches into the area of natural sciences is placed only in the second half of the XIX century, in coincidence with the gradual organization of scientific societies and with the periodic increasing of specific congress meetings. In comparison with other European countries, as the France or England, our Country, also because of its political fragmentation, arrived only 150 years ago to the national unity, moved itself with a certain delay nevertheless rapidly filled during the last four decades of the XIX century. In this paper the Author takes account of the events that were characteristic of the scientific debate in the second half of the XIX century and in the first fifty years of the national unity, together with the foundation of the main geographical and naturalistic societies and of alpine and excursional clubs. Particularly the Author examines the initiatives taken in occasion of the numerous meetings, but also joined to the scientific press, with a gradual settling of the speleological and carsological themes


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    Il presente contributo intende riassumere, entro i limiti di una esposizione necessariamente sintetica, le linee evolutive che hanno caratterizzato, in etĂ  moderna e contemporanea fino agli inizi del XX secolo, la scelta e l'armonizzazione della simbologia idrografica, sia marina che terrestre, sulla base, oltre che di alcune autorevoli trattazioni manualistiche, della simbologia adottata dai principali produttori europei di cartografia topografica.This paper has the aim to Summarize the evolution of the map symbols during the modern and contemporary times, with reference to the hydrographic patterns of the marine and terrestrial cartography also on the basis of the most important national topographical series


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    Sulla base di considerazioni generali relative alla definizione dei cosiddetti "siti naturali" o "geositi" (in passato indicati anche con la denominazione di "geotopi") e per i quali le vigenti norme di legge prevedono uno specifico obbligo di tutela, il presente contributo, dopo aver valutato l'opportunità o meno di indicare sulla cartografia topografica di uso turistico-escursionistico attualmente in circolazione tali particolari situazioni (per alcune delle quali una eccessiva e non adeguatamente ponderata diffusione, circa la loro precisa ubicazione lungo un determinato itinerario o comunque nel territorio, potrebbe esporle ad un eventuale, ma in molti casi assai certo, pericolo di danneggiamento, distruzione o asportazione), analizza il livello informativo, ad esse stesse riferito, che in genere presenta la cartografia in questione. Di quest'ultima vengono presi in considerazione i tipi e le serie di maggior diffusione, la cui simbologia viene poi confrontata con quella della cartografia ufficiale dello Stato che, del resto, ne costituisce la fonte preferenziale per le Scale adottate (in genere 1:25.000 e 1:50.000). Questa analisi Ú inoltre accompagnata da opportune considerazioni critiche e da suggerimenti relativi alla stessa simbologia ed al livello informativo, con riferimento anche alle esigenze dei fruitori di questo tipo di strumenti cartografici.According to general considerations about the so called «natural sitesy or «geosites» (in the past years named also «geotopes») normally protected by the national laws, the author, after he valued the opportunity of placing this particular items on topographic maps used for tourism and excursions (for some of which the notice about its real location on terrain could expose themselves to be damaged), he also analyses the relative information level of the great scale cartography. By this regard, the author examines the more widespread cartographical series, comparing their symbology with that of the official maps at 1:25 000 and 1:50 000 scale. The present analysis is followed also by critical remarks, with reference to the needs of the same user of this kind of cartographic means

    Storia della speleologia

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 , Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Geotourist itineraries along the Italian territory: examples of mapping the geoheritage in different geomorphological and historical contexts

