34,534 research outputs found

    Irrational charge from topological order

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    Topological or deconfined phases of matter exhibit emergent gauge fields and quasiparticles that carry a corresponding gauge charge. In systems with an intrinsic conserved U(1) charge, such as all electronic systems where the Coulombic charge plays this role, these quasiparticles are also characterized by their intrinsic charge. We show that one can take advantage of the topological order fairly generally to produce periodic Hamiltonians which endow the quasiparticles with continuously variable, generically irrational, intrinsic charges. Examples include various topologically ordered lattice models, the three dimensional RVB liquid on bipartite lattices as well as water and spin ice. By contrast, the gauge charges of the quasiparticles retain their quantized values.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure with two panel

    Structure and stability of quasi-two-dimensional boson-fermion mixtures with vortex-antivortex superposed states

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    We investigate the equilibrium properties of a quasi-two-dimensional degenerate boson-fermion mixture (DBFM) with a bosonic vortex-antivortex superposed state (VAVSS) using a quantum-hydrodynamic model. We show that, depending on the choice of parameters, the DBFM with a VAVSS can exhibit rich phase structures. For repulsive boson-fermion (BF) interaction, the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) may constitute a petal-shaped "core" inside the honeycomb-like fermionic component, or a ring-shaped joint "shell" around the onion-like fermionic cloud, or multiple segregated "islands" embedded in the disc-shaped Fermi gas. For attractive BF interaction just below the threshold for collapse, an almost complete mixing between the bosonic and fermionic components is formed, where the fermionic component tends to mimic a bosonic VAVSS. The influence of an anharmonic trap on the density distributions of the DBFM with a bosonic VAVSS is discussed. In addition, a stability region for different cases of DBFM (without vortex, with a bosonic vortex, and with a bosonic VAVSS) with specific parameters is given.Comment: 8 pages,5 figure

    Spin-dependent tunneling through a symmetric semiconductor barrier: the Dresselhaus effect

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    Spin-dependent tunneling through a symmetric semiconductor barrier is studied including the k^3 Dresselhaus effect. The spin-dependent transmission of electron can be obtained analytically. By comparing with previous work(Phys. Rev. B 67. R201304 (2003) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 93. 056601 (2004)), it is shown that the spin polarization and interface current are changed significantly by including the off-diagonal elements in the current operator, and can be enhanced considerably by the Dresselhaus effect in the contact regions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to appear in PR

    Geometrical Expression for the Angular Resolution of a Network of Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    We report for the first time general geometrical expressions for the angular resolution of an arbitrary network of interferometric gravitational-wave (GW) detectors when the arrival-time of a GW is unknown. We show explicitly elements that decide the angular resolution of a GW detector network. In particular, we show the dependence of the angular resolution on areas formed by projections of pairs of detectors and how they are weighted by sensitivities of individual detectors. Numerical simulations are used to demonstrate the capabilities of the current GW detector network. We confirm that the angular resolution is poor along the plane formed by current LIGO-Virgo detectors. A factor of a few to more than ten fold improvement of the angular resolution can be achieved if the proposed new GW detectors LCGT or AIGO are added to the network. We also discuss the implications of our results for the design of a GW detector network, optimal localization methods for a given network, and electromagnetic follow-up observations.Comment: 13 pages, for Phys. Rev.

    Light cone dynamics and reverse Kibble-Zurek mechanism in two-dimensional superfluids following a quantum quench

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    We study the dynamics of the relative phase of a bilayer of two-dimensional superfluids after the two superfluids have been decoupled. We find that on short time scales the relative phase shows "light cone" like dynamics and creates a metastable superfluid state, which can be supercritical. We also demonstrate similar light cone dynamics for the transverse field Ising model. On longer time scales the supercritical state relaxes to a disordered state due to dynamical vortex unbinding. This scenario of dynamically suppressed vortex proliferation constitutes a reverse-Kibble-Zurek effect. We study this effect both numerically using truncated Wigner approximation and analytically within a newly suggested time dependent renormalization group approach (RG). In particular, within RG we show that there are two possible fixed points for the real time evolution corresponding to the superfluid and normal steady states. So depending on the initial conditions and the microscopic parameters of the Hamiltonian the system undergoes a non-equilibrium phase transition of the Kosterlitz-Thouless type. The time scales for the vortex unbinding near the critical point are exponentially divergent, similar to the equilibrium case.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Resonating singlet valence plaquettes

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    We consider the simplest generalizations of the valence bond physics of SU(2) singlets to SU(N) singlets that comprise objects with N sites -- these are SU(N) singlet plaquettes with N=3 and N=4 in three spatial dimensions. Specifically, we search for a quantum mechanical liquid of such objects -- a resonating singlet valence plaquette phase that generalizes the celebrated resonating valence bond phase for SU(2) spins. We extend the Rokhsar-Kivelson construction of the quantum dimer model to the simplest SU(4) model for valence plaquette dynamics on a cubic lattice. The phase diagram of the resulting quantum plaquette model is analyzed both analytically and numerically. We find that the ground state is solid everywhere, including at the Rokhsar-Kivelson point where the ground state is an equal amplitude sum. By contrast, the equal amplitude sum of SU(3) singlet triangular plaquettes on the face centered cubic lattice is liquid and thus a candidate for describing a resonating single valence plaquette phase, given a suitably defined local Hamiltonian.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, minor changes, references added, Phys Rev B versio

    Food Consumption and Demographics in Japan: Implications for an Aging Population

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    This study estimates a cross-sectional model based on the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) to examine the determinants of food consumption patterns in Japan over life-cycle periods. The test of structural changes, the analysis of the effects of demographic characteristics, and the estimation of expenditure and price elasticities are conducted from a random sample of 1,281 households from a Japanese household survey in 1997. Results show that each economic or non-economic factor has a different impact on food consumption over a lifetime. Changes in consumption of some food groups can be explained by price and income effects where others can be explained by demographic characteristics. Financial constraint is not binding and residential location is likely to have little or no impact on predicting consumers’ food choices at different periods of their lives. Other key factors that affect consumption pattern include family size, number of children, lifestyle and health concern.Japan, Food Demand, Life-Cycle, AIDS, Household
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