179 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic limit for a boundary driven stochastic lattice gas model with many conserved quantities

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    We prove the hydrodynamic limit for a particle system in which particles may have different velocities. We assume that we have two infinite reservoirs of particles at the boundary: this is the so-called boundary driven process. The dynamics we considered consists of a weakly asymmetric simple exclusion process with collision among particles having different velocities

    Macroscopic fluctuations theory of aerogel dynamics

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    We consider the thermodynamic potential describing the macroscopic fluctuation of the current and local energy of a general class of Hamiltonian models including aerogels. We argue that this potential is neither analytic nor strictly convex, a property that should be expected in general but missing from models studied in the literature. This opens the possibility of describing in terms of a thermodynamic potential non-equilibrium phase transitions in a concrete physical context. This special behaviour of the thermodynamic potential is caused by the fact that the energy current is carried by particles which may have arbitrary low speed with sufficiently large probability.Comment: final versio

    A new picture on (3+1)D topological mass mechanism

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    We present a class of mappings between the fields of the Cremmer-Sherk and pure BF models in 4D. These mappings are established by two distinct procedures. First a mapping of their actions is produced iteratively resulting in an expansion of the fields of one model in terms of progressively higher derivatives of the other model fields. Secondly an exact mapping is introduced by mapping their quantum correlation functions. The equivalence of both procedures is shown by resorting to the invariance under field scale transformations of the topological action. Related equivalences in 5D and 3D are discussed. A cohomological argument is presented to provide consistency of the iterative mapping.Comment: 13 page


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    O sucesso da produção de embriões por fecundação in vitro ou transferência nuclear depende de uma variedade de fatores, dos quais a formação de uma incompleta vascularização placentária representa uma das principais causas de perda gestacional precoce. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a expressão relativa de Fator de Crescimento Endotélio-vascular (VEGF), um potente agente vasculogênico, em placentas de bovinos clonados por transferência nuclear (NT), produzidos por fecundação in vitro (FIV), ou por monta natural (MN). Verificou-se um decréscimo altamente significativo de expressão de VEGF nas placentas dos animais produzidos in vitro, quando comparados aos animais MN (1,32a; 0,21b; 0,31b, respectivamente para MN, FIV e NT, p<0,05; teste de Duncan), sugerindo haver falha na reprogramação gênica, gerada tanto no sistema de cultivo, quanto na manipulação física de gametas e embriões, alterando o padrão de vascularização placentária e, portanto, ocasionando perdas gestacionais.metas 200

    Uso e aplicação de formulações dietéticas para cordeiros Morada Nova sob terminação em confinamento no semiárido brasileiro, tendo como referência o NRC (2007): medidas da área de olho de lombo e pH.

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso e a aplicação de formulações dietéticas, tomando por base o NRC (2007), sobre as medidas de área de olho de lombo e pH inicial e final. O experimento foi realizado na cidade de Sobral-CE, no período de 16 de Dezembro de 2013 a 21 de Fevereiro de 2014. Foram utilizados vinte animais distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (duas dietas prescritas pelo NRC (2007) para a categoria em estudo - maturidade precoce e tardia e restrição ou não de nutrientes). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: pH inicial e final, assim como área de olho de lombo e suas medidas (largura e comprimento). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. Houve efeito significativo entre dietas conforme o NRC (2007) para largura e área de olho de lombo. Não houve efeito de restrição de nutrientes para os parâmetros avaliados. A formulação baseada no NRC (2007) para maturidade precoce, reduzindo-se em 15% os teores de NDT e proteína bruta, garante a melhor área de olho de lombo em cordeiros Morada Nova sob terminação em confinamento. [Use and application of dietary formulations for Morada Nova lambs under feedlot finishing in the brazilian semi-arid, based on the NRC (2007): measures of rib eye area and pH]. Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the applicability of the concepts of maturity and nutrient restriction on measures of ribeye area and on the initial and final pH and carcass of Morada Nova lambs feedlot. The experiment was conducted in Sobral-Ceará-Brazil, in the period 16 December 2013 to 21 February 2014. Twenty animals distributed in a completely randomized design in a factorial 2x2 (two diets prescribed by NRC (2007) for the category under study - early and late maturity and nutrient restriction or not). The parameters evaluated were: initial and final pH as well as the area of rib eye and your measurements (width and length). Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. There was a significant effect between diets according to NRC (2007) for width and loin eye area. There was no effect of nutrient restriction on these parameters. The formulation based on NRC (2007) for early maturity, reducing by 15% the levels of TDN and crude protein, ensures the best rib eye area in Morada Nova lambs under feedlot finishing

    Energy flux distribution in a two-temperature Ising model

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    The nonequilibrium steady state of an infinite-range Ising model is studied. The steady state is obtained by dividing the spins into two groups and attaching them to two heat baths generating spin flips at different temperatures. In the thermodynamic limit, the resulting dynamics can be solved exactly, and the probability flow in the phase space can be visualized. We can calculate the steady state fluctuations far from equilibrium and, in particular, we find the exact probability distribution of the energy current in both the high- and low-temperature phase.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Transference Principles for Log-Sobolev and Spectral-Gap with Applications to Conservative Spin Systems

