516 research outputs found

    Effects of Temperature and Rainfall Pattern on The Abundance of Orthopteran Insects in Coal Mines Ecological Restoration Areas of Jharia Coal Fields, Jharkhand, India

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    Ecological restoration on coal mines' overburden dumps provides a suitable environment for the study of primary succession. The Abundance and diversity study of orthopteran insects and their diversity pattern with temperature and rainfall provides a lot about the stage of succession and ecosystem complexity in the area. Orthopteran diversity of two sites covering ten years of plantation having different types of vegetation were monitored. Tropical conditions like changes in rainfall and temperature influence the abundance of insects. An increase in monsoon increases the abundance whereas as the temperature increases the abundance decreases. In herbaceous habitats, insects’ diversity increases which gives a recolonization pattern for the ecosystem. This helps to increase the livelihood and conservation of the ecosystem and directs to sustain the SDG 15 goal

    K-Ras and β-catenin mutations cooperate with Fgfr3 mutations in mice to promote tumorigenesis in the skin and lung, but not in the bladder

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    The human fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) gene is frequently mutated in superficial urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC). To test the functional significance of FGFR3 activating mutations as a ‘driver’ of UCC, we targeted the expression of mutated Fgfr3 to the murine urothelium using Cre-loxP recombination driven by the uroplakin II promoter. The introduction of the Fgfr3 mutations resulted in no obvious effect on tumorigenesis up to 18 months of age. Furthermore, even when the Fgfr3 mutations were introduced together with K-Ras or β-catenin (Ctnnb1) activating mutations, no urothelial dysplasia or UCC was observed. Interestingly, however, owing to a sporadic ectopic Cre recombinase expression in the skin and lung of these mice, Fgfr3 mutation caused papilloma and promoted lung tumorigenesis in cooperation with K-Ras and β-catenin activation, respectively. These results indicate that activation of FGFR3 can cooperate with other mutations to drive tumorigenesis in a context-dependent manner, and support the hypothesis that activation of FGFR3 signaling contributes to human cancer

    Mean field approach to antiferromagnetic domains in the doped Hubbard model

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    We present a restricted path integral approach to the 2D and 3D repulsive Hubbard model. In this approach the partition function is approximated by restricting the summation over all states to a (small) subclass which is chosen such as to well represent the important states. This procedure generalizes mean field theory and can be systematically improved by including more states or fluctuations. We analyze in detail the simplest of these approximations which corresponds to summing over states with local antiferromagnetic (AF) order. If in the states considered the AF order changes sufficiently little in space and time, the path integral becomes a finite dimensional integral for which the saddle point evaluation is exact. This leads to generalized mean field equations allowing for the possibility of more than one relevant saddle points. In a big parameter regime (both in temperature and filling), we find that this integral has {\em two} relevant saddle points, one corresponding to finite AF order and the other without. These degenerate saddle points describe a phase of AF ordered fermions coexisting with free, metallic fermions. We argue that this mixed phase is a simple mean field description of a variety of possible inhomogeneous states, appropriate on length scales where these states appear homogeneous. We sketch systematic refinements of this approximation which can give more detailed descriptions of the system.Comment: 14 pages RevTex, 6 postscript figures included using eps

    Theory of finite temperature crossovers near quantum critical points close to, or above, their upper-critical dimension

