183 research outputs found
Gravitational force distribution in fractal structures
We study the (newtonian) gravitational force distribution arising from a
fractal set of sources. We show that, in the case of real structures in finite
samples, an important role is played by morphological properties and finite
size effects. For dimensions smaller than d-1 (being the space dimension)
the convergence of the net gravitational force is assured by the fast decaying
of the density, while for fractal dimension D>d-1 the morphological properties
of the structure determine the eventual convergence of the force as a function
of distance. We clarify the role played by the cut-offs of the distribution.
Some cosmological implications are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, latex, 2 postscript figures, also available at
http://www.phys.uniroma1.it/DOCS/PIL/pil.html Accepted for Publication in
Europhysics Letters. Minor modifications adde
The fractal structure of the universe : a new field theory approach
While the universe becomes more and more homogeneous at large scales,
statistical analysis of galaxy catalogs have revealed a fractal structure at
small-scales (\lambda < 100 h^{-1} Mpc), with a fractal dimension D=1.5-2
(Sylos Labini et al 1996). We study the thermodynamics of a self-gravitating
system with the theory of critical phenomena and finite-size scaling and show
that gravity provides a dynamical mechanism to produce this fractal structure.
We develop a field theoretical approach to compute the galaxy distribution,
assuming them to be in quasi-isothermal equilibrium. Only a limited, (although
large), range of scales is involved, between a short-distance cut-off below
which other physics intervene, and a large-distance cut-off, where the thermo-
dynamic equilibrium is not satisfied. The galaxy ensemble can be considered at
critical conditions, with large density fluctuations developping at any scale.
From the theory of critical phenomena, we derive the two independent critical
exponents nu and eta and predict the fractal dimension D = 1/nu to be either
1.585 or 2, depending on whether the long-range behaviour is governed by the
Ising or the mean field fixed points, respectively. Both set of values are
compatible with present observations. In addition, we predict the scaling
behaviour of the gravitational potential to be r^{-(1 + eta)/2}. That is,
r^{-0.5} for mean field or r^{- 0.519} for the Ising fixed point. The theory
allows to compute the three and higher density correlators without any
assumption or Ansatz. We find that the N-points density scales as
r_1^{(N-1)(D-3)}, when r_1 >> r_i, 2 leq i leq N . There are no free parameters
in this theory.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, no figures, to be published in the Astrophysical
The complex universe: recent observations and theoretical challenges
The large scale distribution of galaxies in the universe displays a complex
pattern of clusters, super-clusters, filaments and voids with sizes limited
only by the boundaries of the available samples. A quantitative statistical
characterization of these structures shows that galaxy distribution is
inhomogeneous in these samples, being characterized by large-amplitude
fluctuations of large spatial extension. Over a large range of scales, both the
average conditional density and its variance show a nontrivial scaling
behavior: at small scales, r<20 Mpc/h, the average (conditional) density scales
as 1/r. At larger scales, the density depends only weakly (logarithmically) on
the system size and density fluctuations follow the Gumbel distribution of
extreme value statistics. These complex behaviors are different from what is
expected in a homogeneous distribution with Gaussian fluctuations. The observed
density inhomogeneities pose a fundamental challenge to the standard picture of
cosmology but it also represent an important opportunity which points to new
directions with respect to many cosmological puzzles. Indeed, the fact that
matter distribution is not uniform, in the limited range of scales sampled by
observations, rises the question of understanding how inhomogeneities affect
the large-scale dynamics of the universe. We discuss several attempts which try
to model inhomogeneities in cosmology, considering their effects with respect
to the role and abundance of dark energy and dark matter.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure
The Non-Uniform Distribution of Galaxies from Data of the SDSS DR7 Survey
We have analyzed the spatial distribution of galaxies from the release of the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey of galactic redshifts (SDSS DR7), applying the
complete correlation function (conditional density), two-point conditional
density (cylinder), and radial density methods. Our analysis demonstrates that
the conditional density has a power-law form for scales lengths 0.5-30 Mpc/h,
with the power-law corresponding to the fractal dimension D = 2.2+-0.2; for
scale lengths in excess of 30 Mpc/h, it enters an essentially flat regime, as
is expected for a uniform distribution of galaxies. However, in the analysis
applying the cylinder method, the power-law character with D = 2.0+-0.3
persists to scale lengths of 70 Mpc/h. The radial density method reveals
inhomogeneities in the spatial distribution of galaxies on scales of 200 Mpc/h
with a density contrast of two, confirming that translation invariance is
violated in the distribution of galaxies to 300 Mpc/h, with the sampling depth
of the SDSS galaxies being 600 Mpc/h.Comment: 22 page
Scale Dependent Dimension of Luminous Matter in the Universe
We present a geometrical model of the distribution of luminous matter in the
universe, derived from a very simple reaction-diffusion model of turbulent
phenomena. The apparent dimension of luminous matter, , depends linearly
on the logarithm of the scale under which the universe is viewed: , where is a correlation length.
