6 research outputs found
New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
- Author
- Aaltonen L.
- Aaltonen V.
- Aarsland Dag
- Aavikko M.
- Abalos M.S.
- Abdelnour Carla
- Abner E.
- Abraham R.
- Adams H.
- Adams P.M.
- Adarmes-Gómez A.
- Adarmes-Gómez A.D.
- Aguilera N.
- Aguilera N.
- Aguirre A.
- Ahmad S.
- Akinyemi R.O.
- Al-Chalabi A.
- Alarcón-Martín Emilio
- Albert M.S.
- Albin R.L.
- Alcolea Daniel
- Alegret Montserrat
- Ali M.
- Allen M.
- Allende I.R.
- Alonso M.D.
- Alonso M.D.
- Alvarez I.
- Alvarez L.
- Amer-Ferrer G.
- Amin N.
- Amouyel Philippe
- Anastasiou A.
- Anastasiou C.
- Andrade V.
- Andreassen Ole A.
- Andreoni S.
- Antequera M.
- Antikainen R.
- Antonell A.
- Anttonen V.
- Antúnez C.
- Aparicio H.J.
- Apostolova L.G.
- Appollonio I.
- Arcaro M.
- Archetti S.
- Armstrong N.J.
- Arnold S.E.
- Arosio B.
- Arvas M.
- Assogna F.
- Asthana S.
- Athanasiu L.
- Atwood C.S.
- Auge F.
- Auranen A.
- Auvinen P.
- Awaisa G.
- Ayres G.
- Bacha J.I.
- Bahadori M.
- Bahrami S.
- Bailly H.
- Baldwin C.T.
- Banaj N.
- Baquero M.
- Barber R.C.
- Barnes L.L.
- Barral S.
- Barral S.
- Bass N.
- Bass N.J.
- Bastiani P.
- Bayer A.
- Beach T.G.
- Becker J.T.
- Becker J.T.
- Becker T.
- Beecham G.W.
- Beekly D.
- Behrens T.
- Beiser A.
- Belezhanska D.
- Bellenguez Céline
- Below J.E.
- Below J.E.
- Ben-Shlomo Y.
- Benchek P.
- Benchek P.
- Benitez B.A.
- Bennett D.
- Benussi A.
- Benussi L.
- Bergh S.
- Bernardo-Harrington M.
- Berr Claudine
- Bertelson J.
- Besse C.
- Bessi V.
- Betts J.
- Bhangale T.
- Biessels G.J.
- Binetti G.
- Bing N.
- Bird T.D.
- Bis Joshua C
- Biswas S.
- Bizarro A.
- Bjerke M.
- Blacker D.
- Blesa Rafael
- Blomster T.
- Boada M.
- Boecker H.
- Boerwinkle E.
- Boeve B.F.
- Boland A.
- Borroni B.
- Boschi S.
- Bosnes I.
- Bossù Paola
- Bowen J.D.
- Bowers N.
- Boxer A.
- Brauer M.
- Brayne C.
- Brein G.
- Bresner C.
- Bressler J.
- Breteler M.
- Brewer J.
- Brice A.
- Brodaty H.
- Broeckhoven C.V.
- Bronson P.
- Brookes K.J.
- Brown K.
- Brown K.S.
- Brusco L.I.
- Bråthen G.
- Buendia M.
- Buiza-Rueda D.
- Bullido M.J.
- Burguera J.A.
- Burholt V.
- Burke J.R.
- Burns J.M.
- Bush W.S.
- Bush W.S.
- Buxbaum J.D.
- Bûrger K.
- Cairns N.J.
- Calero M.
- Caliskan M.
- Call K.
- Call K.
- campion D.
- Campos-Martin R.
- Cano A.
- Cantwell Laura B
- Cao C.
- Carlson C.S.
- Carlsson C.M.
- Carney R.M.
- Carpén O.
- Carracedo Ángel
- Carrasquillo M.M.
- Carrillo F.
- Carrillo F.
- Carrión-Claro M.
- Carrión-Claro M.
- Casajeros M.J.
- Castaño E.M.
- Cañabate P.
- Cañabate P.
- Cecchetti R.
- Cervera-Carles L.
- Challis B.
- Chang D.
- Chapuis J.
- Charbonnier C.
- Chasman D.
- Chasse S.
- Chatelain C.
