39 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Rekrutmen Pegawai PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara Wilayah Suluttenggo

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    Human resources planning that is hard-wired with good will support the quality ofprospective employees as well as the number of types of labour required at any given time, so being able tohelp the recruitment of employees. the process of recruitment of prospective employees who have the abilityto work in a company. PT PLN (Persero) conducts recruitment with several stages of recruitment, i.e.registration of participants, calling on the participants to the process of administration by bringing files thathad been noted at the time of registration, selection of administration, general aptitude test, academic andEnglish, the psychological test, interview and health tests. the environment PT PLN (Persero) is a publiccompany engaged in the service so it has a great responsibility to be able to provide the best service to thecommunity. The company is one of the strategic initiatives prepared for transforming human resources(human capital). to form a quality workforce then need to determine qualifications regarding labor is neededand put it in the right position, so that the company's goals will be achieved. to achieve the objectives of thecompany then needed a good workforce planning for each Division or Department within the company. Theimplementation of the recruitment policy of the State electricity company PT. (Persero) Region Suluttenggo.Views of 6 Implementation according to the theory of van meter and van horn that is standard policy andobjectives, resources, implementing agencies/implementor, implementer of the attitudes, communication,social conditions, economic, political. This research is a descriptive qualitative approach method through indepthinterviews to 8 people additional observations, the informant in the form of a list of guidelines forinterviews and writing stationery. The results showed in general recruitment policy ImplementationEmployees of the State electricity company PT has not gone well

    Pengaruh Globalisasi Informasi terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Budaya Generasi Muda ( suatu Studi di SMA Negeri 1 Beo Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud )

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    The population in the Talaud Islands, particularly in Beo nearly 90% are Christians.All people always respect one another. They always obey and follow the rules and / or norms, customsand respect among religions. This is reflected in the activities they do every day. Judging from thepeople who so respect the rules and customs applicable in everyday life, the inclusion of theglobalization of information and communication within a community of people who live in Beo,especially for the younger generation can cause a variety of problems, especially in the socio-culturalfield.Therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze the extent to which the impact ofglobalization of information on social and cultural life of the younger generation. This study took placein senior high school (SMA Negeri) 1 Beo Kepulauan Talaud. Design research is a quantitative studywith a sample of 60 respondents / students.The results showed that the opinions of students at SMAN 1 Beo Talaud information aboutthe impact of globalization, the average is still in the category of "medium" or moderate, which isequal to 58.33% of the 60 respondents / students, which is categorized as "low" assessment by 11respondents or 18:33% and categorized as "high" is only 23.34%. As for the social and cultural life,the average is also in the category of "moderate" that is equal to 50%, which is categorized as "low"and categorized as "high" the same judgment that each of 15 respondents, or 25%.Based on the research results, it can be stated that the globalization of information turns outto have a significant impact on social and cultural life of the younger generation

    Partsisipasi Masyarakat dalam Perencanaan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Pedesaan (PNPM-MP) (suatu Studi di Desa Tawa Bacan Tengah Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan)

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    The purpose of this study to determine the Community Participation in PlanningNational Program of Rural Community Empowerment (PNPM-MP) In the village of Tawa CentralBacan District South Halmahera as a general purpose of the National Program for CommunityEmpowerment in Rural Areas is to improve the livelihoods and employment opportunities of thepoor in rural areas. To determine the Public Participation in Planning National Program forCommunity Empowerment Rural (PNPM-MP), the researchers refer to the theories Ericson (inSlamet, 1994: 89) forms of community participation in development is divided into three stages,namely: participation in planning, participation in the implementation of, and participation inpemanfaatan.Dengan using qualitative method where the researcher as a key instrumentconsisting of 6 informants.Public participation in the planning of the National Program of Rural CommunityEmpowerment (PNPM-MP) in the village of Tawa not running optimally. Because according tothe reality in the field is only part of the population that participated in the form of thoughts orsuggestions and input in the preparation of development programs or the National Program forCommunity Empowerment of Rural .; Public participation in the implementation phase of menmore active role in the implementation of self-help in the form of energy, thoughts, and material.While women prefer the affairs of the household, as well as the community's participation in thedevelopment stage of utilization of the National Program for Community Empowerment is notgroomed properly, so it is not proper to be used again by the public.To achieve the general objectives of the National Program of Rural CommunityEmpowerment (PNPM-MP), the village government should give attention to disseminating theprogram to the public by calling or inviting the public to participate in the planning stage. Societyas a target group of the National Program for Community Empowerment Rural, it is expectedberperanaktif in the implementation of both men and women. Because basically the purpose ofPNPM-MP is to improve the lives of local people. As well as the village government needs toprovide a good understanding of the community in the maintenance of the results of developmentof the National Program for Community Empowerment or village government needs to create amaintenance team is the result of development of National Program of Rural Peoples, Mandiri(PNPM-MP) in the village of Tawa

    Pengaruh Modal Sosial Masyarakat Pedesaan terhadap Keberhasilan Pembangunan Desa di Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    ABSTACK: This research Along with the reform era, the organization of local government to change with the implementation of regional autonomy widely, real, and responsible. Based on the results of the initial observations indicate that tingka outcomes on development in villages in the subdistrict Pineleng not optimal. This condition can be observed from the socio-economic conditions / livelihood of people is still relatively low, where the number of underprivileged families are still quite high, while the Tertiary participation and independence of the community also showed a similar reality.This type of research used is descriptive and explanatory survey by using quantitative and qualitative approach, which aims to obtain an overall picture of the mapping and the benefits of social capital for the success of rural development in the district Pineleng Minahasa district ..Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, it is known that the social capital variables are at low and medium categories are respectively 34.34%, followed by the category of "high" of 31.31%. Meanwhile, variaDbel success of rural development in the category of "low" tend to be moderate, amounting to 44.44% and 43.43%, and only 12.12% are categorized high. Statistical analysis showed that the hypothesis that social capital of rural communities and a significant positive effect on the success of rural development in the District Pineleng Minahasa regency