6 research outputs found

    Risk Factors and Detection of Lameness Using Infrared Thermography in Dairy Cows - A Review

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    Lameness in dairy cows is a worldwide problem, usually a consequence of hoof diseases. Hoof problems have a negative impact on animal health and welfare as well as the economy of the farm. Prevention and early diagnosis of lameness should prevent the development of the disease and consequent high costs of animal treatment. In this review, the most common causes of both infectious and noninfectious lesions are described. Susceptibility to lesions is primarily influenced by the quality of the horn. The quality of the horn is influenced by internal and external conditions such as hygiene, nutrition, hormonal changes during calving and lactation, the animal's age or genetic predisposition. The next part of this review summarizes the basic principles and possibilities of using infrared thermography in the early detection of lameness in dairy cows.O

    Vliv teplotně-vlhkostního indexu na fyziologické a hematologické ukazatele dojnic

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    Heat stress in cows is commonly assessed using the temperature and humidity index (THI), a combination of ambient temperature and relative humidity. In this study, the influence of the THI on haematological and other physiological indicators in cows was evaluated. A significant difference was found in respiratory rate; when THI increased above 70 breaths/min, respiratory rate increased from 19.8 to 34.4 breaths/min. When THI increased above 80 breaths/min, there was a sharp increase in respiratory rate to 128.8 breaths/min. This was observed between 3 and 4 clocks in the afternoon when the highest thermal stress was assumed in dairy cows. The correlation coefficient between THI and body temperature was 0.38, but when weighted averages of minimum temperatures for three days were used, the correlation coefficient increased to 0.48. Based on these results, it is more reasonable to use the minimum THI over several days. At critical temperatures, haemoglobin decreased to 115.45 ± 23.12 g/l, compared with values measured in dairy cows under optimal conditions. However, these values did not fall below 125 g/l. A similar trend was observed for hematocrit under optimal conditions it was 34.42 ± 1.03%, and under stress, it was 37.5-39.12%. The number of erythrocytes was the lowest (6.51 ± 0.137 × 1012/l) in the most heat-stressed dairy cow group.Byl hodnocen vliv teplotně-vlhkostního indexu (THI) na fyziologické a hematologické ukazatele krav. Zřetelný statisticky průkazný rozdíl byl nalezen u frekvence dechu, kdy při zvýšení THI nad 69,8 došlo k vzestupu frekvence dechu z 19,8 na 34,4 dechů za minutu. Při dalším vzestupu THI o 10, došlo prudkému nárůstu frekvence dechu až na hodnotu 128,8 dechů/min. Tato hodnota byla zaznamenána mezi 15–16 hodinou, kdy se předpokládalo nejvyšší tepelné zatížení dojnic. Korelační koeficient mezi THI a tělesnou teplotou byl 0,38. Pokud se ale do sledování zahrnuly vážené průměry minimálních teplot za 3 dny, došlo ke zvýšení koeficientu korelace na hodnotu 0,48. U maximálních hodnot to pak bylo 0,44. Z dosaženého výsledku je patrné, že o dopadu tepelného stresu je vhodnější využívat hodnot denního minima, se zahrnutím několikadenních hodnot. U hemoglobinu došlo v době kritických teplot k jeho poklesu na hodnotu 115,45 ± 23,12 g/l, oproti hodnotám, které byly zaznamenány u dojnic v optimálních podmínkách. U těchto nedošlo k poklesu pod 125 g/l. Podobně tomu bylo u hematokritu s hodnotou 34,42 ± 1,03% oproti ostatním s průměrem 37,5 do 39,12%. U počtu erytrocytů byl zjištěn statisticky nejnižší průměr (6,51 ± 0,137 x 1012/l) u tepelně namáhané skupiny dojnic

    Vliv intensity světla na parametry spermatu kanců plemene duroc

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    This study aimed to investigate whether the intensity of lighting may affect Duroc boars’ semen parameters in different seasons and in different periods from the beginning of the use of boars for semen collection. A total of 6879 ejaculates were collected from 21 boars and kept under natural low light intensity and daylight length conditions, and 3141 ejaculates from 10 boars were kept under high light intensity (190-210 lx) and natural daylight length conditions. Experimental groups were divided according to the intensity of lighting (low, high), season (winter, spring, summer, fall), and the period from the beginning of the use of boars for semen collection (0-1 year, 1.1-2 years, 2.1-3 years). Selected parameters were analyzed: semen volume, sperm concentration, total number of sperms, sperm motility, percentage of sperms with an abnormal morphology and number of insemination doses from one ejaculate. Semen volume, sperm concentration, and rate of sperms with an abnormal morphology were associated with the two-way interaction between light intensity and season (P < 0.0001), and between light intensity and period from the first semen collection (P < 0.0001). The total number of sperms and number of insemination doses from one ejaculate were associated with the two-way interaction between light intensity and season (P < 0.0001). Sperm motility was associated with the twoway interaction between light intensity and season (P < 0.0001), and between light intensity and period from the first semen collection (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the intensity of lighting can affect Duroc boars’ semen parameters in different seasons and different periods from the beginning of the use of boars for semen collection.Cílem práce bylo zjistit, zda intenzita osvětlení, roční období a doba od zařazení kanců do skupiny pro odběr spermatu může ovlivnit parametry spermatu kanců plemene duroc. Celkem bylo odebráno 6879 ejakulátů od 21 kanců, kteří byli chováni v podmínkách přirozené nízké intenzity osvětlení a délky denního světla a 3141 ejakulátů od 10 kanců, kteří byli chováni v podmínkách vysoké intenzity světla (190-210 lx) a přirozené délky denního světla. Experimentální skupiny byly rozděleny podle: intenzity osvětlení (nízká, vysoká), ročního období (zima, jaro, léto, podzim) a období, od začátku používání kanců k odběru spermatu (0-1 rok, 1,1-2 roky, 2,1-3 roky). Byly analyzovány vybrané parametry: objem spermatu, koncentrace spermií, celkový počet spermií, pohyblivost spermií, procento spermií s abnormální morfologií a počet inseminačních dávek z jednoho ejakulátu. Objem spermatu, koncentrace spermií a procento spermií s abnormální morfologií byly spojeny s obousměrnou interakcí mezi intenzitou světla a ročním obdobím (P < 0.0001) a mezi intenzitou světla a obdobím od prvního odběru spermatu (P < 0.0001). Celkový počet spermií a počet inseminačních dávek z jednoho ejakulátu byly spojeny s obousměrnou interakcí mezi intenzitou světla a ročním obdobím (P < 0.0001). Pohyblivost spermií byla spojena s obousměrnou interakcí mezi intenzitou světla a ročním obdobím (P < 0.0001) a mezi intenzitou světla a periodou, od prvního odběru spermatu (P < 0.01). Závěrem lze říci, že intenzita osvětlení může ovlivnit parametry spermatu kanců duroc v různých ročních obdobích a v různých obdobích, od začátku používání kanců pro odběr spermatu

