172 research outputs found

    Il gioco d'azzardo patologico

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    Il gioco d’azzardo rappresenta la più antica e studiata tra le dipendenze senza droga. Presente sin dalle epoche più antiche, negli anni è stato oggetto di numerose ricerche e di svariati modelli interpretativi (di matrice neurobiologica, psicodinamica, ecc.) rivolti alla conoscenza del gioco – anche nella sua variante tecnologica – come dipendenza comportamentale (con le caratteristiche condizioni di craving, tolleranza, assuefazione, astinenza), all’eziopatogenesi, alla comprensione della personalità del giocatore, con attenzione al giocatore adolescente. Vengono proposti, in particolare, l’inquadramento diagnostico del DSM IV, alcuni spunti interpretativi di matrice psicodinamica, il modello di Robert Custer, nonché alcuni tra gli studi più importanti condotti sull’argomento quali sono gli studi di Blaszczynski e Nower


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    The occurrence of diseases and related factors in a center for asylum seekers in italy

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    Introduction. Italy is the main recipient of asylum seekers in the European region, and Sicily is their first point of arrival. This geographical position creates a large job for Health Authorities to identify and deal with the health of immigrants. This study evaluates the prevalence of disease among asylum seekers, assessing which are associated factors. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted to analyse demographic and clinical data in an Acceptance Centres for Asylum Seekers from February 2012 to May 2013. All variables that were found to be significant on unvariable analysis for the most frequent pathologies were included in a multivariable logistic regression model. Results. Post-traumatic stress disorders with 17.4% and major depression with 7.3% were the most frequent diseases. The factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorders among asylum seekers were: major depression diagnosis (OR=2.91, p=0.004),Pakistan as a country of origin (OR=3.88, p<0.001), the largest number of medical visits (OR=1.02, p=0.033) and refugee status (OR=1.97, p=0.036). The variables linked with the diagnosis of major depression from the multivariable analysis were: suffering from post-traumatic stress disorders (OR=3.83, p<0.001), Pakistan as a country of origin (OR=3.45, p=0.004) and the highest number of visits to psychologist (OR=1.15, p<0.001). Conclusions.The mental wellbeing of asylum seekers needs special attention, and interventions should be done to prevent the consolidation of psychiatric morbidity. A short psychological screening after the arrival might prove helpful here. Moreover, carefully designed longitudinal studies should be carried out when political recommendations try to change the organization of psychological and healthcare services

    A Cross-Sectional Survey on Burnout Prevalence and Profile in the Sicilian Population of Ambulance Driver-Rescuers

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    Introduction: Burnout is present at a high rate in emergency medicine. The ambulance driver-rescuers, who furnish first aid to the victims, are the non-medical part of the Italian 118-service staff. There is a lack of research on burnout risk in Italian Emergency Medical Services and, particularly, for this category of workers. The two Italian studies, including a little group of ambulance driver-rescuers, reported inconsistent findings. Hypothesis: This survey investigated for the first time the prevalence and exact profile of burnout in a large sample of Italian driver-rescuers. As a secondary aim, the study described how the items of the Italian version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) cluster in components in this sample. Methods: This cross-sectional census survey was conducted from June 2015 through May 2016 and involved all the driver-rescuers operating in Sicily, the biggest and most southern region of Italy. The subjects received a classification according to different profiles of burnout by using the Italian version of the MBI-HSS (burnout, engagement, disengagement, over-extension, and work-inefficacy). In order to explore the existence of independent factors, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was conducted on the survey to obtain eigenvalues >one for each component in the data. Results: The final sample comprised 2,361 responders (96.6% of the initial sample). Of them, 29.8% were in burnout (95% confidence interval [CI], 27.8% to 31.8%) and 1.7% presented a severe form (95% CI, 1.1% to 2.3%); 30.0% were engaged in their work (95% CI, 21.0% to 34.8%), 24.7% of responders were disengaged (95% CI, 22.9% to 26.5%), 1.2% presented an over-extension profile (95% CI, 0.8% to 1.7%), and 12.6% felt work-inefficacy (95% CI, 11.3% to 14.1%). The factors loaded into a five-factor solution at PCA, explaining 48.1% of the variance and partially replicating the three-factor structure. The Emotional Exhaustion (EE) component was confirmed. New dimensions from Personal Accomplishment (PA) and Depersonalization (DP) sub-scales described empathy and disengagement with patients, respectively, and were responsible for the increased risk of burnout. Conclusions: These results endorse the importance of screening and psychological interventions for this population of emergency workers, where burnout could manifest itself more insidiously. It is also possible to speculate that sub-optimal empathy skills could be related to the disengagement and work-inefficacy feelings registered

