3 research outputs found

    Homogeneity Of The Geochemical Reference Material Brp-1 (paranábasin Basalt) And Assessment Of Minimum Mass

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    Reference materials (RM) are required for quantitative analyses and their successful use is associated with the degree of homogeneity, and the traceability and confidence limits of the values established by characterisation. During the production of a RM, the chemical characterisation can only commence after it has been demonstrated that the material has the required level of homogeneity. Here we describe the preparation of BRP-1, a proposed geochemical reference material, and the results of the tests to evaluate its degree of homogeneity between and within bottles. BRP-1 is the first of two geochemical RM being produced by Brazilian institutions in collaboration with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG). Two test portions of twenty bottles of BRP-1 were analysed by wavelength dispersive-XRF spectrometry and major, minor and eighteen trace elements were determined. The results show that for most of the investigated elements, the units of BRP-1 were homogeneous at conditions approximately three times more rigorous than those strived for by the test of "sufficient homogeneity". Furthermore, the within bottle homogeneity of BRP-1 was evaluated using small beam (1 mm 2) synchrotron radiation XRF spectrometry and, for comparison, the USGS reference materials BCR-2 and GSP-2 were also evaluated. From our data, it has been possible to assign representative minimum masses for some major constituents (1 mg) and for some trace elements (1-13 mg), except Zr in GSP-2, for which test portions of 74 mg are recommended. © 2007 International Association of Geoanalysts.314379393Dybczynski, R., Danko, B., Polkowska-Motrenko, H., NAA study on homogeneity of reference materials and their suitability for microanalysis techniques (2000) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 245, pp. 97-104Dybczynski, R., Preparation and use of reference materials for quality assurance in inorganic trace analysis (2002) Food Additives and Contaminants, 19, pp. 928-938Fearn, T., Thompson, M., A new test for "sufficient homogeneity" (2001) The Analyst, 126, pp. 1414-1417Friese, K.C., Grobecker, K.H., Wätjen, N.D.U., Development of an electrothermal vaporization ICP-MS method and assessment of its applicability to studies of the homogeneity of reference materials (2001) Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 370, pp. 499-507Holcombe, G., Lawn, R., Sargent, M., Improvements in efficiency of production and traceability for certification of reference materials (2004) Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9, pp. 198-204Horwitz, W., Albert, R., Precision in analytical measurements: Expected values and consequences in geochemical analyses (1995) Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 351, pp. 507-513Ingamells, C.O., Switzer, P., Proposed sampling constant for use in geochemica analysis (1973) Talanta, 20, pp. 547-568(2006) Reference Materials - General and Statistical Principles for Certification, p. 64. , ISO Guide 35 International Organisation for Standardisation (Geneva)Jenkins, R., de Vries, J.L., (1970) Practical X-ray Spectrometry, p. 190. , (2nd edition). 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