1,396 research outputs found

    Análise do desempenho produtivo de diversos grupos genéticos Holandês x Gir no Brasil.

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    Foram obtidos dados de controle leiteiro mensal junto à Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Girolando, a partir dos quais foram calculadas as produções de leite por lactação (PL), as produções de leite até os 305 dias de lactação (PL305) e as durações das lactações (DL). Foram analisadas 3.574 lactações, das quais 10,8% foram registradas sob regime alimentar extensivo (RAEX), 67,9% sob regime alimentar semi-intensivo (RASI) e 21,3% sob regime alimentar intensivo (RAI). Os dados foram analisados pelo método dos quadrados mínimos por meio do procedimento GLM (SAS, 1996). Análises preliminares indicaram forte interação entre grupo genético e regime alimentar. Em função disso, a comparação do desempenho dos diversos grupos genéticos foi feita separadamente para cada regime alimentar. Foram também estudados os efeitos genéticos da diferença genética aditiva (g) entre as raças Holandesa e Gir, da dominância (d) e da interação epistática do tipo aditiva x aditiva (gg). Verificou-se que nem sempre os efeitos das interações epistáticas são negligenciáveis. Não foi verificado qualquer benefício em elevar a proporção de genes da Raça Holandesa sob condições de ambiente hostis. Por outro lado, para manejos mais aprimorados, tal elevação deu indícios de ser benéfica para o aumento da produção. [Analysis of productive performance of different Holstein x Gir genetic groups in Brazil]. ABSTRACT - Total milk yield per lactation (PL), milk yield in 305 days (PL305) and lactation length (DL) were estimated based on records of the Brazilian Association of Girolando Breeders (3,574 lactations). Milk production was recorded monthly and 10.8% of the herds were raised under an extensive feeding system, 67.9% under a semi-intensive feeding system and 21.3% under an intensive feeding system. Data were analyzed through the least square method by GLM procedure (SAS, 1996). Preliminary analysis indicated a high interaction between genetic group and feeding system. Thus, the performance of genetic groups was evaluated within each feeding system. Genetic effects of additive difference between (g) Holstein and Gir breeds, dominance (d) and additive x additive epistatic interactions (gg) were also studied. It was observed that, in some cases, the effects of epistatic interactions should be taken into account. Moreover, increasing the proportion of Holstein-Friesian genes did not have any significant effect on milk yield when herds were raised under poor management conditions. However, as such conditions improved, crosses with higher proportion of Holstein tended to show better performance

    Extracao de DNA Spiroplasma kunkelii Whitcomb cultivado in vitro.

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    Major effect qtl on chromosome 3 conferring maize resistance to Sugarcane mosaic virus.

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    The Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), a maize pathogen epidemic worldwide, is the causal agent of common mosaic, one of the most important viral diseases in Brazil. In this study, we mapped and characterized quantitative trait loci (QTL) conferring resistance to SCMV in a maize population consisting of 127 F2:3 families from the cross between two Brazilian maize inbred lines, L18 (resistant) × L19 (susceptible). Field trials were carried out in two years to evaluate the F2:3 families according to a resistance score after artificial inoculation. QTLs were detected via composite interval mapping, using a linkage map based on 82 SSRs, 3 CAPS and 296 SNPs. The heritability ranged from 73.68 to 95.16% and SCMV resistance QTLs were consistently identified on chromosomes 1 and 3, showing minor and major effects, respectively. The major QTL on chromosome 3 explained a large proportion of the genetic variance, being 50 and 70% in year 1 and 2, respectively, while the minor QTL on chromosome 1 explained 11 and 8% in year 1 and 2, respectively. The SNP marker co-localized with the major QTL peak on chromosome 3 and its right flanking marker are positioned inside the predicted gene GRMZM2G122443 encoding a glucosidase II, and the left flanking marker inside the GRMZM2G140537 that encodes a protein tyrosine kinase. Moreover, within this QTL region there are also the GRMZM2G160902 and GRMZM2G122481 predicted genes, encoding a bZIP transcription factor and a cytochrome C oxidase, respectively. The colocalization with this major effect QTL suggests a putative involvement of these candidate genes with maize responses to SCMV resistance, but further functional studies are required for such validation. Our results provide resistance source and genomic target for marker-assisted breeding aiming the development of maize resistant cultivars to SCMV