8 research outputs found


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    Food allergy (FA) in children, especially in infancy, is still a significant public health problem. The severity and prognosis of disease progression associated with FA considerably depends on the correct and early diagnostics of this pathology, as well as on the following management of a child. At the same time delayed elimination diet administration, unreasonable or overlong dietary intervention might have become abuse management of a patient and have a negative impact on the development of a child and reduce the quality of life. The article summarizes the current practical approaches to the diagnosis of FA based on evidence-based medicine and adopted European and Russian national consensus documents, as well as on our own experience of management of patients with this pathology. FA diagnosis in a child usually includes clinical laboratory tests and clarification of clinical and anamnestic data. Unfortunately, it is a fact that preference is given to laboratory methods for diagnosis based on specific IgE determination or skin samples. However, the basis for cause-significant allergen identifying is detecting detailed medical history and clinical picture of a disease which still appears to be the most reliable tool for FA diagnosis. Пищевая аллергия (ПА) у детей, особенно в раннем возрасте, до сих пор остается существенной проблемой здравоохранения. Тяжесть течения и прогноз заболеваний, связанных с ПА, во многом зависят от правильной и своевременной диагностики данной патологии, а также от дальнейшей тактики ведения ребенка. При этом как несвоевременное назначение элиминационной диеты, так и неоправданная диета или ее слишком длительное соблюдение могут являться ошибочной тактикой ведения пациента, негативно влиять на развитие и снижать качество жизни ребенка. В статье кратко изложены современные практические подходы к диагностике ПА, основанные на доказательной медицине и принятые в качестве Европейских и отечественных согласительных документов, а также на собственном опыте ведения больных с данной патологией. Диагностика ПА у ребенка, как правило, включает в себя проведение лабораторных исследований и выяснение клинико-анамнестических данных. К сожалению, часто приходиться сталкиваться с тем, что предпочтение отдается лабораторным методам диагностики, которые основаны на определении специфических IgE или кожных пробах. Однако основой идентификации причинно-значимого аллергена остается детальный сбор анамнестических данных, который вместе с клинической картиной заболевания до сих пор является наиболее надежным инструментом диагностики ПА.

    Учет и оценка факторов, влияющих на ценообразование продукции

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    В работе излагается подход к определению цены различных видов продукции предприятия с учетом его отраслевой специфики и конкурентов, реализующих такую продукцию на рынке. Подход основан на использовании традиционных методов ценообразования и представляет собой механизм формирования базовой цены различных видов продукции и скорректированных значений цены, позволяющих учитывать влияние стоимости ресурсов для производства продукции, источников финансирования активов, продолжительность хранения запасов, необходимых для поддержания непрерывности производственного процесса, продолжительность расчетов с дебиторами

    Consideration of non-stationary economy factor in the formation of an optimal fund structure: An industry approach

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    The relevance of the study of the issues of consideration of the non-stationary economy factor in the optimal enterprise's fund structure formation, taking into account its industry particularity, is explained by the need for scientific and methodological research in this field. Currently, such studies are not insufficient there are no methodological and practical recommendations for solving these problems. The purpose of the article is to develop an integrated model for determining and evaluating the sector financial strategy in a non-stationary economy. The leading method of research used in the preparation of this article was the theoretical-empirical method. In addition, methods of economic-mathematical modeling, economic-statistical and factor analysis, supplemented by methods of logical analysis and modeling, were used. The novelty of the results of the research is the development of a four-component model based on the correlation with the optimal values of four particular criteria that take into account the functioning environment and the specifics of the activity of a particular company in the industry. In addition, the authors of the article substantiated the analytical expression of each of the four criteria of the model and ways to determine their optimal values. The application of the proposed model allows analyzing the effectiveness of an enterprise's current or proposed financial strategy, taking into account its industry specificity, diagnosing its shortcomings and determining ways to eliminate them. The materials of the article are of theoretical importance for research in the field of financial management and optimization of the fund structure. The use of this model in practice as a system of landmarks in the construction of an industry financial strategy in a non-stationary economy will help to obtain more objective financial management decisions in this area. © Serials Publications

    Scientific methodological basis of the risk management implementation for companies’ capital structure optimization

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    The relevance of studying the issues related to the risk management implementation for companies’ financial management system advancement is explained with the research among scientific methodological studies and commercial enterprises’ practical activities of some ways to optimize the capital structure taking into account various factors that impact on this structure. There are no methodological and practical guidelines for solving the given problems. Basing on the employment of the theory-empiric methods of investigation a unifying model of commercial enterprises’ risks evaluation and management has been developed. The novelty of the investigation results consists in working out a matrix of the main reasons for analyzed risks arising and of a relationship model “risk-reason” that helps to estimate the most important causes for each basic risk and to evaluate the probability of every cause occurrence. Moreover, the authors have proposed and described a relationship matrix “risk-reason”: find out a critical cause having the greatest impact on the company’s activity riskiness, put the causes in order of occurrence frequency, set a rating for the essentiality of the cause impact on company’s activity risk. Applying the methodological approaches of the risk management implementation for companies’ capital structure optimization for real business would let to improve the financial management efficiency leading to the raise of enterprise business performance results. © 2016 Petrovskaya et al

    Scientific methodological basis of the risk management implementation for companies’ capital structure optimization

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    The relevance of studying the issues related to the risk management implementation for companies’ financial management system advancement is explained with the research among scientific methodological studies and commercial enterprises’ practical activities of some ways to optimize the capital structure taking into account various factors that impact on this structure. There are no methodological and practical guidelines for solving the given problems. Basing on the employment of the theory-empiric methods of investigation a unifying model of commercial enterprises’ risks evaluation and management has been developed. The novelty of the investigation results consists in working out a matrix of the main reasons for analyzed risks arising and of a relationship model “risk-reason” that helps to estimate the most important causes for each basic risk and to evaluate the probability of every cause occurrence. Moreover, the authors have proposed and described a relationship matrix “risk-reason”: find out a critical cause having the greatest impact on the company’s activity riskiness, put the causes in order of occurrence frequency, set a rating for the essentiality of the cause impact on company’s activity risk. Applying the methodological approaches of the risk management implementation for companies’ capital structure optimization for real business would let to improve the financial management efficiency leading to the raise of enterprise business performance results. © 2016 Petrovskaya et al

    Consideration of non-stationary economy factor in the formation of an optimal fund structure: An industry approach

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    The relevance of the study of the issues of consideration of the non-stationary economy factor in the optimal enterprise's fund structure formation, taking into account its industry particularity, is explained by the need for scientific and methodological research in this field. Currently, such studies are not insufficient there are no methodological and practical recommendations for solving these problems. The purpose of the article is to develop an integrated model for determining and evaluating the sector financial strategy in a non-stationary economy. The leading method of research used in the preparation of this article was the theoretical-empirical method. In addition, methods of economic-mathematical modeling, economic-statistical and factor analysis, supplemented by methods of logical analysis and modeling, were used. The novelty of the results of the research is the development of a four-component model based on the correlation with the optimal values of four particular criteria that take into account the functioning environment and the specifics of the activity of a particular company in the industry. In addition, the authors of the article substantiated the analytical expression of each of the four criteria of the model and ways to determine their optimal values. The application of the proposed model allows analyzing the effectiveness of an enterprise's current or proposed financial strategy, taking into account its industry specificity, diagnosing its shortcomings and determining ways to eliminate them. The materials of the article are of theoretical importance for research in the field of financial management and optimization of the fund structure. The use of this model in practice as a system of landmarks in the construction of an industry financial strategy in a non-stationary economy will help to obtain more objective financial management decisions in this area. © Serials Publications