1,059 research outputs found

    Fingerprinting dark energy

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    Dark energy perturbations are normally either neglected or else included in a purely numerical way, obscuring their dependence on underlying parameters like the equation of state or the sound speed. However, while many different explanations for the dark energy can have the same equation of state, they usually differ in their perturbations so that these provide a fingerprint for distinguishing between different models with the same equation of state. In this paper we derive simple yet accurate approximations that are able to characterize a specific class of models (encompassing most scalar-field models) which is often generically called "dark energy". We then use the approximate solutions to look at the impact of the dark energy perturbations on the dark matter power spectrum and on the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect in the cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, minor changes to match published versio

    The X-ray Cluster Dipole

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    We estimate the dipole of the whole sky X-ray flux-limited sample of Abell/ACO clusters (XBACs) and compare it to the optical Abell/ACO cluster dipole. The X-ray cluster dipole is well aligned (≤25∘\le 25^{\circ}) with the CMB dipole, while it follows closely the radial profile of its optical cluster counterpart although its amplitude is ∼10−30\sim 10 - 30 per cent lower. In view of the fact that the the XBACs sample is not affected by the volume incompleteness and the projection effects that are known to exist at some level in the optical parent Abell/ACO cluster catalogue, our present results confirm the previous optical cluster dipole analysis that there are significant contributions to the Local Group motion from large distances (∼160h−1\sim 160h^{-1} Mpc). In order to assess the expected contribution to the X-ray cluster dipole from a purely X-ray selected sample we compare the dipoles of the XBACs and the Brightest Cluster Sample (Ebeling et al. 1997a) in their overlap region. The resulting dipoles are in mutual good aggreement with an indication that the XBACs sample slightly underestimates the full X-ray dipole (by ≤5\le 5 per cent) while the Virgo cluster contributes about 10 - 15 per cent to the overall X-ray cluster dipole. Using linear perturbation theory to relate the X-ray cluster dipole to the Local group peculiar velocity we estimate the density parameter to be βcx≃0.24±0.05\beta_{c_{x}} \simeq 0.24 \pm 0.05.Comment: 16 pages, latex, + 4 ps figures, submitted to Ap

    Making Weak Memory Models Fair

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    Dynamics and constraints of the Unified Dark Matter flat cosmologies

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    We study the dynamics of the scalar field FLRW flat cosmological models within the framework of the Unified Dark Matter (UDM) scenario. In this model we find that the main cosmological functions such as the scale factor of the Universe, the scalar field, the Hubble flow and the equation of state parameter are defined in terms of hyperbolic functions. These analytical solutions can accommodate an accelerated expansion, equivalent to either the dark energy or the standard Λ\Lambda models. Performing a joint likelihood analysis of the recent supernovae type Ia data and the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations traced by the SDSS galaxies, we place tight constraints on the main cosmological parameters of the UDM cosmological scenario. Finally, we compare the UDM scenario with various dark energy models namely Λ\Lambda cosmology, parametric dark energy model and variable Chaplygin gas. We find that the UDM scalar field model provides a large and small scale dynamics which are in fair agreement with the predictions by the above dark energy models although there are some differences especially at high redshifts.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, published in Physical Review D, 78, 083509, (2008

    Numerical Analyses of Weakly Nonlinear Velocity-Density Coupling

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    We study evolution of various statistical quantities of smoothed cosmic density and velocity fields using N-body simulations. The parameter C≡/()C\equiv /( ) characterizes nonlinear coupling of these two fields and determines behavior of bulk velocity dispersion as a function of local density contrast. It is found that this parameter depends strongly on the smoothing scale even in quasi-linear regimes where the skewness parameter S3S_3 is nearly constant and close to the predicted value by the second-order perturbation theory. We also analyze weakly nonlinear effects caused by an adaptive smoothing known as the gather approach.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, to appear in ApJ (558, Sep 10

    Cosmic Voids: structure, dynamics and galaxies

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    In this review we discuss several aspects of Cosmic Voids. Voids are a major component of the large scale distribution of matter and galaxies in the Universe. They are of instrumental importance for understanding the emergence of the Cosmic Web. Their relatively simple shape and structure makes them into useful tools for extracting the value of a variety cosmic parameters, possibly including even that of the influence of dark energy. Perhaps most promising and challenging is the issue of the galaxies found within their realm. Not only does the pristine environment of voids provide a promising testing ground for assessing the role of environment on the formation and evolution of galaxies, the dearth of dwarf galaxies may even represent a serious challenge to the standard view of cosmic structure formation.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures, invited review COSPA2008, Pohang, Korea. Modern Physics Letters A, accepted. For high-res version see http://www.astro.rug.nl/~weygaert/voids.cospa2008.weygaert.pd

    More on QCD Ghost Dark Energy

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    The difference between vacuum energy of quantum fields in Minkowski space and in Friedmann-Robterson-Walker universe might be related to the observed dark energy. The vacuum energy of the Veneziano ghost field introduced to solve the U(1)AU(1)_A problem in QCD is of the form, H+O(H2) H+ {\cal O}(H^2). Based on this, we study the dynamical evolution of a phenomenological dark energy model whose energy density is of the form αH+βH2\alpha H+\beta H^2. In this model, the universe approaches to a de Sitter phase at late times. We fit the model with current observational data including SnIa, BAO, CMB, BBN, Hubble parameter and growth rate of matter perturbation. It shows that the universe begins to accelerate at redshift z∼0.75z\sim 0.75 and this model is consistent with current data. In particular, this model fits the data of growth factor well as the ΛCDM\Lambda CDM model.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Is the misalignment of the Local Group velocity and the 2MASS Redshift Survey dipole typical in a LambdaCDM model?

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    We predict the acceleration of the Local Group generated by the 2MASS Redshift Survey within the framework of LambdaCDM and the halo model of galaxies. We show that as the galaxy fluctuations derived from the halo model have more power on small scales compared with the mass fluctuations, the misalignment angle between the CMB velocity vector and the 2MRS dipole is in reasonable agreement with the observed 21 degrees. This statistical analysis suggests that it is not necessary to invoke a hypothetical nearby galaxy or a distant cluster to explain this misalignment.Comment: Extended version, accepted for publication in PRD, 7 pages, 3 figure

    Constraints on the Clustering, Biasing and Redshift Distribution of Radio Sources

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    We discuss how different theoretical predictions for the variance σ2\sigma^2 of the distribution of radio sources can be matched to measurements from the FIRST survey at different flux limits. The predictions are given by the integration of models for the angular correlation function w(θ)w(\theta) for three different functional forms of the redshift distribution N(z)N(z), different spatial correlation functions and by different evolutions of the bias b(z)b(z) with redshift. We also consider the two cases of open and flat Universes. Although the predicted w(θ)w(\theta) show substantial differences due to differences in the N(z)N(z)'s, these differences are not significant compared to the uncertainties in the current observations. It turns out that the best fit is provided by models with constant biasing at all times, although the difference between models with epoch-independent bias and models with bias that evolves linearly with redshift is not very large. All models with strong evolution of bias with epoch are ruled out. As a further step we directly calculated wobs(θ)w_{obs}(\theta) at 3mJy from the catalogue and matched it with our models for the angular correlation function in the hypothesis that the clustering signal comes from two different populations, namely AGN-powered sources and starbursting galaxies. The results are consistent with a scenario for hierarchical clustering where the fainter starbursting galaxies trace the mass at all epochs, while brighter AGN's are strongly biased, with b(z)b(z) evolving linearly with redshift, as suggested by some theories of galaxy formation and evolution.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, version to appear on MNRA
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