    Analýza výskytu fraktur a jejich léčby u anglického plnokrevníka

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    The aim of this thesis is the literary review elaboration regarding the bone skeleton in horses and fractures regarding specific bones. Intraarticular bone fractures were excluded from the literary review because of their high variance, which is beyond scope of this thesis. Next aim of this thesis was to inspect the fracture occurrence, progress and treatment using the statistical analysis. There are 294 English thoroughbreds in total from two countries in five year period included in the analysis. Totally 125 fractures in USA and 169 fractures in Great Britain occurred during the monitored period. The front limb was injured by fracture significantly more often. Regarding the race tracks the difference between dirt and "all-weather" surface was reported where fractures occurred more commonly on the dirt. Regrettably the euthanasia is the most prevalent method of fracture treatment in horses nevertheless it is possible to consider the conservative or surgical solution

    Haplotype Diversity in mtDNA of Honeybee in the Czech Republic Confirms Complete Replacement of Autochthonous Population with the C Lineage

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    The study aimed to analyze the genetic diversity in the Czech population of Apis mellifera using mitochondrial DNA markers, tRNAleu-cox2 intergenic region and cox1 gene. A total of 308 samples of bees were collected from the entire Czech Republic (from colonies and flowers in 13 different regions). Following sequencing, several polymorphisms and haplotypes were identified. Analysis of tRNAleu-cox2 sequences revealed three DraI haplotypes (C, A1, and A4). The tRNAleu-cox2 region yielded 10 C lineage haplotypes, one of which is a newly described variant. Three A lineage haplotypes were identified, two of which were novel. A similar analysis of cox1 sequences yielded 16 distinct haplotypes (7 new) within the population. The most prevalent tRNAleu-cox2 haplotype identified was C1a, followed by C2a, C2c, C2l, and C2d. For the cox1 locus, the most frequent haplotypes were HpB02, HpB01, HpB03, and HpB04. The haplotype and nucleotide diversity indices were high in both loci, in tRNAleu-cox2 with values of 0.682 and 0.00172, respectively, and in cox1 0.789 and 0.00203, respectively. The Tajima’s D values were negative and lower in tRNAleu-cox2 than in cox1. The most frequent haplotypes were uniformly distributed across all regions of the Czech Republic. No haplotype of the indigenous M lineage was identified. High diversity and the occurrence of rare haplotypes indicate population expansion and continuous import of tribal material of the C lineage

    Perception of dignity in older men and women in the early stages of dementia: a cross-sectional

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    AbstractBackground: Dementia is a serious problem in old age, which impacts one’s ability to function and may threaten personal dignity. Given the specifics of the illness and life experiences, there may be different contributors to the perception of dignity in men and women with dementia. The purpose of the study was to explore what variables contribute to dignity and its domains in men and women with dementia. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 316 community-dwelling patients with early-stage dementia (aged ≥ 60) (PwD). We estimated sociodemographic and social involvement characteristics of the respondents, health-related variables (pain, depression, physical performance, sensory impairments), attitude to aging, and self-sufficiency in activities of daily living (ADL) as independent variables for the perception of dignity and of its domains in men and women. Results: Multivariate regression analyses showed that male and female patients in the early stages of dementia experienced minor dignity problems. Higher rates of depression, negative attitudes to aging, and pain contributed to lower dignity in both men and women. Moreover, visual impairment had a negative effect on men's overall dignity, and on its domains of ‘Loss of Autonomy’ and ‘Loss of Confidence’. Lowered self-sufficiency in ADL contributed to diminished dignity and dignity domains of ‘Loss of Purpose of Life’, ‘Loss of Autonomy’, and ‘Loss of Confidence’ only for women. Sociodemographic and social involvement characteristics, hearing impairment, and physical performance were not associated with dignity in PwD. Conclusion: The results suggested that several common factors (depression, attitudes to aging, and pain) contribute to the perception of dignity in men and women. Other factors are more pronounced only in men or in women, which might be related to their specific gender roles and experiences (visual impairments in men and self-sufficiency in ADL in women). Supporting PwD to maintain activities that fit their gender roles and therefore complete their identity, to the extent that their illness allows, can help promote their dignity