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    A systematic method for the computation of finite temperature (TT) crossover functions near quantum critical points close to, or above, their upper-critical dimension is devised. We describe the physics of the various regions in the TT and critical tuning parameter (tt) plane. The quantum critical point is at T=0T=0, t=0t=0, and in many cases there is a line of finite temperature transitions at T=Tc(t)T = T_c (t), t<0t < 0 with Tc(0)=0T_c (0) = 0. For the relativistic, nn-component ϕ4\phi^4 continuum quantum field theory (which describes lattice quantum rotor (n2n \geq 2) and transverse field Ising (n=1n=1) models) the upper critical dimension is d=3d=3, and for d<3d<3, ϵ=3d\epsilon=3-d is the control parameter over the entire phase diagram. In the region TTc(t)Tc(t)|T - T_c (t)| \ll T_c (t), we obtain an ϵ\epsilon expansion for coupling constants which then are input as arguments of known {\em classical, tricritical,} crossover functions. In the high TT region of the continuum theory, an expansion in integer powers of ϵ\sqrt{\epsilon}, modulo powers of lnϵ\ln \epsilon, holds for all thermodynamic observables, static correlators, and dynamic properties at all Matsubara frequencies; for the imaginary part of correlators at real frequencies (ω\omega), the perturbative ϵ\sqrt{\epsilon} expansion describes quantum relaxation at ωkBT\hbar \omega \sim k_B T or larger, but fails for ωϵkBT\hbar \omega \sim \sqrt{\epsilon} k_B T or smaller. An important principle, underlying the whole calculation, is the analyticity of all observables as functions of tt at t=0t=0, for T>0T>0; indeed, analytic continuation in tt is used to obtain results in a portion of the phase diagram. Our method also applies to a large class of other quantum critical points and their associated continuum quantum field theories.Comment: 36 pages, 4 eps figure

    Theory of Two-Dimensional Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnets with a Nearly Critical Ground State

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    We present the general theory of clean, two-dimensional, quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets which are close to the zero-temperature quantum transition between ground states with and without long-range N\'{e}el order. For N\'{e}el-ordered states, `nearly-critical' means that the ground state spin-stiffness, ρs\rho_s, satisfies ρsJ\rho_s \ll J, where JJ is the nearest-neighbor exchange constant, while `nearly-critical' quantum-disordered ground states have a energy-gap, Δ\Delta, towards excitations with spin-1, which satisfies ΔJ\Delta \ll J. Under these circumstances, we show that the wavevector/frequency-dependent uniform and staggered spin susceptibilities, and the specific heat, are completely universal functions of just three thermodynamic parameters. Explicit results for the universal scaling functions are obtained by a 1/N1/N expansion on the O(N)O(N) quantum non-linear sigma model, and by Monte Carlo simulations. These calculations lead to a variety of testable predictions for neutron scattering, NMR, and magnetization measurements. Our results are in good agreement with a number of numerical simulations and experiments on undoped and lightly-doped La2δSrδCuO4La_{2-\delta} Sr_{\delta}Cu O_4.Comment: 81 pages, REVTEX 3.0, smaller updated version, YCTP-xxx

    Optical sum rule violation, superfluid weight and condensation energy in the cuprates

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    The model of hole superconductivity predicts that the superfluid weight in the zero-frequency δ\delta-function in the optical conductivity has an anomalous contribution from high frequencies, due to lowering of the system's kinetic energy upon entering the superconducting state. The lowering of kinetic energy, mainly in-plane in origin, accounts for both the condensation energy of the superconductor as well as an increased potential energy due to larger Coulomb repulsion in the paired state. It leads to an apparent violation of the conductivity sum rule, which in the clean limit we predict to be substantially larger for in-plane than for c-axis conductivity. However, because cuprates are in the dirty limit for c-axis transport, the sum rule violation is found to be greatly enhanced in the c-direction. The model predicts the sum rule violation to be largest in the underdoped regime and to decrease with doping, more rapidly in the c-direction that in the plane. So far, experiments have detected sum rule violation in c-axis transport in several cuprates, as well as a decrease and disappearance of this violation for increasing doping, but no violation in-plane. We explore the predictions of the model for a wide range of parameters, both in the absence and in the presence of disorder, and the relation with current experimental knowledge.Comment: submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Mutant screen reveals the Piccolo's control over depression and brain-gonad crosstalk