- Chauhan G.
- Chen C.Y.
- Chen H.
- Chen H.
- Chen H.H.
- Chen X.
- Chene G.
- Chesi A.
- Chesselet M.F.
- Chhibber A.
- Chillotti Caterina
- Chin N.A.
- Chipi E.
- Choy D.
- Chu A.
- Chui H.C.
- Chung J.
- Ciccone S.
- Ciullo V.
- Claassen J.A.H.R.
- Clarimon J.
- Clark C.
- Clarke R.
- Close D.
- Collinge J.
- Comic H.
- Conti E.
- Cores V.
- Corma-Gómez A.
- Costa M.R.
- Costantini E.
- Cox S.
- Craft S.
- Craig D.
- Crane P.K.
- Cribbs D.H.
- Crocco E.A.
- Crohns M.
- Cruchaga C.
- Cuccaro M.L.
- Cuesta C.
- Cullum M.
- Cummings B.
- Cupples A.L.
- Custodero C.
- Daian D.
- Dalmasso Maria Carolina
- Daly M.
- Damotte V.
- Daniele A.
- Darby E.
- Dardiotis E.
- Dartigues J.F.
- Davies C.
- Davies G.
- Davis B.
- Davis J.W.
- de Deyn P.P.
- De Jager P.L.
- de Mendonça A.
- de Munain A.L.
- de Paiva Lopes K.
- de Rojas I.
- de Witte L.D.
- Debette Stéphanie
- DeCarli C.
- DeCarli C.S.
- Deckert J.
- del Ser T.
- Deleuze J.F.
- della Briotta Parola P.
- della Briotta Parolo P.
- Deloukas P.
- Deloukas P.
- Denning N.
- Deramecourt V.
- Deramerourt V.
- DeStefano A.
- DeToledo J.
- Dichgans M.
- Dick M.
- Dickson D.W.
- Diego S.
- Diehl-Schmid J.
- Diez-Fairen M.
- Diogo D.
- Djurovic S.
- Dombroski B.A.
- Dongen J.V.
- Donner K.
- Doody R.S.
- Dowzell K.
- Drichel D.
- Duara R.
- Dubois B.
- Dufouil C.
- Duperron M.G.
- Dupuis J.
- Duron E.
- Düzel E.
- Eaton S.
- Ehm M.
- Eicher J.
- Eiriksdottir G.
- Eklund K.
- Elenius K.
- Elliott A.
- Engelborghs S.
- Epelbaum J.
- Ertekin-Taner N.
- Escott-Price V.
- Escuela R.
- Escuela R.
- Esmaeeli S.
- Espinosa A.
- Espinosa M.A.L.
- Etchepareborda I.
- Evans D.A.
- Evans T.
- Ewers M.
- Faber K.M.
- Fabrizio T.
- Fairchild T.J.
- Fallon K.B.
- Fan F.
- Fardo D.W.
- Farlow M.R.
- Farotti L.
- Farrell J.J.
- Farrer L.A.
- Fenoglio C.
- Fernandez-Hernandez V.
- Fernández-Fuertes M.
- Ferrarese C.
- Ferrari R.
- Ferreira C.B.
- Ferri E.
- Ferris S.
- Feulner T.
- Fievet N.
- Fin B.
- Fischer P.
- Fisher E.
- Fitzpatrick A.
- Fladby T.
- Fließbach K.
- Fohner A.E.
- Fongang B.
- Fornage M.
- Foroud T.M.
- Forsell C.
- Fortea J.
- Fostinelli S.
- Fox C.
- Fox N.
- Fox N.C.
- Franco-Macías E.
- Frank-García A.
- Frikke-Schmidt R.
- Froelich L.
- Frosch M.P.
- Frölich L.
- Fulton-Howard B.
- Fulton-Howard B.
- Färkkilä M.
- Gailhajenet A.
- Galasko D.R.
- Galeano P.
- Galimberti D.
- Gamboa A.
- Ganguli M.
- Ganna A.
- Garcia-Gonzalez P.
- Garcia-Madrona S.
- Garcia-Ribas G.
- Garcia-Tabuenca J.
- García-Alberca J.M.
- García-González P.
- Garrote-Espina L.
- Garrote-Espina L.
- Gearing M.
- Geerlings M.
- Georgantas B.
- George-Hyslop P.S.
