144 research outputs found

    Use of the far infrared spectroscopy for NaCl and KCl minerals characterization : a case study of halides from Kłodawa in Poland

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    The paper presents research on chloride minerals of natural origin from Kłodawa (Poland), i.e., colorless, blue and purple halite as well as colorless sylvite. Selected samples of minerals were studied by chemical analysis (ICP-OES, ICP-MS, titration methods) and crystallographic measurements. Then, for the tested halides, research was carried out using far-infrared spectroscopy. Spectroscopic studies confirmed the simple way of distinguishing NaCl and KCl minerals using far-infrared spectroscopy, known in the literature. The novelty is that the article presents for the first time the experimental far infrared spectra of natural blue and purple halite. It was observed that the blue (178 cm−1) and purple (176 cm−1) halites have the strongest infrared band slightly shifted towards higher wavenumbers compared to colorless halite (174 cm−1). As part of the work, the infrared spectra of the crystal structure models of sodium and potassium chloride were calculated for the first time using the density functional theory (with the B3LYP functional and the 6-31G* basis set, 125-atom model). The proposed approach can be used not only as a powerful method differentiating NaCl and KCl minerals, but it can also help with understanding of different defects in crystal lattices for naturally occurring halides and crystals of other minerals

    Extracting the barbs from complement assays: Identification and optimisation of a safe substitute for traditional buffers

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    Complement assays have for many years utilised buffers based on barbitone (veronal) despite the well-recognised toxicity of this agent and the tight regulations on its use in most countries. The use of barbitone in complement assay buffers is steeped in history, from a time when no other suitable buffers were available. This is no longer the case, encouraging us to explore alternatives to barbitone for complement assays. We compared a simple, non-toxic HEPES buffer with commercially sourced complement fixation test diluent (CFD), the “gold standard” barbitone buffer, in several clinically relevant complement activity assays and across species. In classical pathway haemolysis assays in human and non-human serum, there was no difference in haemolytic curves or calculated haemolytic activity (CH50) between CFD and an optimised HEPES buffer (HBS) supplemented with cations. Alternative pathway haemolysis assays in human serum were also identical in the two buffers. In a complement fixation test for anti-erythrocyte antibodies, complement consumption was identical for the two buffer systems. The data demonstrate that barbitone-based buffers are unnecessary for assays of complement activity and can readily be replaced with safe and simple alternatives

    Leiomyosarcoma of the breast in a patient with a 10-year-history of cyclophosphamide exposure: a case report

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    A 50 year old woman with a 10-year history of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and intermittent low-dose cyclophosphamide therapy developed a palpable mass at the periphery of her left breast. Ultrasound guided core biopsy revealed a spindle cell neoplasm characterized on final pathology as a low grade leiomyosarcoma

    Compendium of current complement therapeutics

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    The complement system is well known for its role in innate immunity and in maintenance of tissue homeostasis, providing a first line of defence against infection and playing a key role in flagging apoptotic cells and debris for disposal. Unfortunately, complement also contributes to pathogenesis of many diseases, in some cases driving pathology, and in others amplifying or exacerbating the inflammatory and damaging impact of non-complement disease triggers. The driving role of complement in a single disease, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), provoked the development and eventual FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) approval of eculizumab (Soliris™), an anti-C5 antibody, for therapy. Although PNH is very rare, eculizumab provided clinical validation and demonstrated that inhibiting the complement system was not only well-tolerated, but also provided rapid therapy and saved lives. This clinical validation, together with advances in genetic analyses that demonstrated strong associations between complement and common diseases, drove new drug discovery programmes in both academic laboratories and large pharmaceutical companies. Numerous drugs have entered clinical development and several are in phase 3 trials; however, many have fallen by the wayside. Despite this high attrition rate, crucial lessons have been learnt and hurdles to development have become clear. These insights have driven development of next generation anti-complement drugs designed to avoid pitfalls and facilitate patient access. In this article, we do not set out to provide a text-heavy review of complement therapeutics but instead will simply highlight the targets, modalities and current status of the plethora of drugs approved or in clinical development. With such a fast-moving drug development landscape, such a compendium will inevitably become out-dated; however, we provide a snapshot of the current field and illustrate the increased choice that clinicians might enjoy in the future in selecting the best drug for their application, decisions based not only on efficacy but also cost, mechanistic target, modality and route of delivery

    The effects of alcohol intoxication on accuracy and the confidence-accuracy relationship in photographic simultaneous lineups

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    Acute alcohol intoxication during encoding can impair subsequent identification accuracy, but results across studies have been inconsistent, with studies often finding no effect. Little is also known about how alcohol intoxication affects the identification confidence-accuracy relationship. We randomly assigned women (n=153) to consume alcohol (dosed to achieve a 0.08% BAC) or tonic water, controlling for alcohol expectancy. Women then participated in an interactive hypothetical sexual assault scenario and, twenty-four hours or seven days later, attempted to identify the assailant from a perpetrator present or a perpetrator absent simultaneous lineup and reported their decision confidence. Overall, levels of identification accuracy were similar across the alcohol and tonic water groups. However, women who had consumed tonic water as opposed to alcohol identified the assailant with higher confidence on average. Further, calibration analyses suggested confidence is predictive of accuracy regardless of alcohol consumption. The theoretical and applied implications of our results are discussed

    Characterising a pH-switch anti-C5 antibody as a tool for human and mouse complement C5 purification and cross-species inhibition of classical and reactive lysis

