27 research outputs found

    Conforto tĂ©rmico de bĂșfalas em sistema silvipastoril na AmazĂŽnia Oriental

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de um sistema silvipastoril no conforto tĂ©rmico de 20 bĂșfalas Murrah, das quais 10 criadas em piquetes sem sombra (SS) e 10 com sombreamento (CS) de Racosperma mangium, em BelĂ©m, PA. Os animais foram alimentados em pasto, com Urochloa humidicola, com acesso livre Ă  ĂĄgua para beber e sal mineral. A cada trĂȘs dias, foram mensuradas: temperatura do ar (TA), umidade relativa do ar (UR), temperatura de globo negro (TGN), temperatura retal (TR), frequĂȘncias respiratĂłria (FR) e cardĂ­aca (FC), e a temperatura da superfĂ­cie corporal (TSC), pela manhĂŁ (7h) e Ă  tarde (13h). Os valores de TR, TSC, FR e FC foram maiores Ă  tarde, especialmente no grupo SS. Mais altas no perĂ­odo menos chuvoso, a TR, TSC e FR apresentaram correlação linear positiva com a TA e o Ă­ndice de temperatura e umidade (ITGU) e negativa com a UR. Tanto na estação mais chuvosa quanto na menos chuvosa, a FC apresentou correlaçÔes significativas positivas com a TA e ITGU e negativas com a UR, apenas no perĂ­odo mais chuvoso. A arborização da pastagem Ă© eficiente para melhorar o conforto tĂ©rmico das bĂșfalas Murrah, principalmente Ă  tarde

    Outcome of root canal treatment in dogs determined by periapical radiography and cone-beam computed tomography scans

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the favorable outcome of root canal treatment determined by periapical radiographs (PRs) and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. Ninety-six roots of dogs' teeth were used to form four groups (n= 24). In group 1, root canal treatments were performed in healthy teeth. Root canals in groups 2 through 4 were infected until apical periodontitis (AP) was radiographically confirmed. Roots with AP were treated by one-visit therapy in group 2, by two-visit therapy in group 3, and left untreated in group 4. The radiolucent area in the PRs and the volume of CBCT-scanned periapical lesions were measured before and 6 months after the treatment. In groups 1, 2, and 3, a favorable outcome (lesions absent or reduced) was shown in 57 (79%) roots using PRs but only in 25 (35%) roots using CBCT scans (p = 0.0001). Unfavorable outcomes occurred more frequently after one-visit therapy than two-visit therapy when determined by CBCT scans (p = 0.023)