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    Successful sexual reproduction involves a highly complex, genetically encoded interplay between animal physiology and behavior. Here we developed a screen to identify genes essential for rat reproduction based on an unbiased methodology involving mutagenesis via the Sleeping Beauty transposon. As expected, our screen identified genes where reproductive failure was connected to gametogenesis (Btrc, Pan3, Spaca6, Ube2k) and embryogenesis (Alk3, Exoc6b, Slc1a3, Tmx4, Zmynd8). In addition, our screen identified Atg13 (longevity) Dlg1 and Pclo (neuronal disorders), previously not associated with reproduction. Dominant Pclo traits caused epileptiform activity and affected genes supporting GABAergic synaptic transmission (Gabra6, Gabrg3), and animals exhibited a compromised crosstalk between the brain and gonads via disturbed GnRH signaling. Recessive Pclo traits disrupted conspecific recognition required for courtship/mating and were mapped to allelic markers for major depressive disorder (Grm5, Htr2a, Sorcs3, Negr1, Drd2). Thus, Pclo-deficiency in rats link neural networks controlling sexual motivation to Pclo variants that have been associated with human neurological disorders

    BAs and boride III-V alloys

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    Boron arsenide, the typically-ignored member of the III-V arsenide series BAs-AlAs-GaAs-InAs is found to resemble silicon electronically: its Gamma conduction band minimum is p-like (Gamma_15), not s-like (Gamma_1c), it has an X_1c-like indirect band gap, and its bond charge is distributed almost equally on the two atoms in the unit cell, exhibiting nearly perfect covalency. The reasons for these are tracked down to the anomalously low atomic p orbital energy in the boron and to the unusually strong s-s repulsion in BAs relative to most other III-V compounds. We find unexpected valence band offsets of BAs with respect to GaAs and AlAs. The valence band maximum (VBM) of BAs is significantly higher than that of AlAs, despite the much smaller bond length of BAs, and the VBM of GaAs is only slightly higher than in BAs. These effects result from the unusually strong mixing of the cation and anion states at the VBM. For the BAs-GaAs alloys, we find (i) a relatively small (~3.5 eV) and composition-independent band gap bowing. This means that while addition of small amounts of nitrogen to GaAs lowers the gap, addition of small amounts of boron to GaAs raises the gap (ii) boron ``semi-localized'' states in the conduction band (similar to those in GaN-GaAs alloys), and (iii) bulk mixing enthalpies which are smaller than in GaN-GaAs alloys. The unique features of boride III-V alloys offer new opportunities in band gap engineering.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables, 61 references. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B. Scheduled to appear Oct. 15 200

    Spectral functions, Fermi surface and pseudogap in the t-J model

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    Spectral functions within the generalized t-J model as relevant to cuprates are analyzed using the method of equations of motion for projected fermion operators. In the evaluation of the self energy the decoupling of spin and single-particle fluctuations is performed. It is shown that in an undoped antiferromagnet (AFM) the method reproduces the selfconsistent Born approximation. For finite doping with short range AFM order the approximation evolves into a paramagnon contribution which retains large incoherent contribution in the hole part of the spectral function as well as the hole-pocket-like Fermi surface at low doping. On the other hand, the contribution of (longitudinal) spin fluctuations, with the coupling mostly determined predominantly by J and next-neighbor hopping t', is essential for the emergence of the pseudogap. The latter shows at low doping in the effective truncation of the large Fermi surface, reduced electron density of states and at the same time quasiparticle density of states at the Fermi level.Comment: RevTex, 13 pages, 11 figures (5 color

    Tight-binding parameters for charge transfer along DNA

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    We systematically examine all the tight-binding parameters pertinent to charge transfer along DNA. The π\pi molecular structure of the four DNA bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine) is investigated by using the linear combination of atomic orbitals method with a recently introduced parametrization. The HOMO and LUMO wavefunctions and energies of DNA bases are discussed and then used for calculating the corresponding wavefunctions of the two B-DNA base-pairs (adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine). The obtained HOMO and LUMO energies of the bases are in good agreement with available experimental values. Our results are then used for estimating the complete set of charge transfer parameters between neighboring bases and also between successive base-pairs, considering all possible combinations between them, for both electrons and holes. The calculated microscopic quantities can be used in mesoscopic theoretical models of electron or hole transfer along the DNA double helix, as they provide the necessary parameters for a tight-binding phenomenological description based on the π\pi molecular overlap. We find that usually the hopping parameters for holes are higher in magnitude compared to the ones for electrons, which probably indicates that hole transport along DNA is more favorable than electron transport. Our findings are also compared with existing calculations from first principles.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 7 table