1 research outputs found

    Semen collection and evaluation of captive coatis (Nasua nasua)

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    Semen samples (n=105) were collected through eletroejaculation from six adult male coatis (Nasua nasua) between January 2007 and December 2008 at Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso Zoo, Cuiabá, Brazil. Mean values were: volume (mL); concentration (sperm/mL); total motility (%); progressive sperm motility (scale, 0-5); live spermatozoa (%); acrossome integrity (%); primary defects (%); and secondary defects (%). There was high correlation between total motility and live sperm; total motility and progressive sperm motility; total motility and acrossome integrity; live sperm and progressive motility; live sperm and acrossome integrity and volume and concentration. The method for semen collection was considered safe and efficient. It can be used for the evaluation of breeding potential of coati in captivity and for the establishment of new assisted reproductive technology (ART) for threatened neotropical carnivores species