- Germani S.
- Gerrish A.
- Geschwind D.H.
- Ghanbari M.
- Ghetti B.
- Ghidoni R.
- Ghosh S.
- Giedraitis Vilmantas
- Giegling I.
- Gilbert J.R.
- Gill M.
- Giorgio G.
- Glatt S.J.
- Goate A.M.
- Goldhardt O.
- Gomez-Fonseca D.
- Gonzalez H.M.
- González-Pérez A.
- Gordillo J.E.
- Gormley P.
- Goss M.
- Gossel M.
- Grabe H.
- Grabowski T.J.
- Gracia-Tabuenca J.
- Graff C.
- Graff-Radford N.R.
- Graham R.
- Grand Q.L.
- Grande G.
- Grant S.F.A.
- Green E.
- Green R.C.
- Greenberg S.
- Grenier-Boley B.
- Grimmer T.
- Growdon J.H.
- Grunin M.
- Grünblatt E.
- Gu W.
- Gudnason Vilmundur
- Guerreiro R.
- Guetta-Baranes T.
- Guitart M.
- Gurling H.
- Gursoy U.
- Gwilliam R.
- Gómez-Garre P.
- Gómez-Garre P.
- Haapasalo A.
- Habes M.
- Hadjigeorgiou G.
- Haines J.L.
- Haines J.L.
- Hakonarson H.
- Hall J.
- Hamilton R.L.
- Hamilton-Nelson K.L.
- Hampel H.
- Hannequin D.
- Hannula-Jouppi K.
- Hanon O.
- Harari O.
- Hardy J.
- Harju J.
- Harju T.
- Harold D.
- Harrell L.E.
- Hartmann A.M.
- Harvima I.
- Harwood J.
- Hausner L.
- Haut J.
- Hautala N.
- Havulinna A.
- Head E.
- Heap G.
- Heckbert S.R.
- Hedman Å.
- Heikkinen S.
- Heilmann-Heimbach S.
- Helisalmi S.
- Henderson V.W.
- Hendolin M.
- Heneka M.T.
- Hernandez M.
- Hernández I.
- Herold C.
- Heron S.
- Herrmann M.J.
- Heun R.
- Heuser I.
- Hevilla S.
- Heyne H.
- Hiekkalinna T.
- Hiltunen M.
- Hinttala R.
- Hochfeld M.
- Hodges A.
- Hofer E.
- Hoffman J.
- Hoffmann P.
- Hohman T.
- Hollingworth P.
- Holmans Peter
- Holmes C.
- Holstege H.
- Holzinger E.
- Hong E.
- Honig L.S.
- Hooper N.M.
- Hort J.
- Hu X.
- Huang Y.
- Huebinger R.M.
- Huentelman M.J.
- Hughes T.
- Huhtakangas J.
- Huilaja L.
- Hulette C.M.
- Hulsman M.
- Humphrey J.
- Hunkapiller J.
- Hyman B.T.
- Hynan L.S.
- Hyvärinen K.
- Hüll M.
- Ibanez L.
- Ibarria M.
- Ikram M. Arfan
- Ingelsson M.
- Ingino C.
- Iriarte M.M.
- Isomäki P.
- Jacob H.
- Jalanko A.
- Jambulingam D.
- Janowitz D.
- Jansen I.E.
- Jarvik G.P.
- Jayadev S.
- Jessen F.
- Jesús S.
- Jesús S.
- Jian X.
- Jiménez M.G.
- Jin L.W.
- Joensuu H.
- Johansson C.
- John S.
- Johnson K.
- Johnson L.
- Johnston J.A.
- Johnston J.A.
- Jones L.
- Juan P.S.
- Julkunen V.
- Jun G.R.
- Junttila J.
- Juonala M.
- Jussila A.
- Järvensivu E.
- Jöckel K.H.
- Kaarniranta K.
- Kaarteenaho R.
- Kaiharju E.
- Kaipiainen-Seppänen O.
- Kajanne R.
- Kalaoja M.
- Kalpala K.
- Kamboh M.I.
- Kanai M.
- Kangasniemi E.
- Kankaanranta H.
- Kaprio J.
- Karihtala P.
- Karjalainen J.
- Karjalainen M.
- Karlsson A.
- Karydas A.M.
- Kastumata Y.
- Katz M.J.
- Kaunisto M.