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    We obtain new principles for transferring log-Sobolev and Spectral-Gap inequalities from a source metric-measure space to a target one, when the curvature of the target space is bounded from below. As our main application, we obtain explicit estimates for the log-Sobolev and Spectral-Gap constants of various conservative spin system models, consisting of non-interacting and weakly-interacting particles, constrained to conserve the mean-spin. When the self-interaction is a perturbation of a strongly convex potential, this partially recovers and partially extends previous results of Caputo, Chafa\"{\i}, Grunewald, Landim, Lu, Menz, Otto, Panizo, Villani, Westdickenberg and Yau. When the self-interaction is only assumed to be (non-strongly) convex, as in the case of the two-sided exponential measure, we obtain sharp estimates on the system's spectral-gap as a function of the mean-spin, independently of the size of the system.Comment: 57 page

    Efeito da inclusão de farelo da castanha de caju na dieta sobre os componentes não-carcaça de ovinos Santa Inês.

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    Objetivou-se verificar a influência do farelo da castanha de caju na dieta, sobre os componentes não-carcaça de cordeiras da raça Santa Inês. Foram utilizados vinte cordeiros, fêmeas, com peso vivo médio inicial de 18 kg. Esses animais foram submetidos a uma dieta com quatro níveis crescentes de inclusão de farelo da castanha de caju (0, 3, 6 e 9%) e abatidos ao atingirem os 30 kg. As variáveis sangue, pele, pulmão, coração e fígado não foram influenciados pela inclusão do farelo de castanha de caju na dieta. No entanto, cabeça, patas, rins e conteúdo gastrintestinal foram influenciados pelos níveis de inclusão de farelo de castanha de caju na dieta. A dieta com 3% de inclusão de farelo de castanha de caju proporciona maiores rendimentos de cabeça e patas e menores de conteúdo gastrintestinal de cordeiras Santa Inês. Effect of the inclusion of cashew nut meal in the diet on the non-carcass components of sheep Santa Ines. Abstract: The aimed this study checks the influence of the cashew nut meal in diet on the non-carcass components of Santa Ines lambs. Twenty lambs, females, with average body weight of 18 kg. These animals were submitted a diet with four levels of inclusion of cashew nut meal (0, 3, 6 and 9%) and slaughtered when they reached 30 kg. The variables blood, skin, lung, heart and liver were not influenced by the inclusion of cashew nut meal in the diet. However, head, legs, kidneys and gastrointestinal contents were influenced by the level of inclusion of cashew nut meal in the diet. The diet with 3% inclusion of cashew nut meal provides higher incomes of heads and feet and lower gastrointestinal content of Santa Ines lambs

    Peso e rendimento de carcaça de cordeiros de diferentes grupos genéticos criados no semiárido brasileiro.

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    Resumo: Objetivou-se com esse estudo avaliar o peso e rendimento de carcaça de cordeiros de diferentes grupos genéticos Morada Nova x Morada Nova, Rabo Largo x Morada Nova e Santa Inês x Morada Nova. Foram utilizados 15 cordeiros machos, não castrados, com peso vivo médio inicial de 6,7 kg, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições em cada tratamento. Os animais foram mantidos em pastagem nativa da Caatinga e ao final da tarde suplementados com volumoso e ração concentrada a base de milho, farelo de soja e calcário, com água e sal mineral à vontade. Os animais foram abatidos ao atingirem oito meses de idade, com aproximadamente 25 kg de peso vivo. Após o abate, registraram-se os pesos e rendimentos da carcaça. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Duncan pelo programa estatístico SAS®. Houve efeito do cruzamento para as variáveis peso vivo ao abate (PVA), peso da carcaça quente (PCQ), peso da carcaça fria (PCF) e rendimento biológico verdadeiro (RBV). Os cordeiros cruzas Rabo Largo x Morada Nova e Santa Inês x Morada apresentaram valores superiores para PVA, PCQ, PCF e RBV. Os grupos genéticos estudados proporcionam pesos de carcaça diferentes, o que denota que os mesmos podem ser usados de acordo com os objetivos dos produtores e do sistema de produção. [Weight and Yields of carcass of lambs of different genetic groups created in the Brazilian semiarid]. Abstract: The aim was to evaluate the weight and yield of carcass of lambs of different genetic groups: Morada Nova x Morada Nova, Rabo Largo x Morada Nova and Santa Ines x Morada Nova. Were used fifteen lambs, not castrated, with an average live weight of 6.7 kg, in a randomized design with five replicates in each treatment. The animals were kept on native pasture Caatinga and late afternoon supplemented with forage and ration concentrate based on corn, soybean meal and limestone, with access water and mineral salt ad libitum. The animals were slaughtered to reached eight months of age, with approximately 25 kg live weight. After slaughter, were recorded the weights and yield of carcass. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared by Duncan test by SAS® software. There was effect of crossing to the variables live weight at slaughter (LWS), hot carcass weight (HCW), cold carcass weight (CCW) and true biological yield (TBY). The crossbred lambs Rabo Largo x Morada Nova and Santa Ines x Morada Nova showed higher values for LWS, HCW, CCW and TBY. The genotypes utilized this research did provide weights different, which indicates that they may be used in accordance with the objectives of the producers and production system