6,261 research outputs found

    Limits from Weak Gravity Conjecture on Dark Energy Models

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    The weak gravity conjecture has been proposed as a criterion to distinguish the landscape from the swampland in string theory. As an application in cosmology of this conjecture, we use it to impose theoretical constraint on parameters of two types of dark energy models. Our analysis indicates that the Chaplygin-gas-type models realized in quintessence field are in the swampland, whereas the aa power-low decay model of the variable cosmological constant can be viable but the parameters are tightly constrained by the conjecture.Comment: Revtex4, 8 pages, 5 figures; References, minor corrections in content, and acknowledgement adde

    Wiener–Khinchin Theorem in a Reverberation Chamber

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    IEEE The use of the Wiener–Khinchin theorem in the reverberation chamber reveals the relationships between a number of important parameters—the coherence bandwidth and the Q-factor measured in the time domain, the coherence time and the Q-factor measured in the frequency domain, the K-factor and the Doppler spectrum, and the K-factor and the total scattering cross section. The lower bound of the average K-factor is also given. Different physical quantities, which share similar mathematical insights, are unified. Analytical derivations are given, and results are validated by measurements

    Can the Lepton Flavor Mixing Matrix Be Symmetric?

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    Current neutrino oscillation data indicate that the 3x3 lepton flavor mixing matrix V is likely to be symmetric about its V_{e3}-V_{\mu 2}-V_{\tau 1} axis. This off-diagonal symmetry corresponds to three pairs of {\it congruent} unitarity triangles in the complex plane. Terrestrial matter effects can substantially modify the genuine CP-violating parameter and off-diagonal asymmetries of V in realistic long-baseline experiments of neutrino oscillations.Comment: RexTex 14 pages (4 PS figures). More discussions adde

    Approximate Analytical Equations for the Stirrer Angular Correlation in a Reverberation Chamber

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    IEEE In a reverberation chamber (RC), the angular correlation coefficient of a stirrer is an important parameter. It has been used to evaluate the performance of a stirrer or to estimate the number of independent samples in a measurement. In the previous work, the angular correlation coefficient (ACC) was evaluated numerically and no analytical equation was proposed. In this study, we propose an approximate analytical equation to fit the measured angular correlation that shows good agreements with measurement results. General properties of ACC are explored with physical insights; the equivalency of the mean value of the angular correlation and the KK-factor is revealed. This study provides further understandings on the control of the stirrer angular correlation and the KK-factor in an RC

    More Straightforward Extraction of the Fundamental Lepton Mixing Parameters from Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillations

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    We point out the simple reversibility between the fundamental neutrino mixing parameters in vacuum and their effective counterparts in matter. The former can therefore be expressed in terms of the latter, allowing more straightforward extraction of the genuine lepton mixing quantities from a variety of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. In addition to the parametrization-independent results, we present the formulas based on the standard parametrization of the lepton flavor mixing matrix and give a typical numerical illustration.Comment: RevTex 10 pages. Minor changes. Phys. Rev. D in printin
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