Comparison with data from the SARS red-shift catalogue, and the LEDA database
provides a good fit with a correlation length Mpc. The
geometrical interpretation is clear: At small distances, the universe is
zero-dimensional and point-like. At distances of the order of 1 Mpc the
dimension is unity, indicating a filamentary, string-like structure; when
viewed at larger scales it gradually becomes 2-dimensional wall-like, and
finally, at and beyond the correlation length, it becomes uniform.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
Invariant measures of the 2D Euler and Vlasov equations
We discuss invariant measures of partial differential equations such as the
2D Euler or Vlasov equations. For the 2D Euler equations, starting from the
Liouville theorem, valid for N-dimensional approximations of the dynamics, we
define the microcanonical measure as a limit measure where N goes to infinity.
When only the energy and enstrophy invariants are taken into account, we give
an explicit computation to prove the following result: the microcanonical
measure is actually a Young measure corresponding to the maximization of a
mean-field entropy. We explain why this result remains true for more general
microcanonical measures, when all the dynamical invariants are taken into
account. We give an explicit proof that these microcanonical measures are
invariant measures for the dynamics of the 2D Euler equations. We describe a
more general set of invariant measures, and discuss briefly their stability and
their consequence for the ergodicity of the 2D Euler equations. The extension
of these results to the Vlasov equations is also discussed, together with a
proof of the uniqueness of statistical equilibria, for Vlasov equations with
repulsive convex potentials. Even if we consider, in this paper, invariant
measures only for Hamiltonian equations, with no fluxes of conserved
quantities, we think this work is an important step towards the description of
non-equilibrium invariant measures with fluxes.Comment: 40 page
Tapping into rhythm generation circuitry in humans during simulated weightlessness conditions
An ability to produce rhythmic activity is ubiquitous for locomotor pattern generation and modulation. The role that the rhythmogenesis capacity of the spinal cord plays in injured populations has become an area of interest and systematic investigation among researchers in recent years, despite its importance being long recognized by neurophysiologists and clinicians. Given that each individual interneuron, as a rule, receives a broad convergence of various supraspinal and sensory inputs and may contribute to a vast repertoire of motor actions, the importance of assessing the functional state of the spinal locomotor circuits becomes increasingly evident. Air-stepping can be used as a unique and important model for investigating human rhythmogenesis since its manifestation is largely facilitated by a reduction of external resistance. This article aims to provide a review on current issues related to the âlocomotorâ state and interactions between spinal and supraspinal influences on the central pattern generator circuitry in humans, which may be important for developing gait rehabilitation strategies in individuals with spinal cord and brain injuries
Conceptual Problems of Fractal Cosmology
This report continues recent Peebles-Turner debate "Is cosmology solved?" and
considers the first results for Sandage's program for "Practical cosmology". A
review of conceptual problems of modern cosmological models is given, among
them: the nature of the space expansion; recession velocities of distant
galaxies more than velocity of light; cosmological Friedmann force; continuous
creation of gravitating mass in Friedmann's equation; cosmological pressure is
not able to produce a work; cosmological gravitational frequency shift;
Friedmann-Holtsmark paradox; the problem of the cosmological constant;
Einstein's and Mandelbrot's Cosmological Principles; fractality of observed
galaxy distribution; Sandage's 21st problem: Hubble - de Vaucouleurs paradox;
quantum nature of gravity force.Comment: 17 pages, no Figures, report presented at Gamow Memorial Conference,
August 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russi
Initial conditions, Discreteness and non-linear structure formation in cosmology
In this lecture we address three different but related aspects of the initial
continuous fluctuation field in standard cosmological models. Firstly we
discuss the properties of the so-called Harrison-Zeldovich like spectra. This
power spectrum is a fundamental feature of all current standard cosmological
models. In a simple classification of all stationary stochastic processes into
three categories, we highlight with the name ``super-homogeneous'' the
properties of the class to which models like this, with , belong. In
statistical physics language they are well described as glass-like. Secondly,
the initial continuous density field with such small amplitude correlated
Gaussian fluctuations must be discretised in order to set up the initial
particle distribution used in gravitational N-body simulations. We discuss the
main issues related to the effects of discretisation, particularly concerning
the effect of particle induced fluctuations on the statistical properties of
the initial conditions and on the dynamical evolution of gravitational
clustering.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Proceedings of 9th Course on
Astrofundamental Physics, International School D. Chalonge, Kluwer, eds N.G.
Sanchez and Y.M. Pariiski, uses crckapb.st pages, 3 figure, ro appear in
Proceedings of 9th Course on Astrofundamental Physics, International School
D. Chalonge, Kluwer, Eds. N.G. Sanchez and Y.M. Pariiski, uses crckapb.st
Light propagation in statistically homogeneous and isotropic universes with general matter content
We derive the relationship of the redshift and the angular diameter distance
to the average expansion rate for universes which are statistically homogeneous
and isotropic and where the distribution evolves slowly, but which have
otherwise arbitrary geometry and matter content. The relevant average expansion
rate is selected by the observable redshift and the assumed symmetry properties
of the spacetime. We show why light deflection and shear remain small. We write
down the evolution equations for the average expansion rate and discuss the
validity of the dust approximation.Comment: 42 pages, no figures. v2: Corrected one detail about the angular
diameter distance and two typos. No change in result
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