6 research outputs found

    The Effect of Touch Therapy on Nutrition Status and the Development of Infants

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    Infancy started from 0-12 months which was characterized by rapid growth and physical changes accompanied by changes in nutritional needs to optimize the growth and development of the baby by providing touch, motion and other stimulation combinations. The research was purposed to know the effect of Touch Therapy on nutritional status and development on infants in Gayaman Village, Mojokerto Regency. The research design used one group pre-post test design. The population were infants in Gayaman Village, Mojokerto Regency, 70 respondents. The sample was 69 infants (0-18 months) in Gayaman Village, Mojokerto Regency, who were obtained by purposive sampling. Measuring instruments were used to assess nutritional status and denver II forms to assess the progress. The research was done on July 28 to August 25, 2018. Statistical test used Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The results showed that nutritional status before being given touch therapy was normal as many as 57 (83%) respondents, and the development after being given touch therapy increased to 66 (96%) respondents. The development before being given touch therapy was normal as many as 27 (39%) respondents with Ï = 0.003. This showed that there was an effect on touch therapy to their nutritional status. The nutritional status after being given a touch therapy increased to 57 (83%) respondents with Ï = 0.008. This showed that there was an effect of touch therapy on their development. Massaging was a fun way to help strengthening the bond between mother and child. This was the key to baby's development. &nbsp

    Creating Crafts to Increase Creativity During Pandemic

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    Creativity is a trait that dares to break the paradigm so that it can produce something, and can also help children become better at doing various things. The purpose of this study was to prove the effect of making crafts on increasing creativity during the pandemic in students of SMPN 1 Mojoagung Jombang. The design of this study used a one-group pre-post test design. The population in this study were all students of class IX SMPN 1 Mojoagung Jombang as many as 287 students. The sample of this study were all students of class IX F, IX G, IX H, and IX I SMPN 1 Mojoagung Jombang as many as 107 respondents. The sampling technique used is cluster random sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire to assess creativity with test results 100% valid and reliable with = 0.798. This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Mojoagung Jombang in November 2021. The statistical test used the Wilcoxon Sign Rank test with table = 0.05. The results showed that there was an increase in creativity from 43 (40%) respondents before making crafts. And after making crafts increased to 69 (64%) respondents. Statistical test results = 0.00. it means that there is an effect of making crafts on increasing creativity. Creative thinking is needed to create new ideas in making crafts so that they can produce diverse products. Thus, making handicrafts activities can increase children's creativity

    The Effect of Online Interactive Game on Social Development of School Age Children During Social Distancing

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    Coronavirus became outbreak that worsened day by day, it needed serious handling that had to be done by government to solve the problem soon, and every people had to implement social distancing to defeat this Covid-19 pandemic. The study aimed to analyze the effect of online interactive play on social development of school age children during social distancing. The population of this study was all students (146 students) in Gambiran Elementary School, Mojoagung sub-district. The sampling technique that used in this study was total sampling with 146 samples and analized by wilcoxon signed Rank test. The result showed that before the interactive game, social development of school age children were categorized less as many as 23 students (16.7%), categorized adequate 15 (10.2%), and good 108 (73.9%) students, the post-test results showed that all respondents got a good score. The result of the analysis was p 0.000 meant that there was an effect of interactive games on the social development of school age children. Interactive games helped children socialize with peers more optimally because they were more intensive and controlled

    The the Influence of Brain Gymnastic to Learning Achievement on Students in Mojokerto Regency

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    Memory is used for building self-reliance and self-confidence in children. Memory disorders will complicate learning process and cause health problems for children. Exercise activities will familiarize children to maintain the main cognitive function of the brain and can help them to achieve achievement. This study aims to determine the influence of brain gymnastic to learning achievement on Al-Akbar Islamic Elementary School students Mojokerto. This research was done with quasi-experiment method with "Pretest-Postest with Control Group Design" in Islamic Elementary School of Al-Akbar Mojokerto. The sample was determined purposively, with 50 students. Brain gymnastic was done 6 times a week for 4 weeks with 7-10 minutes in each exercise, while the child's learning achievement was measured by the test score. The instruments in the study used observational data on brain exercise and reports on children's learning achievement Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Mann Whitney test with SPSS for Windows. The results showed that learning achievement before brain gymnastics was mostly satisfying amounted to 32 respondents (97%) in treatment group and for control group were mostly very satisfying amounted to 9 respondents (28%) in. The learning achievement after brain exercises for 4 weeks was mostly very satisfying 29 respondents (88 %) in treatment group, while in control group, almost half respondents were rated satisfying amounted to 16  respondents (49%). Data result with Man Witney got p value 0,008, meant there was influence of brain gymnastics in improving learning achievement. By doing simple movement has already activate brain cells and increase blood flow to the brain so student can receive knowledge that provided by teachers and increase learning concentration