110 research outputs found

    Stabilizing CrO by epitaxial growth

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    This thesis describes the efforts to stabilize chromium monoxide (CrO) as a thin epitaxial film on various substrates. The most stable and common oxidation phase for chromium is in chromium sesquioxide (Cr2O3). CrO does not exist as a bulk material in nature, therefore we have to grow it in a artificial manner as a single crystal film using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The motivation behind this project is that in CrO, Cr ion has the same electronic configuration as the manganese ion in the lanthanum manganates (LaMnO3), a material that doped with strontium or calcium (La1-xSrxMnO3) is the so-called colossal magneto resistance material. One may expect that CrO has equally fascinating magnetic and electrical properties as the manganates. ... Zie: Summar

    Soft-X-ray magnetic circular dichroism:a new technique for probing magnetic properties of magnetic surfaces and ultrathin films

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    We demonstrate the feasibility of applying the novel soft-X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (SXMCD) technique to investigate the magnetic properties of magnetic surfaces and ultrathin films. Measurements have been carried out on Ni films ot various thickness on a Cu(100) substrate at the Ni L2.3 absorption edges. The SXMCD data exhibit strong temperature and thickness dependence, giving film thickness dependent Curie temperatures and suggesting that a single monolayer of Ni on a Cu(100) substrate may be non-magnetic
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