- Kauppi P.
- Kauppila S.
- Kautz T.F.
- Kauwe J.
- Kaye J.A.
- Keene C.D.
- Kehoe P.G.
- Kerchner G.
- Kettunen J.
- Khaleeq A.
- Kiiskinen T.
- Kilander L.
- Kilpeläinen E.
- Kilpi T.
- Kim R.
- King K.S.
- Kiviniemi M.
- Kivipelto M.
- Kleineidam L.
- Klinger K.
- Klopp N.
- Knebl J.
- Knol M.
- Kochen S.
- Kohler E.
- Kohler M.
- Koivisto A.
- Kornhuber J.
- Koskinen M.
- Kosma V.M.
- Kosmidis M.H.
- Koulu L.
- Kowall N.W.
- Kramer J.H.
- Kremen W.
- Kristiansson K.
- Kujala U.
- Kuksa P.P.
- Kuksa P.P.
- Kukull W.A.
- Kulkarni D.
- Kunkle B.W.
- Kurki M.
- Kuulasmaa T.
- Kuzma A.B.
- Kvikstad E.
- Kähönen M.
- Kälviäinen R.
- Kölsch H.
- Küçükali F.
- Laakkonen E.
- Laakso M.
- Laatikainen T.
- Labrador M.
- Lacaze P.
- Lacidogna G.
- Lacour A.
- Laczo J.
- LaFerla F.M.
- Lafuente A.
- Lage C.
- Lage C.
- Lah J.J.
- Lahdenperä S.
- Lahti J.
- Laiho P.
- Laitinen T.
- Laivuori H.
- Lambert Jean-Charles
- Larson E.B.
- Laske C.
- Laukka E.J.
- Laukkanen J.
- Laukkanen M.
- Launer L.
- Lauria A.
- Lawlor B.
- Lee C.Y.
- Lee C.Y.
- Lee E.B.
- Lee J.
- Legaz A.
- Lehistö A.
- Lehistö A.
- Lehtisalo J.
- Lehtonen A.
- Lehtonen H.
- Lemmelä S.
- Lerch O.
- Lerner A.
- Lertratanakul A.
- Leung Y.Y.
- Leverenz J.B.
- Levey A.I.
- Li M.
- Li S.
- Lieberman A.P.
- Linden K.
- Lindström J.
- Lipton R.B.
- Lisso J.
- Litkowski E.
- Liu D.
- Liu D.
- Liu J.
- Liu X.
- Livingston G.
- Lleó A.
- Llorens V.
- Loboda A.
- Loerch P.
- Logue M.
- Loitfelder M.
- Longstreth W.
- Loomis S.
- Lopez O.
- Lord J.
- Loukola A.
- Love S.
- Lovestone S.
- Lu T.
- Luckcuck L.
- Lunetta K.L.
- Luodonpää M.
- Lupton M.
- Lyketsos C.G.
- Lynch A.
- Lähteenmäki S.
- López-García S.
- López-García S.
- Löwemark M.
- Ma Y.
- Macias J.
- Macias-García D.
- Macias-García D.
- MacLeod C.A.
- Macías J.
- Maier W.
- Maillard P.
- Mains D.
- Malamon J.
- Malarstig A.
- Malik R.
- Mangialasche F.
- Mangone C.
- Mann D.
- Mannermaa A.
- Manning A.
- Mantere T.
- Manzanares S.
- Maranville J.
- Margaret F.E.
- Marioni R.
- Maroñas O.
- Marquié M.
- Mars N.
- Marshall C.
- Marshall R.
- Marson D.C.
- Martin E.R.
- Martinez de Pancorbo M.
- Martiniuk F.
- Martín E.
- Martínez B.
- Martínez V.
- Martínez-Lage Álvarez P.
- Martínez-Larrad M.T.
- Marín M.
- Marín M.
- Marín T.
- Marín-Muñoz J.
- Mash D.C.
- Masliah E.
- Massman P.
- Masullo C.
- Masurkar A.
- Matakidou A.
- Mather Karen A
- Matoska V.
- Mattson J.
- Mattsson H.
- Mauleón A.
- Mayeux R.
- Mayhaus M.
- Mazoyer B.
- McCarthy L.
- McCarthy M.
- McCormick W.C.
- McCurry S.M.
- McDavid A.N.
- McDonough S.