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    In the framework of the studies dealing with geomorphosites mapping, many researches were carried out in the last years presenting both applied examples and proposals for tourist fruition. Researchers had to face many different challenges in transferring the knowledge about the geomorphological heritage on maps. The most relevant are those concerning the use of maps for tourist promotion, taking into account the requirements of clearness of representation of landforms and also the need of pointing out possible geomorphological hazards along tourist paths. Within the activity of the Working Group “Geomorphosites and Cultural Landscape” of AIGeo (Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology), some Italian itineraries, focused on the promotion of the geomorphological heritage by means of geotourist maps, are presented. They have the goal of: promoting landscape through its geomorphological and geological heritage; disseminating geoheritage knowledge focusing its relationships with cultural landscape and human history; assessing geomorphological hazards and possible risk situations The proposed itineraries are localised in different Italian regions and they concern: - the area around the remains of the Roman town of Ostra. The town is placed on the left side of the Misa River (Marche region, Italy), atop a stream terrace dating back to the uppermost Pleistocene-early Holocene. Detailed geomorphological field and remote-sensing mapping started in 2015. The surveying is aimed at focusing the geomorphological evolution as well as at assessing possible geomorphological hazard for both conservation and exploitation scopes. A geotourist trail is proposed with the aim of highlighting and integrating geomorphological and archaeological elements and information. - a geotourist trail along the coastal terraced slopes of Cinque Terre (Liguria, NW Italy): worldwide considered as one of the most outstanding examples of human integration with the natural landscape within the Mediterranean region. The Cinque Terre are has been recognized since 1997 as aWorld Heritage Site by UNESCO and are currently affected by high geomorphological risk. - the territory of the town of Bosa, north-western Sardinia (Italy). From a geological point of view the area is characterized by the outcropping of the Oligo-Miocene volcanic sequence related to the rotational tectonic. The geomorphological survey allowed the reconstruction of the Quaternary evolution and the assessment of the geomorphological heritage. The itinerary proposed wants to promote, by means of a geo-tourist map, the geomorphological heritage in its relationship with the rich cultural context and give all information for a correct and conscious fruition of the landscape. - the vacant railway tract Avellino-Rocchetta S. Antonio (Campania region, Italy): an inland area of the southern Italian Apennine. Here the great diversity of landforms give rise to a rich variety of landscapes, strictly linked with the long archaeological and cultural history, protected, in part, by the institution of regional Parks and other kind of protected areas. - abandoned or deactivated old mines in the Eastern Italian Alps, in order to promote their recovery for tourist or didactic purposes. The aim of the proposed itinerary is to organize its specific fruition as well as the preservation of their environmental and historic heritage

    The Geomorphosites in Lombardy

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    Lombardy is a region of Northern Italy with a territory whose structure includes, from the physical-geographical point of view, a very important portion of the Alps and the adjacent Po plain with a little part of the Northern Apennines. This situation is due to the complexity of the landscape with its great diversity of historical and human aspects, frequently studied and described, but also the same physical elements which are, owing to their interest, worthy of conservation as part of the cultural heritage. As in many other Italian regions and provinces, also in Lombardy the exigence of describing and making available sites and peculiarities of the landscape arose, together with the suggestion of specific naturalistic tours, by means of relative guidebooks, monographs and so on. The Authors of the present work (as a part of the national research programme on ‘Geosites and Italian Landscape’) made a census of geomorphosites in Lombardy in order to their improvement, conservation and availability, both on the tourist and the scientific level. From the operating point of view, because of the high heterogeneity of the Lombard physical landscapes, it has been necessary to differentiate three main areas: Alps, Po plain and Apennines. Then, owing to its didactic exemplariness, its rarity and its paleogeographic or evolutive evidence, the geomorphological sites having a specific value have been identified and described, and also typologically assembled. Till now more than 150 sites have been registered. Some of them are single geomorphosites and others correspond with their areal but significant distribution. Someone of them are moreover well known as tourist sites, but many others, instead, have not had such consideration, yet. With contribution of Stefania De Vit

    The Geomorphosites in Lombardy

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    Lombardy is a region of Northern Italy with a territory whose structure includes, from the physical-geographical point of view, a very important portion of the Alps and the adjacent Po plain with a little part of the Northern Apennines. This situation is due to the complexity of the landscape with its great diversity of historical and human aspects, frequently studied and described, but also the same physical elements which are, owing to their interest, worthy of conservation as part of the cultural heritage. As in many other Italian regions and provinces, also in Lombardy the exigence of describing and making available sites and peculiarities of the landscape arose, together with the suggestion of specific naturalistic tours, by means of relative guidebooks, monographs and so on. The Authors of the present work (as a part of the national research programme on ‘Geosites and Italian Landscape’) made a census of geomorphosites in Lombardy in order to their improvement, conservation and availability, both on the tourist and the scientific level. From the operating point of view, because of the high heterogeneity of the Lombard physical landscapes, it has been necessary to differentiate three main areas: Alps, Po plain and Apennines. Then, owing to its didactic exemplariness, its rarity and its paleogeographic or evolutive evidence, the geomorphological sites having a specific value have been identified and described, and also typologically assembled. Till now more than 150 sites have been registered. Some of them are single geomorphosites and others correspond with their areal but significant distribution. Someone of them are moreover well known as tourist sites, but many others, instead, have not had such consideration, yet

    Un scenario de l'alea environnemental dans la zone comprise entre T. Scrivia et T. Nure

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    En hommage a notre collegue et ami le professeur R. Rossetti, nous avons ici reuni et presente des informations significatives sur une partie de l'Apennin septentrional, capable d'interagir au sein d'un GIS pour prodiure un scenario d'alea environnementa