10 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the Members Participation in the Village Farmer Group Kalelon Kauneran District of Sonder Minahasa. The study lasted three months, the month of July 2016 until September 2016, ranging from preparation to preparation of research reports. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained through interviews to respondents by using questionnaire and secondary data obtained through the office of the Village Kauneran. Data collection technique used census techniques are all members of the Farmers Group Kalelon of 20 people interviewed using a questionnaire. Analysis of the data in this study using the descriptive analysis and also using a Likert scale, with level 1 (underactive), 2 (active), 3 (highly active). The results showed, based on the Likert Scale, that the number of index Member Participation in Farmers Kalelon in the planning stage which also includes, liveliness and activeness followed meetings to provide input. Parisipasi members in the implementation phase also includes the activity, the activity of paddy rice cultivation, active in horticultural crop cultivation, active in post-harvest harvest to rice paddy, active in post-harvest harvest to horticultural crops, liveliness mengiktuti counseling, active in giving mandatory dues. Participation of members in the evaluation phase which include involvement in monitoring the group's activities, involvement in a variety of outcome measures farming activities. Participation of members of Kalelon farmer groups in the planning phase, the implementation phase and the evaluation phase were at 86, 5 is relatively high. Further analysis showed that the level of participation of members of the Farmer Group Kalelon on the score of 519 out of the range of the number of ideal scoring the highest score was 600 and the lowest score is 200. Suggestions in this research for members of farmer groups to improve their Kalelon activeness in following the extension because it are the main participants and entrepreneurs in the development of food security and the government should pay attention to what the needs of the farmer groups Kalelon for the development of farmer groups in general.Keywords: Participation, Member, Farmers Group Kalelon, Kauneran Village, Sonder District, Minahas

    Pengembangan USAha Kuliner “Waroeng Makan Tepi Laut” di Kawasan Mega Mas, Kota Manado

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    This study aims to describe how the development of a culinary efforts and make an assessment as the basis to determine the culinary business development. This study began in March until June 2016. This research located in "Waroeng Makan Tepi Laut", Kawasan Mega Mas, Kota Manado. The data collected in this research included primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained from interviews with managers, managers and employees. And also interview based questionnaire on the visitors / customers as many as 15 people. Secondary data was collected from the Office of Administration “Waroeng Makan Tepi Laut”. The results of this study indicate that “Waroeng Makan Tepi Laut” has a strategic business location, the menu selection is varied, the prices offered can be affordable, quality service owned “Waroeng Makan Tepi Laut” is quite good, has a typical menu favored by the customers / visitors, ample parking location and stage music favored by the customers / visitors


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of vegetable farmers in the use of organic fertilizers. Data used in this study is in the form of primary and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained from direct interviews with 30 respondents through the questionnaire that has been prepared. Sample collection method use purposive sampling. Secondary data is data obtained from the office of Kakaskasen Two Village. Data analysis was done using descriptive analysis. The finding of this reseach showed that vegetable farmers in the village of Kakaskasen Two are farmers who earn high incomes and have good behavior as vegetable growers


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    This study aims to describe how farmers carry out a strategy of life on three groups of farmer: upper layer, middle layer and peasant farmers to finance their family daily life. This research was conducted in the urban village of Pandu, Sub-District Bunaken, Manado City. Most of them live from farming activities. The research was conducted in November 2015 through to March 2016. The primary data obtained from interviews to three (3) groups. Selection of the sample is purposive stratified sampling. Each group selected five respondents, so a total of 15 respondents. Collection of secondary data derived from the Urban Village Office of Pandu, Manado City. The results showed that the upper and middle groups of farmers tend to apply the accumulation strategy while consolidation strategy was not found. The two groups have incomes that exceed the needs of farming and of the results they could buy a cow, land or other assets. While farmers lower group implement survival strategies. This farmersgroup use their earnings for the daily needs of the family and the other half to farm. Limited income makes farmers can not save even they have to borrow money to supplement the family income either eat or buy school supplies for children