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    C5 plays a major role in complement activation; C5 convertase cleaves C5 into the pro‐inflammatory C5a, and C5b, the nidus for the formation of the lytic membrane attack complex. C5 is a major target for anti‐complement drugs, necessitating better methods for the study of C5 function. Purification of C5 is complicated; classical methods involve precipitation or pH shifts that result in functional loss and low yield. We here present a method for C5 purification using a novel anti‐C5 monoclonal antibody (mAb); RO7112689 (C5i mAb, SKY59), pH‐switch engineered to induce antibody–antigen dissociation in the acidic endosome (~ pH 5·5). RO7112689 was bound on an affinity column; applied serum was completely depleted of C5. Elution at pH 5 produced fully active C5 at 98% yield. The mAb also bound C5b in the C5b6 complex, preventing C5b6 binding to target membranes and enabling purification of C5b6 from activated serum. RO7112689 inhibited C5 in mouse serum and efficiently purified mouse C5. Used as capture, RO7112689 produced sensitive and specific assays for human and mouse C5. This novel antibody enables efficient production of intact, fully active, pure human and mouse C5, and quantification of C5 in these species. The demonstration that RO7112689 binds C5b6 adds an additional mechanism of membrane attack complex inhibition by this mAb

    A phase II study of YondelisÂŽ (trabectedin, ET-743) as a 24-h continuous intravenous infusion in pretreated advanced breast cancer

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    Yondelis® (trabectedin, ET-743) is a novel marine-derived anticancer compound found in the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata. It is currently under phase II/III development in breast cancer, hormone refractory prostate cancer, sarcomas and ovarian cancer. Activity in breast cancer experimental models has been reported, and preliminary evidence of activity in this setting during the phase I programme has also been observed. The present study assessed the activity and feasibility of trabectedin in women with advanced breast cancer previously treated with conventional therapies. Patients with advanced disease previously treated with at least one but not more than two regimens that included taxanes or anthracyclines as palliative therapy were eligible. Trabectedin 1.5 mg m−2 was administered as a 24-h continuous infusion every 3 weeks. Patients were kept on therapy until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or patient refusal. Twenty-seven patients were included between April 1999 and September 2000. Their median age was 54 years (range: 36–67) and 63% of them had two metastatic sites. Twenty-two patients were performance status 1. All patients had previously received anthracyclines, and 23 out of 27 patients had received taxanes. Of 21 patients with measurable disease, three confirmed partial responses, one unconfirmed partial response and two minor responses (49 and 32% tumour shrinkage) were observed; six patients had stable disease. Median survival was 10 months (95% confidence interval: 4.88–15.18). Transient and noncumulative transaminitis was observed in most of the patients. The pharmacokinetic profile of trabectedin in this patient's population is in line with the overall data available with this schedule. The policy of dose adjustments based on the intercycle peaks of bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase appears to have a positive impact in the therapeutic index of trabectedin. Trabectedin can induce response and tumour control in previously treated advanced breast cancer, with manageable toxicity, thus warranting further development as a single agent or in combination regimens

    High grade angiosarcoma arising in fibroadenoma

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    Primary angiosarcoma of the breast is a rare tumour that account for fewer than 0.05% of all malignant mammary tumours. Angiosarcoma may have an perfidious clinical onset. Radiologic findings are often nonspecific and may appear completely normal in one-third of cases with primary angiosarcoma. The prognosis is usually poor because of the high rates of local recurrence and early development of metastases. Aggressive surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment. The role of adjuvant therapy has not yet been well established

    Combination protein biomarkers predict multiple sclerosis diagnosis and outcomes

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    Establishing biomarkers to predict multiple sclerosis diagnosis and prognosis has been challenging using a single biomarker approach. We hypothesised that a combination of biomarkers would increase the accuracy of prediction models to differentiate multiple sclerosis from other neurological disorders and enhance prognostication for people with multiple sclerosis. We measured 24 fluid biomarkers in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of 77 people with multiple sclerosis and 80 people with other neurological disorders, using ELISA or Single Molecule Array assays. Primary outcomes were multiple sclerosis versus any other diagnosis, time to first relapse, and time to disability milestone (Expanded Disability Status Scale 6), adjusted for age and sex. Multivariate prediction models were calculated using the area under the curve value for diagnostic prediction, and concordance statistics (the percentage of each pair of events that are correctly ordered in time for each of the Cox regression models) for prognostic predictions. Predictions using combinations of biomarkers were considerably better than single biomarker predictions. The combination of cerebrospinal fluid [chitinase-3-like-1 + TNF-receptor-1 + CD27] and serum [osteopontin + MCP-1] had an area under the curve of 0.97 for diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, compared to the best discriminative single marker in blood (osteopontin: area under the curve 0.84) and in cerebrospinal fluid (chitinase-3-like-1 area under the curve 0.84). Prediction for time to next relapse was optimal with a combination of cerebrospinal fluid[vitamin D binding protein + Factor I + C1inhibitor] + serum[Factor B + Interleukin-4 + C1inhibitor] (concordance 0.80), and time to Expanded Disability Status Scale 6 with cerebrospinal fluid [C9 + Neurofilament-light] + serum[chitinase-3-like-1 + CCL27 + vitamin D binding protein + C1inhibitor] (concordance 0.98). A combination of fluid biomarkers has a higher accuracy to differentiate multiple sclerosis from other neurological disorders and significantly improved the prediction of the development of sustained disability in multiple sclerosis. Serum models rivalled those of cerebrospinal fluid, holding promise for a non-invasive approach. The utility of our biomarker models can only be established by robust validation in different and varied cohorts
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