62 research outputs found

    How physicians perceive and utilize information from a teratogen information service: The Motherisk Program

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    BACKGROUND: Teratogen information services have been developed around the world to disseminate information regarding the safety of maternal exposures during pregnancy. The Motherisk Program in Toronto, Canada, fields thousands of these inquiries per year. Our primary objective was to evaluate the perception and utilization of information received from us by physicians. Our secondary objective was to examine their information seeking behavior, in particular regarding teratogen information. METHODS: A one page survey was sent to physicians who had called Motherisk for information concerning pregnancy exposures in the previous 30 days for three months. Among the questions that were asked were demographics, which included gender, years in practice, specialty, information resources, and how they utilized the information received from Motherisk. RESULTS: We received 118/200 completed questionnaires (59% response rate). The mean age of the respondents was: 42 ± 9 years, mean years of practice was: 14 ± 8 years, males: 46(38%) and females 72(62%) and 95(80%) were family physicians. 56(48%) researched their question prior to calling Motherisk, 106(91%) and passed on the information received to their patient verbatim. The top four resources for information were: 1) The CPS (PDR), 2) textbooks, 3) journals and 4) colleagues. Only 8% used the Medline for gathering information. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians feel that a teratogen information service is an important component in the management of women exposed to drugs, chemicals, radiation and infections diseases etc. during pregnancy. Despite the advent of the electronic age, a minority of the physicians in our survey elected to use electronic means to seek information

    Costos en pacientes con infección por Acinetobacter baumanniien Colombia

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    Objetivo: Determinar el impacto económico como resultado de la adquisición de una infección por A. baumannii en Colombia. Métodos: Se consideró la información de un estudio previo de cohorte prospectivo, multicéntrico. Se incluyeron 165 pacientes ingresados en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCIs) participantes entre abril de 2006 y abril de 2010. Se cuantificaron los costos directos e indirectos de la atención desde la perspectiva de la sociedad utilizando la técnica de microcosteo, y se realizaron modelos uni y multivariados. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes eran menores de 65 años de edad (75%), hombres (64%) y una tercera parte (32%) estaban infectados por un A. baumannii resistente (resistencia a 5 o más familias de antimicrobianos). El costo total hospitalario en la población de pacientes del estudio fue de US 10.180(CostosdirectosUS 10.180 (Costos directos US 10.105 SD ± 6.671 y costos indirectos US 75±106porpaciente).ElcostodelosantimicrobianosfuedeUS 75 ± 106 por paciente). El costo de los antimicrobianos fue de US 3.497 ± 3.510 por paciente. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con A. baumannii que fueron ingresados en la UCI son altamente costosos para el sistema de salud Colombiano. Aunque el costo principal estuvo asociado directamente a la atención en salud, cada paciente y su familia también asumieron costos, que se estimaron aproximadamente en 30% del salario mensual mínimo legal vigente para el año 2012
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