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    Tomohon development as an autonomous region led to the need for non-agricultural land is increasing from time to time. This condition causes the competition has taken place in land use. Feared an increased need for non-agricultural land will lead to land conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural. The transfer of land use will have an impact on agricultural production that will affect the agricultural sector GDP. This study aims to determine the relationship between the area of ​​agricultural land with a regional gross domestic product of agriculture in Tomohon. This study was conducted over four months starting in February 2015 to May 2015 in Tomohon. The data are used, in this study, is a secondary data obtained from the Office of National Statistics Agency (BPS) and the Department of Agriculture in To-mohon. Data presented tabularize and and analyzed using correlation analysis. The results showed that, in the last three years, agricultural land area in Tomohon shrinkage due to the need for non-agricultural land, especially residential construction increased. It is given Tomohon is a city that is building. Reduction of agricultural land in 2012 amounted to 1.77 percent by the year 2014 decreased by 0, 01 percent. Instead rate of growth of gross regional domestic product of the year 2012 increased by 6.54 percent to 6.92 percent in 2014. The study concluded that the impact of agricultural land being against the gross regional domestic product, caused by another factor, namely the constant price factors that influence regional gross do-mestic product of Tomohon. Thereforet, when the land area or size increased in 2005-2011 and decreased in the year 2012 - 2014 however regional gross domestic product still increased. The relationship between land area with a regional gross domestic product is being categorized correlated with the value of the correlation is 0.62.*er

    Karakteristik Tenaga Kerja Pelaku Mobilitas Sirkuler di Kecamatan Kalawat Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    This research aims to study the characteristics of circular mobility labor actors in Sub-district of Kalawat and what the encouraging and binding factors that affect labor circular mobility. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The variables used in this study is the characteristics of respondents, the reason for doing the circular mobility, factors that encourage circular mobility, and the binding factor in the area of origin. Data analysis techniques in this research is descriptive and data presented in table format.The results of this study indicate that there is a dominant factor driving of labor force in the Sub-district of Kalawat to do circular mobility such as: education, transportation, and mileage. While the factors that bind labor circular mobility to remain in the Sub-district of Kalawat is the status of home ownership and living expenses

    Modal Sosial sebagai Strategi Bertahan Hidup Buruh Tani di Desa Kopiwangker, Kecamatan Langowan Barat, Minahasa

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    This research aims to determine and describe how farm-workers can survive by social strategy as their strategy. From the three elements of social capital, that's trust, norms, and networks, which one has the greater influence for a survival strategy of Kopiwangker farm-workers in village. This research was conducted over five months, from February until June 2016 started from preparation until making research reports. This study has used primary data and secondary data. The number of respondents is 30 respondents of whom are farm-workers. The sampling method which used in this research is purposive sampling and data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative which quantified using the Likert Scale. The results of this research indicate that social capital can be a survival strategy for Kopiwangker village farm-workers, especially on the elements of the network (patron-client networks) because it has the highest score, that is 450. But according to several informants that ever happened was also a problem among some farm-workers (as clients) and patrons, but always can be resolved


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    The objective of this research is to describe the participation of farmer’s group in extension activity. The benefit of this research is to support the knowledge for agricultural extension agent.  This research had been conducted for three months from the the preparation to management of report from July to September, 2015 at Kanonang Lima Village Kawangkoan Barat Sub-district, Minahasa Regency. The research uses purposive random sampling of  farmer;s group combined with four farmer groups namely Esa Lalan, Esa Ate, Karondoran and Berkat at Kanonang Lima Village Kawangkoan Barat Sub-district. Only two farmer groups that predominantly namely Esa Lalan and Esa Ate farmer groups. Methods of data collection is done by using the primary data. The primary data obtained directly from Esa Lalan and Esa Ate farmer groups using a list of questions. The collecting data had been conducted by using primary data from Esa Lalan and Esa Ate farmer groups. The participation of farmers’ group in agricultural activity had been classified as active at planning and conducting stage. The presence of farmer to participate in agricultural extension is needed to be increased