- McDonough S.
- McGuinness B.
- McKee A.C.
- McQuillin A.
- Mead S.
- Mecocci P.
- Medel N.
- Medina M.
- Meggy A.
- Mehrabian S.
- Mehta V.
- Mei H.
- Mendoza S.
- Menéndez-González M.
- Meretoja T.
- Merlín I.S.
- Mesulam M.
- Metsärinne K.
- Mez J.
- Michon J.
- Mihova K.Y.
- Miller B.L.
- Miller C.A.
- Miller J.W.
- Miller M.
- Mir P.
- Mishra Aniket
- Moebus S.
- Mohammed E.
- Mol M.
- Molina-Porcel L.
- Montes A.M.
- Montine T.J.
- Montrreal L.
- Monuki E.S.
- Morales A.C.
- Morelli L.
- Moreno F.
- Moreno M.
- Moreno-Grau S.
- Morgan K.
- Morris J.C.
- Mosley T.
- Muchnik C.
- Mukherjee S.
- Mummery C.
- Muslin A.
- Myers A.J.
- Mäkelä J.
- Mäkelä T.
- Männikkö L.
- Mäntylä P.
- Nacmias B.
- Naj A.C.
- Nash W.
- Natunen T.
- Ngandu T.
- Nguyen T.
- Nicolas G.
- Nielsen S.F.
- Niemi M.E.
- Nieminen P.
- Niiranen T.
- Nordestgaard B.G.
- Novack G.
- Nuñez-Llaves R.
- Nyquist P.
- Nöthen M.M.
- O'Bryant S.
- O'Connell J.
- O'Donovan M.
- O'Donovan M.C.
- Oh D.
- Olaso R.
- Olichney J.M.
- Olivar N.
- Olivé C.
- Ollila T.
- Orellana A.
- Orsini M.
- Ortega G.
- Ortiz C.
- Ory M.
- Owen M.
- Owen M.J.
- Paajanen T.
- Padovani A.
- Pakkanen R.
- Palacio D.L.
- Palin K.
- Palmer R.
- Palomäki A.
- Palotie A.
- Palotie U.
- Palta P.
- Pancho A.
- Paolo C.
- Papenberg G.
- Parisi J.E.
- Parkkinen J.
- Parnetti L.
- Partanen J.
- Parveen K.
- Pasquier F.
- Passmore P.
- Passmore P.
- Pastor A.A.
- Pastor Ana Belén
- Pastor P.
- Patel Y.
- Patel Y.
- Paulson H.L.
- Paus T.
- Pausova Z.
- Pavlik V.
- Paydarfar D.
- Pelejá E.
- Pelejá E.
- Pelkonen M.
- Peloso G.
- Peltola J.
- Peltonen M.
- Peltonen S.
- Pendergrass S.
- Perez V.
- Pericak-Vance Margaret A
- Pericard P.
- Periñán M.
- Periñán-Tocino M.T.
- Perneczky R.
- Perola M.
- Peskind E.
- Peters O.
- Peterson A.
- Petrovski S.
- Phillips-Cremins J.E.
- Pickering-Brown S.
- Pierce A.
- Pihlajamäki J.
- Pijnenburg Y.A.L.
- Pikkarainen S.
- Pinchler S.
- Pineda J.A.
- Pineda-Sánchez R.
- Pineda-Sánchez R.
- Piras F.
- Pirilä L.
- Pisanu C.
- Pitkäranta A.
- Piñol-Ripoll G.
- Plenge R.
- Podgornaia A.
- Polak T.
- Politis D.G.
- Polk M.
- Poon W.W.
- Popovic R.
- Popp J.
- Posthuma D.
- Potter H.
- Powell J.
- Powell J.F.
- Preckler S.
- Prestia F.A.
- Priller J.
- Proitsi P.
- Prokic I.
- Psaty B.M.
- Puerta R.
- Pulford D.
- Pulkki K.
- Pussinen P.
- Pylkäs K.
- Pärn K.
- Pérez-Cordón Alba
- Pérez-Tur J.
- Qu L.
- Quarless D.
- Quenez O.
- Quiceno M.
- Quinn J.F.
- Quintela I.
- Rahimov F.
- Raikkonen-Talvitie K.
- Rainero I.
- Raj A.
- Raj T.
- Rajabli F.
- Rajpal D.