    Migrant Women-experiences from the Mediterranean Region

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    Introduction: The phenomenon of migration is characterized and influenced by a number of different variables; and the different stages of journey are related to different levels and types of psychological distress. Women, in particular, are exposed to further specific risks during migration.Aim: To determine the factors that affect the psychological health of migrant women during the different stages of the migration journey.Methods: We provide a narrative review of the literature around the experiences of women during migration process, with a geographical focus on women migrating to the Mediterranean area.Results: Little data is currently available on the burden of mental health disorders for female migrants. Most studies about the mental health status of migrants were not gender-disaggregated or focused specifically on migrant women's experiences of violence. Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) was found to be a common risk factor faced by all the women who leave their native country to migrate to other countries.Conclusion: Despite the importance of the issue and the gender-specific variables related to the experience of migrant women, few studies have looked specifically at psychological variables and mental health status in the female migrant population. It is crucial that future studies are conducted around female migration, violence towards women, and women's mental health, in order to provide an evidence-base for promoting adequate policies and prevention/treatment programs for women

    Quality of life, alexithymia, and defence mechanisms in patients affected by breast cancer across different stages of illness

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of alexithymia and defence mechanisms on the quality of life of patients affected by breast cancer at different stages of the disease. Methods A convenience sample of 110 patients with breast cancer was involved in the study: 41 were receiving adjuvant chemotherapyafter surgery, 29 had disease-free survival in follow-up and 40 were receiving chemotherapy for metastatic disease. Quality of life, alexithymia and defence mechanisms were assessed using the following instruments: EORTC QLQ-C30-BR23, Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) and Defense Mechanism Inventory (DMI). Results Compared to the other groups, patients receiving chemotherapy for metastatic disease reported poorer quality of life in several domains, more severe cancer-related and treatment-related symptoms and higher levels of alexithymia. When the effect of other potential predictors was taken into account, TAS-20 difficulty in identifying feelings was significantly related to all the EORTC functional subscale. Conclusion: This study underlined the relevance of difficulty in emotional processing and defence mechanisms in modulating psychological adjustment in women affected by breast cancer, suggesting that these might be potential targets of psychological intervention for this population

    The impact of healthy lifestyles on academic achievement among Italian adolescents

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    We evaluated the association between healthy lifestyles and academic achievement in a sample of 373 adolescent Italian students.Specifically, we investigated on the association between use of illegal drugs, habits to practice a regular physical, typology ofdiet, levels of social support, levels of self-esteem, level of Internet use, perceived stress and amount of sleep and academicachievement. Academic performance was positively correlated with good diet, perceived social support, and self-esteem. Astatistically significant difference emerged between students with high versus low correct grade point averages in relation tolifetime and current use of illegal drugs. Last, academic performance was negatively correlated with Internet use, perceived stress,and bad diet. A multiple regression analysis was conducted in order to predict academic achievement based on good diet, physicalactivity, self-esteem, sleep hours, perceived stress, problematic Internet use, perceived social support, and lifetime substance usewhile controlling for age, gender, and years of education. As expected, healthy lifestyles behaviors were highlighted as asignificant predictor in academic achievement. Specifically, it was showed that a good diet as well as nonproblematic Internetuse significantly predicted academic success. Moreover, it was found that gender did not moderate the relationship between thosepredictors and academic achievement. The results of our study show that to practice healthy lifestyle behaviors is a relevant factorfor a better performance at school, at least in our sample

    Borderline Personality in Patients with Poly-Diagnoses Treated for a Bipolar Disorder

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    Some patients with dysphoria, explosive behaviour, or suicidal ideation, may receive a diagnosis of, and treatment for Bipolar Disorder (BD) and, not infrequently. The coexistence of these two diagnoses has been explained in different ways. Some authors include the BPD in the bipolar spectrum; others are sceptical about the existence of real comorbidity, suggesting a misdiagnosis. This study aimed to assess the personality of this group of poly-diagnosed patients (PolyD) and hypothesised they had a pathological borderline organisation. Via the administration of the Schedler Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP-200), we compared PolyD patients with those suffering from BPD or BD only. We performed two different MANCOVAs to test PolyD, BPD and BD patients’ differences in PD-factors, Q-traits and age. The sample comprised 45 patients (Mean age=43.3, SD=15.7; Females 57.7%, N=26). BD patients (N=15) did not present any personality disorder, they had a higher functioning and Obsessive Q-traits, and a lower Histrionic PD-factor than both PolyD (N=20) and BPD (N=10) patients. Compared to PolyD patients, BD had inferior PD-Borderline, PD-Antisocial factor and Dependent-Masochistic Q-traits, but there were no other differences with BPD patients. PolyD did not differ from BPD patients in any of the PD-factors and Q-traits. Our results suggest that PolyD patients are different from BD patients and propose to consider the pathological borderline personality as a central core of their disease

    Pathological gambling in adolescence: a narrative review

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    Pathological gambling is an emerging and increasing phenomenon in Western counties. This work is aimed at reviewing the existing literature on this topic, paying special attention to its development, course and outcome in adolescence. We will explore epidemiological data, the instruments for the diagnostic and clinical assessment, the course and the outcome of the disorder, the comorbidity with other psychiatric syndromes and disorders. The main risk factors will be described at individual, social and community level. We provide an overview of the available pharmacological and psychological treatments and we report a clinical vignette in order to describe the psychological and psychopathological features of pathological gambling in adolescence. 