- Rajula R.
- Ramakers I.
- Ramirez A.
- Raskind M.
- Rathinakannan V.S.
- Real de Asúa D.
- Real L.M.
- Reeve M.P.
- Reiman E.M.
- Reinders M.J.T.
- Reisberg B.
- Reisch J.S.
- Reitz C.
- Remes A.
- Reyes-Dumeyer D.
- Riaz M.
- Rice D.
- Rich S.
- Ridge P.
- Riedel-Heller S.
- Riederer P.
- Riemenschneider M.
- Riley-Gillis B.
- Ringman J.M.
- Rinne J.
- Rios M.
- Ripatti S.
- Ritari J.
- Rivas M.
- Roberson E.D.
- Roberto N.
- Rodrigo S.
- Rodrigo-Herrero S.
- Rodriguear M.
- Rodriguez-Rodriguez E.
- Rodríguez C.M.
- Roeck E.D.
- Rogaeva E.
- Rojo M.
- Romero J.
- Rongve A.
- Rosen H.J.
- Rosenberg R.N.
- Rosende-Roca M.
- Roshchupkin G.
- Rossi G.
- Rossi P.D.
- Rossor M.
- Rossor M.
- Rotter J.
- Roveta F.
- Royall D.R.
- Royo J.L.
- Rubino E.
- Rubinsztein D.C.
- Ruiz A.
- Rujescu D.
- Runz H.
- Ryan N.
- Ryan N.S.
- Rábano A.
- Rüeger S.
- Saba Y.
- Sachdev Perminder S.
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- Sakka P.
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- Salmi T.
- Salminen A.
- Salo T.
- Salomaa V.
- Saltvedt I.
- Salvadori N.
- Sanabria Á.
- Sanchez-Garcia F.
- Sando S.B.
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- Sargurupremraj M.
- Sarnowski C.
- Sastre I.
- Satizabal C.L.
- Saykin A.J.
- Scamosci M.
- Scarmeas N.
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- Schellenberg G.D.
- Scheltens P.
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- Schmid M.
- Schmidt H.
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- Schneider A.
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- Schürmann B.
- Seeley W.W.
- Seitsonen S.
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- Selnes P.
- Seripa D.
- Serpente M.
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- Seshadri S.
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- Shaw C.E.
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- Sinisalo J.
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- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2022
- Field of study
Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/'proxy' AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE ε4 allele
Autoimmune disease development before and after cutaneous lupus erythematosus diagnosis
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Teleneuropsychology: Evidence for Video Teleconference-Based Neuropsychological Assessment
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
S1040 Comparison of Endoscopic Hemostasis Management Preferences for Nonvariceal GI Hemorrhage Among Trainees & Faculty Members
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Increased prevalence of potential right-to-left shunting in children with sickle cell anaemia and stroke.
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Paradoxical' embolization via intracardiac or intrapulmonary right-to-left shunts (RLS) is an established cause of stroke. Hypercoagulable states and increased right heart pressure, which both occur in sickle cell anaemia (SCA), predispose to paradoxical embolization. We hypothesized that children with SCA and overt stroke (SCA + stroke) have an increased prevalence of potential RLS. We performed contrasted transthoracic echocardiograms on 147 children (aged 2-19 years) with SCA + stroke) mean age 12·7 ± 4·8 years, 54·4% male) and a control group without SCA or stroke (n = 123; mean age 12·1 ± 4·9 years, 53·3% male). RLS was defined as any potential RLS detected by any method, including intrapulmonary shunting. Echocardiograms were masked and adjudicated centrally. The prevalence of potential RLS was significantly higher in the SCA+stroke group than controls (45·6% vs. 23·6%, P < 0·001). The odds ratio for potential RLS in the SCA + stroke group was 2·7 (95% confidence interval: 1·6-4·6) vs controls. In post hoc analyses, the SCA + stroke group had a higher prevalence of intrapulmonary (23·8% vs. 5·7%, P < 0·001) but not intracardiac shunting (21·8% vs. 18·7%, P = 0·533). SCA patients with potential RLS were more likely to report headache at stroke onset than those without. Intrapulmonary and intracardiac shunting may be an overlooked, independent and potentially modifiable risk factor for stroke in SCA
New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2022
- Field of study
Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/‘proxy’ AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE ε4 allele. © 2022, The Author(s)